What is pitra dosha

In accordance with the Vedic texts, one has to bear the fruits of bad karmas, lead by forefathers. According to the beliefs of the experts, pitra dosha is present in the horoscope of an individual in case the native does not do the pind daan and shradh and thus the dead forefathers punish the native. According to other beliefs, the deeds committed by the father of the person in his life may pass to the children, like the genetic diseases. It is referred to as pitra dosha.

What is pitra dosha

The ninth house in the birth chart of an individual is recognized to be the house of fortune, fate, ancestors, and father. A conjugation of Rahu and Sun in the house along with the combination of other planets lead to Pitra Dosha. It removes all the auspiciousness, good fortune, and peace from the house. If the pitra dosha is present in the horoscope of an individual, it indicates that the native has not done sufficient for the ancestors and thus they were not happy with him for different reasons. Pitra dosha is also considered to be the result as a family member has passed away owing to unnatural causes or the native has not offered respects to the souls of the ancestors. In accordance with the Hindu scriptures, a native can enjoy blessings for a peaceful and happy worldly life by satisfying the forefathers.

Effects of pitra dosha


If an individual has pitra dosha in their birth chart, the native may need to encounter worst results, with regards to the child matters. In case the person has pitra dosha in the horoscope, he may need to deal with a bunch of issues from kids. The person may give birth to a single child or may need to live without any children. There are chances that the child may need to face a bunch of health issues. Parents may need to suffer a lot owing to the wrong activities of the child. In case the native has pitra dosha, the parents may encounter a financial crisis. In spite of the hard work, the income is much less. At times, paying for basic needs also becomes challenging. The native may have never respected the elder members of the family owing to the harmful effects of pitra dosha. The person has shown dishonor to the elder member of the family. Owing to this, the person fails to maintain any sort of good relationship with his partner and there are troubles, and disturbances at home. In case mangalik dosha affects the native along with the pitra dosha, there is going to be guaranteed separation from the spouse.

How to understand if a person is having pitra dosha in the birth chart


In case you find any of the above-mentioned symptoms, it is a prerequisite to check the horoscope for the pitra dosha. In the beginning, it is essential to find the condition of the Sun planet in the birth chart. In case any malefic planet such as Saturn or Rahu aspects the Sun, pitra dosha prevails, as the Sun is considered to be the representative of astrology. It is also essential to find the condition of Planet Jupiter as Jupiter is recognized to be the teacher. In case malefic planets such as Saturn and Rahu has an effect on Jupiter, the native will always think bad. The person may not have sufficient respect for teachers and elders. You also need to take a look in the fifth and ninth house of the birth chart of the individual, as in the case, these houses are impacted by Saturn and Rahu, the person has pitra dosha in the horoscope.

Remedies for pitra dosha


In order to remove pitra dosha, the person needs to accomplish good deeds in his life. The good deeds, committed by a person, plays an indispensable role in reducing the effects of bad deeds, that is done by the forefathers of the person. In this manner, the soul finds peace, Even, the native will inspire the children and they will lead a good and pure lifestyle. This is beneficial in order to ensure that no further pitra dosha will be present in the horoscope of the future generation. The person can wear gems and go for matra plus in order to keep Jupiter and Sun really strong. The native should always be serving the elders and get their blessings.

The native can arrange Brahmin Bhoj in order to get rid of this dosha. They need to feed a specific number of Brahmins during the time and ensure that the blessings reach the departed ancestors. The brahmins should be offered sumptuous food, considering them as departed ancestors. They should be treated with respect and hospitality. In the end, they should be offered Dakshina. The native also needs to seek the blessings of the individual by touching their feet and showing respect.

In case the native is going to observe Pitru Paksha, the person may need to perform shraddha ceremony. He needs to invite a plethora of people and holy men for attending the grand feast. The feast is held for satisfying the unfulfilled desires of the departed souls and helping it on the way to the higher realms. As the native feed people, this helps them in getting liberation from the previous karma. The person may also feed beggars and cows during the time.

Tarpan is recognized to be the offering of water to sages, God, and the souls of the ancestors. Donation of water is considered to be above all good deeds, a person can perform in his lifetime. The individual should make sure to perform tarpan on the banks of the lake or river. Tarpan or water is offered with the use of fingertips.

In order to get rid of pitra dosha, it is essential to pacify the souls of the ancestors, thereby leading a healthier, prosperous and happier life. The soul of the deceased person should be offered salvation by doing Shradh Puja.


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