Venus in Vedic Astrology By Indranil Ray

Venus in Vedic Astrology
By Indranil Ray

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Venus is the second farthest planet from the Sun. It is the brightest thing in the sky besides the Sun and the Moon. It is visible to the bare human eyes in the sky. As seen from the Earth, Venus never gets more than 48 degrees away from the Sun. Venus takes 225 days to make one orbit around the Sun. Its average surface temperature is 452 °C and that makes it the hottest planet. Its average geocentric motion per day is 01°12'. Venus has no natural satellite of its own. Venus retrograde period is about 40 to 43 days. It retrogrades approximately every nineteen months.

As per the Vedic texts, it is also known by the name of Bhargava or Shukracharya. Venus is the guru of the demons. He can raise the dead, with the help of the Sanjivini Vidya. He is an expert in every form of learning. Venus has a medium well foster body, long hands, prominent shoulders, an open chest, and dark, short and curly hair. He is intelligent and spectacular. True to its name "Shukra", that means the "Pure One" or the "Bright One". Venus is really bright and magnetic. It is known to bless the natives under its influence. Venus is the son of the Rishi Bhrigu and his wife Puloma.

Astrologically, Venus rules the 2nd and the 7th Zodiac Signs. Venus is known as the cosmic poet, musician, artist and entertainer. Venus is considered as the planet which helps us to present a refined and more attractive side of our self to the external world. It is held as the second most auspicious planet after Jupiter. Venus also inspires us to start spreading love. That is why Venus is called "the relationships master". Under its influence, people also get admiration, attention from others. His ideology is "Full enjoyment with minimum effort". It would make to find alternative methods to do some task. Natives with a strong and a well-placed Venus in their birth charts are considered to be very fortunate. It is said that such natives acquire a good position and success without much struggle in life.

Gender of Venus is Feminine. Venus is the significator (karaka) of Potency and Desire. The relationship of Venus signifies the spouse. Planetary cabinet status is Minister or Royal Advisor. Venus is easy going in nature. The Water is governed by Venus. Primary quality (guna) of Venus is Rajo guna (domineering and zealous). Caste of the Venus is Brahmin. It is the natural benefic planet. The directional strength of Venus is in the 4th. The Directional weakness of Venus is in the Tenth House. The debilitation sign of Venus is in Virgo. Determent or weak sign of Venus is Aries. Venus's natural friends are Mercury and Saturn. Venus's natural enemies are the Sun and the Moon. Venus is neutral with Mars and Jupiter. Venus's Vimshottari Dasha period is 20 Years. During the Dasha of Venus, the person gets the opportunity, to get happiness and the presence of women. Nakshatras governed by Venus are Bharani, HYPERLINK ""Purva Phalguni and Purva Ashadha. Venus has only one aspect and it is towards the 7th place from the house it sits in. Venus is more powerful during the day time than night time.
Day of the week governed by Venus is Friday. Southeast direction is ruled by him. Season governed by Venus is spring season. Platinum and Silver metals governed by him whereas Gemstone governed by Venus is Diamond. Colors ruled by Venus are white and cream. Venus loves sour taste. Numbers as per Numerology governed by Venus is 6.
Positive key words for Venus are harmony, devotion, refinement, affection and responsiveness. Negative key words for Venus are laziness, coldness, and self-pity, apparent and playful nature. Venus also signifies the ability to appreciate art and beauty. Venus provides the interest. Venus does not signify the wealth or the inflow of money. But it signifies what we do with the money.

Now, when the houses are concerned Venus does well in all the houses but in the 9th house it’s not that good. Because, Venus is not happy with the laws of 9th house. The best houses for Venus are the 2nd, 4th and 7th houses. Though marriage is problematic if Venus is in 7th ("Karaka bhava o Nasaya" .Significator is the English of Karaka). Whichever house Venus sits, that house becomes pleasurable for the native. Thus the native will like to do things related to that house. For example if Venus is in the 10th house then the person will get pleasure from the working. He/she can also fall in love with their job or career.

Venus rules Taurus and Libra. Body part governed by Venus is the Pelvis and Reproductive organs. Venus helps to regulate the throat, thyroid and kidneys. Venus rules vitamin E and Copper. Venus also has dominion over half the circulatory system, the venous supply. Venus plays a part in diseases of the blood. Venus is also valuable in circulatory ailments, such as phlebitis, embolisms, thrombosis and dilation of the vessels of the arterial and venous systems. It keeps the body supplied with oxygen. Venus also governs loose muscle tone in the body. The disease related to throats and neck like vocal cords, tonsillitis, and diphtheria, laryngitis, swelling in the neck, mumps, and fungus infection of the mouth. It also causes urine and semen related problems. There can be a tendency to eat rich foods.

In a person's birth chart if Venus is very strong, then they are not interested in conflicts. Venus shows the wife in a man's chart and her behavior towards the husband. However, Venus not only shows the wife but the all the women that comes into a person’s life.

Venus governs all professions and career related to art, entertainment, beauty products, luxury, electronics and food items. Venus denotes all those related to acting, drama, film, music, dance, singing, drawings, painting, sculpture, photography, ornamenting, perfumery, decoration, jewelers, precious stones, luxury items, income-tax, revenue, finance department, bank officials, judge, barbers, hair stylists, wig maker, tailor, dressmaker, women's apparel, fancy goods dealers, hotels, restaurants, cooks, bars, ice cream, sugar, confectionary, dyes, petrol, fertilizer, plastic, marriage broker, registrar of marriages, tannery, hide, yarn, leather goods, tobacco, veterinary doctors, chemical and drugs manufacturers and dealers of automobiles and vehicles.

Venus strong persons are blessed with a very pleasant, attractive personality with sparkling eyes, sweet manners and pleasing speech, a taste for arts, music, dance and drama, great aesthetics, a wonderful dressing sense and style and ability to convince people. They have support from women, a beautiful house, wealth, excellent food, opportunities for enjoyment, various comforts and conveyances. A good fortune and many other auspicious and enviable things are waiting for Venus dominated people. However, conjunctions and aspects make the scenario more complex.
On the contrary, a negative or ill-placed or afflicted Venus denotes various problems and complications such as over-indulgence, skin problems, pimples, hair problems, dark-circles under the eyes, dryness on the cheeks, humiliation because of women or in front of women, unhappiness and dissatisfaction from spouse, a troubled married life, loss of social prestige, lack of love and affection from close ones and relatives, loss of money and wealth, attraction to women of poor character, selfishness, lack of proper civility in conduct and many other adverse aspects.
If Venus is in a weak position, because of an affliction from Rahu, Ketu or other malefics in your Chart, then you may also worship Goddess Durga. Recite the Durga Chalisa regularly. Try wearing white or pink coloured clothes on Friday. Offer red /pink roses or lotus flowers to Goddess Lakshmi and offer Kheer/Payasam to her. Give gifts to young girls on Fridays. Donate white articles, clothes and things to the poor. Wear a silver ring on your thumb. Install a Sri Yantra in your house, and place it on a white cloth. Worship it on every Friday. This will help to invite wealth and prosperity. Try not to hurt or misbehave with a woman. Always remember, hurting a woman weakening Venus. Offer gifts and white coloured sweets to the women in the family on Fridays may please Venus.


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