
Taurus is one of the most wittiest sign of all the sign because sign falling at 2nd and 5th is ruled by Mercury. Not just by speech they are manipulative but they acquire knowledge with a lighting speed. Venus being prime ruler of their sign shows they would posses flare for art and creativity and finance and economics being their expertise.

How the Taurus is dealing with people is realized from 3rd and 7th house. The 3rd and 7th house are watery sign which suggest they are emotional when it comes to their people. Moon sign cancer falling at 3rd house shows emotional bonding with their people. Even though they may have people with strong emotional bond but still sign falling at 7th house is ruled by mars which suggest they hold good command over people. The sign falling at 12th and 7th is ruled by mars suggest its normal for them to face quarrels in relationships.

Now Except the general qualities of Taurus which most of the readers may know there are also 3 different types of qualities of Taurus which along with flare for art and creativity gives more additional characteristics.

1st type- The stage performer 

The first type of Taurus are lot more different than other two types of Taurus because this type of Taurus possess leadership qualities. When combined with their interest in art and creativity it shows they like to perform on stage, to be center of attraction, to be appreciated by all and to be loved by all. Their personality is mostly influenced by their Moms.

2nd Type- Emotional (loving and caring)

The second types of Taurus is emotional Taurus.The 1st and 3rd type of Taurus are more masculine where as 2nd type of Taurus is more emotional and often loves to help people and loves to make close friends.    

3rd type-Angry Taurus

Yes Taurus sign to some extent possess kind of high temperament. The 3rd type of Taurus is more aggressive than 1st type of Taurus. The 1st type of Taurus is confident and slightly egoist where as 3rd type of Taurus is aggressive as well as sexually aggressive.        



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