Moon mahadasha with quick look to Antar dashas

Moon Mahadasha

The Moon in Indian Astrology is the purest planet referring to the heart / crux of all emotions / feelings and everything that make us human and feel loved and special on this planet. It represents the ‘Mother’’ or the ‘female principle’, the nurturing spirit. It is also the ruling deity of the element ‘water’ and presides over the waves of the sea, whose crest and trough is decided by the movement of the moon.
Lasting for 10 years in a person’ s life chart, this period augurs fortune, intellect, feelings, creativity, domestication and a period of general well-being. It stands for beauty and aesthetics along with delicacy and subtleness, which may at times be mistaken for fragility and weakness. Moon is the eternal muse and it gives creativity a boost and persons under its Mahadasha find themselves creatively inspired and charged.
Moon- Mahadasha is a period of well-being and positivity in which the planet ‘Moon’ according to Hindu astrology illuminates the house that is being controlled by the Moon, which is Cancer, along with its associated nakshatras like Rohini, Hasta and Shrava. It brings along with it wealth, domestic bliss and comfort but the moon is fickle-minded. It’s waxing and waning causes the ebb and flow of the tides of ocean and ups and downs of mood and temper. Due to its fast progression in the sky, it does not augur well for stability. The water signs like Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio are most affected by the ascendance and descendance of this planet.

Empathy towards other lesser beings, care and compassion are recognisable features of this duration.
One of its most identifiable effect is on the fertility of a person, especially if it occurs in child-bearing age. The birth of a daughter in the household cannot be ruled out.
Persons associated with the business of cloth market, management, politics, medical line and sweet shop, flowers , water, milk, agriculture benefit  the most in this phase.
Domestic life gets the maximum leverage and mother-child bond is further strengthened and receives positive impetus.
Love blossoms and the company of opposite sex provides mental peace and gratification.
The social standing and reputation of a person is favourably disposed as the ‘Moon Mahadasha’ makes the person very adept at public dealing.
The person emulates good habits and become pre-disposed to good karma in this phase, giving way to benevolence and generosity.
The mind is forever activated and vibrant and there is never a dull moment.
One may experience ‘ wanderlust ‘ and an insatiable urge to keep travelling and adding to one’s experience, in accordance with the guiding spirit of moon.
The prospect of Public appreciation, State honours and lauding from friends and families is extremely strong.
A person is well-disposed towards spirituality and awakening of the soul.


 A person may find himself prone to gastric ailments, cough and seasonal allergies in this particular phase. In a period of weak Moon Mahadasha urinary and venereal ailments may also cause suffering.
Since moon is the governing spirit of our mind and heart, mental ailments and affairs of the heart, causing distress is a distinct possibility.
Decision making ability is compromised on account of the fickle mature of the Moon Mahadasha.
At times of weak and adverse placement, it can make a person too complacent and lethargic and cause arguments and conflicts with loved ones, leading to domestic strife.

How to tackle adverse effects of Moon Mahadasha?

Lord Shiva adorns the quarter moon in his locks. Offering flowers and trifoliate leaf of wood apple tree (bel patra) to him, every Monday may appease the Moon. In severe cases, undergoing Rudrabhishek or invoking Lord Shiva through Mahamrityunjay Japp or Shiva Sahasranaam recitation may also rectify the situation.
Adorning pearl in person or donating pearl, silver, white items, milk, and white silk fabric may also placate the Moon God.

How does the Sub - planets / Antardashas respond to the Moon Mahadasha?

Different Antardashas respond in different ways and in varying degrees to the Moon Mahadasha, depending on their compatibility equation with the planet. A quick look :

Moon Mahadasha-Moon Antardasha: Wealth, affluence and respect comes naturally to a person in this phase along with wisdom, knowledge and an interest in spirituality and altruism. Creativity gets a major boost and happiness and comfort ensues. However things may backfire, if the planetary positions are not in favour.
Moon Mahadasha-Sun Antardasha: The cool and calm Moon and the aggressive and energetic Sun, coming together is a balanced combination offering wisdom, righteousness, high social standing, charming as well as influencing people in his circle. Even when caught off-guard, the enemies will not be able to lay a finger on him. His happiness would receive an impetus. However dangers can lurk during travel and threat can come in form of thieves, snakes and health issues which needs to be tackled.

Moon Mahadasha-Mars Antardasha: Mars, the more powerful planet of the two shall be the ruling spirit in this phase. Professionally the incumbent shall prosper and his self-confidence would be high in this phase with due support from friends and authorities but there would be a lot of hurdles in his path which may lead to financial loss. Hard work and determination is required to override the obstacles and conflict with relatives. Health issues and displacement from native land cannot be ruled out.

Moon Mahadasha-Rahu Antardasha: The Rahu would cause obstacles to be strewn in the path which would de-accelerate the progress of the individual, cause financial loss, mental agony, lack of faith, alienation from friends, augmentation of foes and a feeling of being caught in the middle of a house-fire. Spiritual quest may ignite in such a person and pilgrimage is a distinct possibility. At the end, however things would resolve and fall back into place.

Moon Mahadasha-Jupiter Antardasha: Jupiter being the God of wisdom and Moon, being the calm and peaceful one augurs a period of wellness and happiness. Enlightenment and wisdom shall ensue along with commensurate appreciation and rewards. Financial rewards, domestic bliss and social recognition shall come to the incumbent who would find himself learning new things and auspicious events shall unfold. The waning period, shall however be marked by problems and obstacles.

Moon Mahadasha-Saturn Antardasha: Though Saturn is oft considered to be fire- spouting, yet the fact remains that is a sort of purgatory, a necessary purification through fire before one can achieve one’s desires. Hurdles and obstacles in the form of apprehension of social disrepute, inadvertent delay in work, danger from fire and theft, conflicts, addiction, mental distress can come but overcoming them shall lead to success and growth.

Moon Mahadasha-Mercury Antardasha: The coming together of two soft and fragile planets who are otherwise beneficent signifies goodness, righteousness but riddled with a surfeit of emotions and sensitivity. Intellect and wisdom gets a major boost leading to success, peace, comfort and luxury. Appreciation from all quarters shall overflow and an inclination towards spiritual matters is possible. Health problems and suffering of loved ones remains on the radar.

Moon Mahadasha-Ketu Antardasha: This is one of the dangerous combinations since the disruption causing Ketu would dominate the softer hues of Moon and cause immense mental agony, distress and negativity. However family would still be a source of solace and comfort, even in this adverse phase and though enemies would abound and create friction, ultimately peace shall prevail. The tough times shall not last and overall there would be silver lining in the cloud.

Moon Mahadasha-Venus Antardasha: Immense wealth with least bit of effort is the signifying trend of this phase along with social repute and a luxurious lifestyle. Domestic bliss, love compatibility, materialistic pleasure, financial gains all good things will be part of this wonderful phase. However, some genetic problems may plague and the person might find himself displaced from foreign shores.


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