Gemstone wearing procedure

Gemstone Wearing Procedure

The rules of Astrology clearly indicate that the nine governing planets in the cosmos have a deep significance in the functioning of human life. Each planet has a particular beneficent traits which astrology seeks to enhance and certain negative traits which astrology seeks to undermine in a quest to improve the quality of human life.
The navratnas or the nine gemstones are in correspondence with the nine different planets and each of them carry certain characteristics in sync with the ascendant planet. However, in order to reap the benefit of each gemstone, it is imperative to have a thorough knowledge of the nature of each, along with the weight and quality, the day and metal with which it is best compatible and the finger on which it must be adorned and the ideal time and ritual of subscribing to each stone.
Gemstones have a magical healing power which enables humans to overcome insurmountable obstacles and reduce the potency of adversities. However each gemstone has a vibration which needs to be invoked before its charm can be set off. In order to draw out and extract the maximum benefit of each gemstone, it is necessary to follow a strict guideline and detailed ritual before each one of them can be activated and charged, to manifest its positive aura and ward off the negative.

The nine planets correspond to nine different gemstones which have the magical potion of drawing out the best of each planet and are termed as ‘navratanas’ or the ‘Nine Gems’.

Planet Sun: Sun is the imperial head, the supreme power, the source of all energy. It reigns on the top since it alone has the power to illuminate and energise the entire cosmos.
Such a powerful planet corresponds to the Ruby gemstone.

Ruby: This in accordance with its ascendant planet represents power, authority, respect, energy, and courage. Available in dark crimson shade to light pink hue.

Purpose: Usually recommended if ‘Sun’ is weak in the horoscope or to increase its beneficent presence.

Activation: The stone is kept immersed in a mix of honey, milk and water for 20-30 min to ward away all its negativity and invoke the Sun God by burning incense and reciting Surya mantra ‘Om Suryaya Namah’ to bless it before one can wear it in one’s person.

Minimum Weight: Cheap and bad stones spread negative aura. Hence, care must be taken to use the authentic stuff in weight ranging from 3 to 6 carats, depending on the need, as suggested by the astrologer.

Metal: Corresponds best in Gold or Copper.

Finger: Best worn on the Manik or ring finger of the right hand.
Most Favourable Day: Sunday, preferable during Shukla Dasha

Time: Between 5 a.m. to 6 a.m. (Brahm Muhurt)

Planet Moon: The seat of ‘maternal love’ and emotions of a person. The moon reflects calmness and composedness.
It corresponds to the pure white ‘Pearl ‘gemstone.

Pearl: This in accordance with its ascendant planet represents lifting the pall of depression and gloom and bringing positivity and building social repute. Available in different hues and shades of white to off-white to cream base.

Purpose: Usually recommended if ‘Moon’ is weak in the horoscope or to increase its beneficent presence.

Activation : The stone is to be immersed in a mix of Gangajal or Cow’s Milk for 10-20 min to ward away all its negativity and adorned after invoking the Moon God by reciting ‘Om Chandray Namah’ to activate it.

Minimum Weight: Cheap and bad stones spread negative aura. Hence, care must be taken to use the authentic stuff in weight ranging from not less than 5 carats, depending on the need, as suggested by the astrologer.
Metal: Corresponds best in Gold or Silver, preferable silver.

Finger: Best worn on the little finger of the right hand.

Most Favourable Day: Monday

Time: Morning Hours

3. Planet Mars: Mars is the hot headed, aggressive seat of power symbolising courage and self-determination as much as anger and ruthlessness.
It corresponds to the redness of the Red Coral / ‘Munga’.

Red Coral/ Munga: Found in the dredges of the sea in the depths of the coral reefs, from where it is extracted.

Purpose: The red coral has the potency to ward off ‘mangal dosh’ in one’s natal chart. It exudes harmony in married life and keeps diseases like stomach ailments, small pox, low energy level, acidity, at bay. It helps to intensify the positive aspects of Mars in one’s fate.

Activation : The stone is to be immersed in a mix of Gangajal or uncooked Cow’s Milk for 10-20 min to ward away all its negativity and adorned after invoking the Mars God by reciting the prescribed Mantra, ‘Om Amangaarkaynamah”

Minimum Weight: The stone best works its magic if it weighs between 5 to 9 carats and Italian coral is deemed the best antidote to the negativity of Mars.

Metal: Corresponds best in Gold or Silver or Copper.

Finger: Best worn on the ring finger of the right hand.

Most Favourable Day: Tuesday

Time: Between 11a.m. to 1 p.m.

4. Planet Mercury: Mercury is the planet of love and stands for humour, love, fun, commerce and fortune. A person whose ascendant planet is Mercury stands to benefit immensely if in possession of this particular stone, the ‘Emerald’.
As the very name suggests, it is green in colour. Also known as (Panna)

Emerald/Panna: This stone belongs to the beryl family and is known to enhance patience and tolerance in a person and exudes good will and harmonious domestic relationships.
Purpose: The Emerald helps to keep negativity at bay and promote wellness. It works like magic for those suffering from blood circulation and control diseases such as diarrhoea, asthma, ulcers and stammering. It relieves insomnia too.

Activation : The stone is to be immersed in a mix of Gangajal or raw Cow’s Milk for 10-20 min to ward away all its negativity and adorned after invoking the Mars God by reciting the prescribed Mantra, ‘Om Bubudhyay namah’
Minimum Weight: This stone best works its magic if it weighs between 3 to 6 carats and Zambian and Columbian emerald is highly effective.

