People born under AQUARIUS ascendant

    People born under AQUARIUS ascendant
    1. People born under this rising think a lot and remain in worries. They are deep thinker.
    2. They have descent and mature speech. They like to advise others. Most of the time they speak to advise others. They want to improve their communication skills.
    3. They are courageous.
    4. They are quick in creating friends. They want to help and protect their friends.
    5. They have loving parents. They love their parents.
    6. They are interested in learning things which can be learned within short period of time.
    7. They may suffer from cough and cold problem.
    8. They don't want to create enemies. They want peace.
    9. They get well educated and dominating life partner. Their life partners are from high society.
    10. They don't forget to think about their health.
    11. They always look for opportunities rather than taking risk.
    12. In life they also get opportunities for love affair .

    13. They are quick in their work. They are good in sports and martial arts.
    14. They don't want to achieve by wrong methods.
    15. Their spending of money to some extent is high.

    Extracted from full post


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