Fate Line

Fate Line


Fate Line on Hand

Fate / Destiny has a prime place of importance in Indian culture where fate plays as much of a crucial role in determining the course of our life as does actions. Fate line, is one of the major lines in Palmistry, which gives us a better insight about what destiny has in store for us in terms of marriage, career, education, name, fame, success and reputation. Since a strong and prominent Fate line is known to bestow good luck, it is frequently referred to as ‘Luck Line’, too.


Which is the Fate Line in our Hands?

The Fate line is the vertical line running from the centre of the palm at the bottom close to the wrist towards the middle finger. On account of its proximity to the Saturn finger, it is also called Saturn Line.

In some hand it may be clearly indicated as a long, prominent line. While on other hands it may be inconspicuous or be insignificant enough to warrant much attention.

• What does the Fate line represent?
The Fate line represents the person’s sincerity or stability to stick to one’s principles and passion in life. It signifies the person’s self-worth, commitment towards goals and tasks and accountability, all of which has a bearing on the ultimate success / failure quotient.

An absent Fate Line in either hand does not indicate a bleak destiny. It may however just indicate that the person is free-spirited and not be committed to anything in the long haul. A missing Fate line from Right Hand may indicate lack of seriousness in job/ career related matters while on the left hand it means that the frivolity extends to domestic matters / issues pertaining to the heart, too.

A short Fate Line, may also indicate diversion of focus and energies at frequent interval and delaying or shelving things, not adhering to a deadline.


Interpreting the Fate line in the Right Hand:

The Right Hand embodies our place in the outer world and work, job and career front.
A clear and conspicuous Fate line on the Right Hand shows dedication and determination to complete one’s commitments towards job. No obstacle can be a barrier for such a person who would be steadfast on his principles and meticulously ensure deadlines are met and quality results delivered. Workaholics fall in this category and they get their validation from the work they do. Success comes to them automatically but health needs to be taken care of.

Interpreting the Fate line in Left Hand:

The Left Hand embodies our feeling and our domestic relations within the family.
• A strong line of fate on the left hand shows a person is deeply committed to the family at the cost of all other concerns. Such a person puts across his family’s interest above everything else.

Interpretation of the Origin of Fate Line

If the origin of Fate line is fragmented or unclear, it reflects that the person had low self-confidence and is perhaps carrying the burden of it in adult life too.
Originates at Life Line: The person is full of vitality and is diligent in his work and can thus lead a comfortable life.
Originates at the Head Line: Fortune shall take a turn for the better after 35 years of age, with the awakening of wisdom and experience.
Originates at the Heart Line: Indicates late success in life, usually after 50 years of age. Instability shall rule your youth but with hard work and determination, fortune shall shine.
Originates from the Mount of Luna: Success is owed to inter-personal relation and a faithful partner.
Originates from Mount of Venus: Money matters are taken care of by inheritance from a rich relation or bequeathing of ancestral property.

Interpretation of the final positioning of Fate Line

Culminating at the Mount of Saturn: Signifies a successful career established without any support.
Culminating at the Mount of Jupiter: Indicates a good collection of power and reputation in the course of one’s career.
Culminating at the Mount of Mercury: Excel in business matters related to investment.
Culminating at the Heart Line: It means your success is sacrificed at the altar of love and your emotions are interfering with your career decisions.
In this case if the Fate Line cuts across the head line, then chances of success in business is high, post-marriage.
If the Fate Line does not cut across the Head line it may indicate good fortune in the youth but lack of foresight and saving may lead to consequent failure.
If the Fate Line starts from Mount of Venus and ends at the Heart Line, it may indicate success and affluence gained through marriage.
Culminating at the Head Line: It shows the bankruptcy of a successful career due to our own miscalculation or wrong decision.

Breaks in Fate Line

Depending on the position, it indicates a run of bad weather at that particular age whether be it childhood, youth or old age. If there is a break and a parallel line starts, it indicates a fresh beginning with an alternate career.

Intermittent Fate Line

It indicates lack of seriousness and commitment to a particular career.

Similarly Forks, Islands, Chains and Tridents also have their own significance in the formation of Fate Line.

It is imperative to remember at this juncture that one must take the advice of a learned and trusted Palmist in interpreting the lines of the Hand to their fullest potential since read in isolation they may never spill their complete secrets.






• A Rough Estimate of Time

If the average life span is expected to be around 75 years, the Fate line starts at the base of the wrist at an age of 5 since children below 5 years are considered to be eligible for reading their palms which are still in the process of formation. The Fate line meets the Head line at an age of 35 and the Heart Line at an age of 55. It reaches around 75 years when it touches the Mount of Mercury. This rough estimate gives us an idea how fate shall unfold for us at particular stages of life.

Please note that only a learned palmist can interpret correctly the nuances and fineness of the lines and draw accurate readings. Moreover, a Life line, read in isolation will never be able to provide much inference. It has to be read in accordance with the other lines to understand the overall context in which to interpret it.


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