Metal: Corresponds best in Gold or else Panchdhatu.

Finger: Best worn on the little finger of the right hand.

Most Favourable Day: Wednesday Morning

Time: Between 5 a.m. to 7 a.m.

5. Jupiter: Considered to be the ‘Guru’ or ‘Mentor’ of all planets, the seat of knowledge, wisdom and enlightenment. It has beneficial attributes and is known to bestow wealth, prosperity, knowledge and affluence to its patrons.
Such a majestic planet needs the royal Yellow Sapphire (Pokhraj) as its ruling stone.
Yellow Sapphire / Pokhraj: Known to shower its patrons with prosperity, wealth, success and good results in all endeavours, the yellow sapphire must only be adorned, if advised by a learned astrologer.

Purpose: If Jupiter is not in favour and if facing constant failures in spite of best efforts, then Yellow Sapphire comes to the rescue.
Activation : The stone is to be immersed in a mix of honey, Gangajal and raw Cow’s Milk for 10-20 min to activate it and by reciting the prescribed mantra ‘Om Brahmbrehaspatyay namah”
Minimum Weight: This stone is best effective, if it weighs between 3 to 6 carats

Metal: Corresponds best in Gold.

Finger: Best worn on the index finger of the right hand.

Most Favourable Day: Thursday Morning

Time: Between 5a.m. to 7 a.m.

6. Saturn: One of the most potent planets in the cosmos which can fling a person to the pinnacle of success, if favourable or dump him in a bottomless pit, if unfavourable.
Such a powerful planet needs the rare and valuable Blue Sapphire as its native Gemstone.
Blue Sapphire / Neelam: Depending on the suitability, the Blue Sapphire can either make its patron rich and successful overnight or destroy and bankrupt him in hours, hence due caution must be exercise before adorning it.

Purpose: To bring Lord Shani in favour and seek his blessing.

Activation: The stone is to be immersed in a mix of Gangajal and raw Cow’s Milk for 10-20 min to activate it and by reciting the prescribed mantra ‘Om Shamshanishcharay namah”

Minimum Weight: This stone is best effective, if it weighs between 3 to 6 carats. Blue Ceylon is the most revered of all Sapphires.

Metal: Corresponds best in Gold / Panch dhatu.

Finger: Best worn on the middle finger of the right hand.

Most Favourable Day: Saturday Morning

Time: Between 5a.m. to 7 a.m.

7. Venus: The closest planet to Earth symbolises love, ethics, bravery, respect, divinity and honesty.
The transparency of its attributes makes the Heera / Diamond best suited to be its ruling stone.
Diamond/ Heera: The rare and precious diamonds symbolises love, eternity, permanence, luxury and honesty.

Purpose: It is known to bring happiness and harmony in conjugal life.

Activation: The stone is to be immersed in Gangajal / raw Cow’s Milk for 10-20 min to activate it and by reciting the prescribed mantra ‘Om Shukradevay namah”

Minimum Weight: This stone, which is exorbitantly priced is best effective, if it weighs between 0.4 to 1 carat.

Metal: Corresponds best in Gold / Silver.

Finger: Best worn on the small/middle finger of the right hand.

Most Favourable Day: Friday Morning

Time: Between 5a.m. to 7 a.m.

9. Rahu: The mythical planet with top node of the moon and the bottom node of a snake has a strong and powerful impact, mostly negative on human life.
The delaying tactics of Rahu is best combatted by wearing the Hessonite gemstone / Gomed.
Hessonite Gemstone/ Gomed: It is known for removing negativity and enemity and promoting good health, wealth and affluence.

Purpose: It is mostly worn to offset the negative influences of Rahu.

Activation: The stone is to be immersed in a concoction of honey, Gangajal and raw Cow’s Milk for 10-20 min to activate it and by reciting the prescribed mantra ‘Om RamRahve namah”
Minimum Weight: Must be at least between 3 to 6 carats.

Metal: Corresponds best in Silver.

Finger: Best worn on the middle finger of the right hand.

Most Favourable Day: Saturday Morning

Time: Between 5a.m. to 7 a.m.

8. Ketu: The mythical planet with south node of the moon and the top node of a snake has a strong and powerful impact on human life and symbolises mental well-being, health, happiness and spirituality.
For those who wish to rectify the position of Ketu in their chart, the Cat’s Eye stone / Lehsuniya is recommended.
Cat’s Eye stone / Lehsuniya: It is known to protect from loss of social repute, name, fame and honour.

Purpose: It is mostly worn to offset the influence of a weak Ketu.

Activation: The stone is to be immersed in a concoction of honey, Gangajal and raw Cow’s Milk for 10-20 min to activate it and by reciting the prescribed mantra ‘Om Kemketve namah”

Minimum Weight: Must be at least between 3 to 6 carats.

Metal: Corresponds best in Silver.

Finger: Best worn on the middle finger of the right hand.

Most Favourable Day: Tuesday Morning

Time: Between 5a.m. to 7 a.m.

Also it is to be noted that all these gemstones cast their beneficent spell, if worn during the Shukla Paksh days of the month and must only be worn, in congruence with the advice of a learned astrologer, who can best interpret the birth chart and make necessary deductions.


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