Saturn in Vedic Astrology by indranil ray

Saturn in Vedic Astrology
By Indranil Ray
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                                                   Saturn is seldom properly understood. In Vedic system it has been consider of grief and complication. It develops our suffering. Saturn’s placement in the charts may be the effective case of suffering. Though we may fear Saturn’s malefic effects, such experiences form only a part of the real image. Saturn remains in one sign for about 30 months. Saturn’s movement is the slowest. Of course Saturn’s transit is experienced in a different way by different people.
                                                   Saturn is described as the son of the Sun. The Sun is the creator of light, and Chhaya (is the queen of the Sun, the King of Planets) is indicator of darkness. Saturn share of the noticeable physical characteristics of his mother and remains dark. The darkness of Saturn is nothing but harden the light. Old is crushed by Saturn’s flatten grip. It then given a novel life. All scientists, inventors, explorers, religious leaders, social reformers, achieved their goals by the elegance of this planet. Without the help of Saturn, one cannot become an academic.
                                                   Saturn, the “Planet of Destiny” is deeply associated with prarabdha karma. It is thought to be the most sensible dispenser of the consequences of our past actions. Saturn is also called the “Planet of Authentic”. It is concerned with justice. It creates sorrow and suffering to teach the person, the real truth of life. The more a person suffers, the more he learns. It gives gradual progress and equally gradual deterioration when it makes people suffer.
                                                   Saturn is also a planet of modesty and service. It is not egotistical. Instead, it works in seclusion, performing one’s work in life calmly. Saturn gives tenacity and perseverance. Because Saturn is concerned with responsibility. It brings the profession in front position. Saturn’s transits reveal the timing of career changes and recognition.
                                                   It is said his physical structure is lean. He is tall and hairy. He has   long nails and sharp eyes. He is eunuch. His element is the wind. He is lord of the 36th year. He rules over the 10th and 11th signs of the zodiac, known as Capricorn and Aquarius. His Mool Trikona (his best position in his own signs) is Aquarius up to 20°. He is exalted in Libra upto 20° and debilitated in Aries. In any horoscope, Saturn in Capricorn, Aquarius or Libra in the 1st house gives good characteristics, health, wealth and leadership depending on Mahadasha and Anterdasha. Venus is the intimate friend of Saturn. So this becomes very powerful in the horoscopes of Saturn and Taurus lagans. With respect to Saturn, death, insult, poverty and chronic diseases are designed. In any horoscope, the house’s lord opposite sign is debilited to that house lord. That is why Capricorn and Aquarius, the signs opposite to Cancer and Leo, which are debilitation houses of Saturn. Capricorn has perhaps the most potential for self-absorption. It makes the native realistic, determined, productive, and pitiless. Being an earthy sign, his major worry about success. Aquarius is the most philosophical sign. It makes the native a deep thinker, and sympathetic. Being an airy sign, his main interest in the upliftment of human society. Saturn’s natural friends are Venus and Mercury. His natural enemies are the Sun, Moon and Mars. Jupiter is neutral. Saturn aspects the 7th house from itself like others. It has a special aspect on the 3rd and 10th houses from itself. Saturn, when favorable functionally, becomes shubha karaka (indicator) for longevity, justice, democratic ideals, philosophical truths, all round prosperity, position, careful speech, responsibility towards man and God, meditation, patience,  economy, diplomacy, truth, concentration and health. Powerful Saturn in his period gives the native great courage to do hard and difficult jobs. If he receives any benefic aspect, especially of strong Jupiter, Saturn will act quite on the positive side.
Saturn’s direction is west. Its colour is Blue and constellations are Pushya, Anuradha, and Uttar Bhadra pada. Its Vimshottari Mahadasha period is for 19 years.
                                                   Saturn is privileged to be Yoga for Libra and Taurus ascendants by owning a Kendra and a Trikona. Strong and unafflicted Saturn in such a capacity is expected to confer financial propensity, fame, and political success. The only problem is that when a Yoga Karaka is weak or afflicted, the native suffers.
                                                   If Saturn and other malefics are located in the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th houses in a horoscope, a Raja Yoga occurs. It brings royal nobility and power. While discussing the matter of Saturn’s influence it is seen that we are reminded two kinds of results. One is positive and other is negative. For instance, Saturn in the 2nd or the 7th house is good for popularity and fame, but at the same time it may cause a lack of family comfort, conjugal dissonance and monetary damage. Weak and badly placed Saturn gives fear of custody, lack of bravery, lethargy, heavy losses in business, missed chance by lack of watchfulness, scandal etc. Because Saturn is the planet of democracy, all elected leaders draw strength from the position of Saturn in their chart. Generally, servants, elder and old people are depicted by Saturn. Its precious stone is Blue Sapphire.                               
                                                   The transit of Saturn over planets, particularly the planets whose Dasa and Antara are presently running, delays the results likely to be exhibited by them. The transit of natural malefics like the Sun, Mars, Rahu and Ketu over natal Saturn is decidedly a time of great suffering. Saturn is the chief planet in producing diseases. He is also the karaka of the 6th, 8th and 12th houses, which are connected with short or long ailments and hospitalization.
                                                   The parts of the human body governed by Saturn are the left ear, joints, spleen, teeth, and knees, the lower portion of the legs, hair, nails and the gastric nerve. When Saturn is weak and afflicted by the Sun, Mars, Rahu or Ketu, the native is likely to suffer through some of these parts. Saturn’s diseases are pneumatic pain, injury in legs and long diseases.
                                                  Since it is Saturn’s essential purpose to temper the soul, it attacks our feeble points, pouring us to maturity. So Saturn offers mental power and endurance to undergo. It gives third eyesight to make the journey. 


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