people born under CAPRICORN ascendant

People born under CAPRICORN ascendant

1. People born under this rising are deep thinker . They think a lot .

2. These people also talk a lot .

3. They want descent friends. They don't like indecent people . They understand their friends very well and are ready to help them.

4. Sometimes they quarrel with their parents.

5. They are interested in learning art, Craft, painting, drawing, dancing etc. or such kind of things they like to learn.

6. They are quick in creating enemies but for short while .

7. They get soft nature life partner. Their life partners have calm mind.

8. These people have tendency to race with others . They like RACE.

9.In life they get number of opportunities suddenly.

10. They have sweet and loving behavior.

11. They know very well where to spend their money.They are good in spending money.

12. They are interested in charity.

Extracted from full post


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