Nadi dosha

In Hindu religion, marriage contributes to being the purest form of relation for seven birth. One of the major doshas that seem to haunt the new relation is known to be Nadi dosh. Owing to this dosha, the progeny of the relation may get affected. Nadi is recognized to be an integral factor during horoscope matching for marriage. Nadi is recognized to be popular as it is an integral part of the tradition. It is believed to be valuable for maintaining the traditional and pious values. Nadi is known for holding genetic, cultural and spiritual significance. It contributes to being one of the crucial factors that determine inner trade, traditional values, and the nature of the future race. Nadi plays an effective role in order to indicate the pita, kaaph and vata nature of a person.

In accordance with the Ayurveda, three types of doshas can lead to the creation of imbalance in the health. As the doshas are imbalanced in the body, a person tends to be unhealthy. Nadi dosha occurs in case the Nadi of the groom is similar to that of the bridge. In case Nadi dosha is present, there are stronger chances that the couple is going to encounter hurdles to conceive. There are also chances of different complications in pregnancy during the nine months. It may also be possible that the nature of the child is frustrated, irritated, aggressive and filled with several bad habits. In most of the cases, there are chances that the children born from parents having Nadi dosha are mentally retarded.

What is Nadi dosha

Nadi dosha is known to be a serious imperfection and it may lead to a bundle of hurdles in the married life of the two partners. This dosha can be detected during the horoscope matching of the two partners for marriage. This dosha is believed to exist as the Nadi of the two proposed partners are really the same.

In accordance with Hindu or Vedic astrology, Nadi happens to be one of the eight broad Kootas or aspects that are analyzed in order to determine the suitability for the marriage. These eight kootas of kundli milan is known to bear a sum total of 36 gunas and points and nadi koota has got 8 points. These are the maximum points, that have been assigned to any of the eight kootas of horoscope matching. This showcases the importance of nadi koota in order to determine the match for a happy and successful married life.

The Kundli milan is known to be indispensable in order to check as well as analyze the physical, mental and financial compatibility of the proposed partners for the marriage. For a prosperous and happy marital life, it is essential that the nadis of the prospective partners are unique. There are also a plethora of astrological factors that are known to be influential for reducing the effect of this dosha.

Effects of nadi dosha


In accordance with the intensity of this dosha, couples can face a lot of severe consequences owing to this dosha. There are high chances of infertility during the time. Attraction and love seem to cease gradually between husband and wife. The partners may encounter health-related issues. There is going to be restlessness and disturbance in marital life. The children may be mentally retarded or physically challenged. In accordance with the Vedic astrology, the Nadi dosha may lead to the creation of distance between them. The different nadis, on the other hand, establish attraction and love between the partners.

Remedies to remove Nadi Dasha


Thankfully, a lot of remedies are available in order to remove the Nadi dosha. Opting the prerequisite measures are useful in removing or canceling the Nadi dosha. The couples need to opt for remedial and corrective gemstones. They need to chant Mahamrityunjaya Matra for 1.25 lakhs number of times, under the guidance of a well-renowned astrologer. Organization of a grand Nadi Nivarana Puja is considered to be an effective remedy in order to get rid of this dosha. The couple needs to make donations of a cow, clothes, grain to needy and poor people and even to Brahmin families. They also need to opt for a lifestyle in order to maintain cooperation, peace, and generosity in their married life.

Exceptions in Nadi Dosha


There are certain exceptions where Nadi Dosha gets nullified even in case the bride and the bridegroom have the same nadis. In case the prospective bride and groom have the same Rashi but they have different Nakshatra, it is considered to be an exception to this dosha. In case the Nakshatra of the prospective partners are the same but their rashis are different, it is considered to be an exception to the dosha.

Cancellation of the Nadi dosha

There are a lot of ways in which Nadi dosha gets canceled. In case the boy and girl have different Janma Nakshatra but a similar sign, the dosha is canceled. In case both the partners have different charan but similar janma nakshatra, the dosha is known to be canceled. In accordance with the shastras, the doshas are categorized as per the castes, for instance, varna dosha for Kshatriya, Nadi dosha for Brahmana, Yoni dosha for the Shudra and Gana dosha for Vaishya. As per the Chintamani astrology, this dosha does not get validated in the presence of Ardra, Mrigshira, Rohini, Pushya, Kritika, Jyeshtha, Rewati, Shravan and Uttarabhadrapad nakshatras.

If both the prospective bride and groom have stronger ascendant, the dosha does not hold good. In case both have similar ascendant lord and ascent in a good position, the Nadi dosha is not going to cause any harm. In case both Venus is present in a powerful position in the horoscope of both the partners, this dosha cannot have a negative impact on the affection. Attachment and love will always be there between the partners. In case both the partners have Jupiter in the 7th house, the relationship is never going to break. In case the Venus, Jupiter, 7th house and lord of 5th house are present in good positions in the horoscope of both the partners, the Nadi dosha is not taken into consideration.


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