People born under PISCES ascendant

    Extracted from full post

    People born under PISCES ascendant

    1.people born under this rising are descent .They like to gather knowledge .
    2.They have a kind of bold voice. They work hard to earn money .
    3.Their relationship with friends and relatives is loving .
    4. They don't have shyness .
    5.If it is boy's horoscope then they have many female friends .Similarly if it is girls horoscope they have many male friends.
    6. They don't forget to think about their education.
    7. They don't have positive opinion about rich people or high society people.
    8. Their life partners are talkative and intelligent.
    9. They desire to progress in life. Their courage is spontaneous.
    10.They give efforts for quick progress in life.
    11. They have descent and mature behavior. Decency matters for them.
    12. They desire for high achievements.
    13. They are ready for high investment.


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