Introduction to Palmistry

Introduction to Palmistry

The age old science of Palmistry has its roots in Hindu astrology as part of the ‘Anga Vidya’ (Physiognomy) , invented by the sea God and hence named ‘Samudrika Shastra’ by Narada and Garga Muni. The ruling deity of this form of science is Lord Skanda. From the days of yore in ancient India and Greece, the hands holds the key to the past and the future. Napoleon once remarked that ‘the face may deceive but not the hand’, such was his implicit faith on this science.

‘Palmistry’, the art of unravelling the secrets that lies within its lines, grooves, shape, texture and nails provide rare and meaningful insight into our personalities and what the future holds in store for us. This comprehensive analysis shall reveal the significance of the three key lines the Head, Heart and Fate line and the lesser discussed line of Apollo which reveals our level of contentment with the status quo. It is amazing to know that decoding the signs of the hand could throw demystifying light on our personalities, relationships, career, money prospects, compatibility, health  and future milestones

How to determine which Hand to Read?
There has been intense debate between which hand should be read to accurately to analyse the future. Majority of the experts opine that right hand works for men and the left hand for women, the diagnosis behind it is that different hemispheres of the brain control different hands. So, while for men it is the left part of brain (the seat of logic and reasoning) which manoeuvers the right hand, for women it is the right part of brain (the seat of emotions and feelings) which regulates the left hand.
Moreover the right hand is associated with action and dynamism while the left hand is supposed to submissive and dependent, the traditional roles associated with each gender.
However, modern theory has belied it to a large extent and for children up to two years, both hands are to be given equal weightage. Moreover left hand holds the key to one’s latent desires and the right hand represent the possibility of those desires bearing fruit.

Modern day palmistry suggest that the focus should lie on the dominant hand for work related issues and for all other matters of the heart, the left hand should be taken into account. If the lines of the hand are too faint to decipher, perhaps certain key notes of our life need more emphasis.

Shape of the Hand

The shape of the hand itself holds the answer to the predominant traits of our personality:

Round Shape: Active, dynamic, result-oriented.

Square: Hard-working, Laborious and resolve problems rationally.

Rectangular: Creative, Inspirational, artistic.

Lines of the Hand:

Heart Line- Starting from the top of the hand the first is the Heart Line which starts between the Index and the Middle finger and ends near the little finger. It predicts the emotional reaction of a person to a situation.

Head Line – Starting from the edge of the palm above the thumb and ending somewhere at the centre below the thumb reflects the level of understanding and wisdom of a person and how he is able to analyse and rationalize a situation and learn new things.

Life Line- To dispel a common myth, let me start by stating that life line nowhere predicts the life span of an individual, rather it tells us about the general health and well-being of an individual in the journey of life. The life line starts from the edge of the palm above the thumb to the wrist, in the form of an arch.

The other significant lines are the Sun Line, the Mercury Line, the Fate line, the Girdle of Venus which may be faint and hold keys to different aspect of life.

Mounts of the Hand

It is not only the shape and texture of your hand and the lines etched on it that determines your destiny but also the mounts have a significant role to play. Each of the mounts correspond to different planets and their shape our mental and emotional well-being:

Mount of Saturn – Located right below the middle finger, this shows the mental well-being of a person. If it is adequately elevated it show a responsible person whereas a flat mount reflects depression or social alienation.

Mount of Jupiter – Located right below the Index finger, it reflects the way we approach the world and the position we aim for ourselves. A rounded mount symbolises ambition whereas a flat mount reflects lack of confidence and insecurity.

Mount of Moon – Located at the bottom of the palm, below the little finger, it reflects an artistic bent of mind if rounded and a traditional, orthodox and conventional set-up, if flat.
Mount of Apollo – Located right below the ring finger it indicates self-assurance and compassionate nature.

Mount of Venus: Located right below the thumb, this indicates the level of love, aesthetics, passion, romanticism and feelings in a person. The rounder it is, the more the person is governed by his passions rather than his intellect.

Mount of Mercury: Located below the little finger, this one indicates wisdom, knowledge, and adaptability and communication skill. The more rounded it is the sharper the business acumen, flexibility and innate public relation skill.
Apart from these pre-dominant features of palmistry, the art takes into account the many tridents and crosses and barriers there are in the hand to come to a correct analysis of the person’s nature, personality and course of life in future.

However, it is of key note that palmistry is not for amateurs and cannot be grasped overnight by reading and imbibing the words of a book. It needs years of practice under a learned Guru and a truly informed palmist can alone put forth accurate predictions. He can not only show the negative traits but also suggest ways of overcoming them in the quest to lead a better life.


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