Chandra Mangal Yog/ Mahalakshmi Yog

Chandra Mangal Yog/ Mahalakshmi Yog

Vedic Yog or coming together of more than one planet in a House is an extremely auspicious time period forecasting good luck and fortune for the native. The Chandra Mangal Yog/ Mahalakshmi Yog, as it is frequently known relates to the conjunction of Moon and Mars in the same house and assumes special significance for the power and status it heaps upon the native.

What is a Yog?
The basics of Astrology speak about 12 signs and 12 houses in a horoscope. Therefore the probability of the sign of Mars and Moon being in the same house at the same time is 1/12. In layman’s terms , the chances of both the Moon and the Mars coming together in the same house is one for every 12th person and spells an extremely fortunate turn of events for the native during this tenure.

Chandra Mangal Yog, is an extremely positive Yog, formed by the simultaneous existence of both Moon and Mars in the same house in the horoscope. Even if both the Moon and Mars cast aspect on each other, this particular Yog is formed. The native, under such an auspicious Yog is blessed with good fortune, success and name, fame and authority. This predicts an extremely fortunate turn of events if both of them meet in the 11th house of the native’s natal chart.

Further, it is to be noted that the span of Moon in a particular house is extremely short just for two and a half days while Mars stays there for month and a half. As such, both of them coinciding in the same house shall not last a period of more than two and a half days. But these are utopian examples. In real life, not every 12th person reaps the benefit of such a rare Yog, neither does the Moon nor Mars stay together even for an hour, let alone two and a half days.

In literal terms, this means that there are other pre-requisites that need to be fulfilled for the sublimation of these Yog, apart from the basic terminology.

Some instances of rare Yog, bless the native with extraordinary abilities and good stroke of fortune in whatever they dabble in. The kind of performance they deliver or the results they reap, present them as highly successful and impressive figures. The coming together of Moon and Mars in a birth chart bestows immense riches which is earned by dint of sheer talent and perseverance. The native under the influence of this Yog is rendered the magical quality of amassing disproportionate wealth.

What are the effects of the Chandra Mangal Yog?
The first and foremost effect is that the person earns the privilege of generating a huge amount of wealth and asset since Moon is the planet of happiness, mental strength and wealth and Mars imparts raw power and energy to work hard. Both of them work at a sub-conscious level to enhance the business acumen and physical zest of the native to work tirelessly towards achieving their goal. It influences the way the native affects people to make money out of business propositions. The result is his hard work and business sense yield prosperous results in his chosen line of work.

How will the Chandra – Mangal Yog work in your favour?
How this planetary combination will play in your birth chart and affect your life depends on the influence of Moon and Mars in your chart. Further, the running of the appropriate time period of the events will be determining when the Chandra Mangal combination will be felt in our lives and which period will be the most beneficial to reap the wealth amassing benefit of this Yog.

Beneficent Properties of the Chandra- Mangal Yog:
This Yog has been known to extend wealth amassing property to many people between the age of 27 till 35, so that by 35, the individual has managed to procure a fat bank balance, house, car and all comforts which he never imagined before this age. In short, it is a wealth generating Yog. However if Mars is weak in his planetary chart, the benefits are not felt. In that case he has to take the professional guidance of an expert astrologer to seek redressal.
This Yoga is known to infuse the native with tremendous confidence and will power. Such persons do laudably well in fields like army or security where his courage is acknowledged and given due appreciation. Fighting spirit and courage comes naturally to the native in this spell.
The native, in this phase is extremely blunt and forthcoming. Tact and diplomacy Is not his forte.
People in the auto industry, Pharma or sale of alcohol and those who deal in arms and ammunition also tend to benefit under the influence of this Yog.
If Mars is weak, then also the person may reap the benefits of this Yog through the efforts and blessings of his Mother or a Motherly figure.
Natives of this Yog are said to inherit the genes of their mother more than their father.

Malefic Properties of the Chandra Mangal Yog:

One malefic influence of this Yoga is that is Mars is extremely strong and the Moon weak, the person has an indifferent or callous attitude towards one’s mother and other relatives while at the same time he is an extremely loyal servant to his master.
Another is the person tends to become short tempered in most cases, especially if he is not receiving beneficent properties from the other planets.
The person under the influence of this Yog finds it difficult to maintain his composure and is given to rash and impulsive actions on account of over-exuberance.
Sometimes the native may fall into the trap of earning quick money through false and dishonest means
If Chandra Mangal Yog affects the lagna or 6th or 12th house, chances of an accident or health problems is greatly aggravated.

How the different Zodiac Signs are affected by the Chandra – Mangal Yog?
Leo, Capricorn, Libra, Pisces and Cancer ascendants tend to reap its maximum benefit from this Yog but they need to be wary of rivals.
Aries and Scorpio ascendants receive some auspicious and some not so auspicious results of this Yog.
Taurus, Sagittarius, Virgo and Aquarius need to be on their cautious foot as the coming together of Moon and Mars does not augur well for them.

Please note that the placement, aspects, functionality and importance of these two planets in an individual’s horoscope determines whether this Yog is yielding positive, negative or mixed results. Only a trained and reliable Astrologer can walk you through the necessary steps and guide you towards light.


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