People born under ARIES ascendant

Extracted from full post

People born under ARIES ascendant 
  1. People born with this rising are courageous and are ready to take risk. They have superiority feeling.
  2. By speech they are polite. They want to speak sweet words.
  3. They are quick in creating friends and enemies.
  4. Their parents are soft by nature. People with Aries rising quarrels in their house for silly things.
  5. They desire for education. They are well known in the field of education.
  6. They have loving and good looking life partner.
  7. They don't need to struggle to maintain their respect. They get automatically .
  8. They think a lot before doing any work because they want to plan the things. They are great planner. They are good in long term planning .
  9. They desire for high achievement.
  10. They spend a lot but with good intention. They have proper idea where to spend their money.
  11. They are interested in giving charity.


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