Life Line on Hand

Life Line on Hand

The Life line is one of the three most major lines in the palms of our hand which has a bearing on our destiny. The other two being the Head and the Heart Line. To dispel the most common myth, the Life line does not tell us so much about the longevity of the person as it does about the direction his life shall take and the associated health, physical and emotional well-being. However, down the years the myth has been perpetuated so many times, that it has almost come to represent that the length of the life line has become the determinant of one’s life-span, when it is clearly not so.

Which is the Life Line in our Hands?

The Life line starts in between the thumb and the index finger and forms a downward arch to reach towards the wrist.
Which Hand to take up for Reading?

The Right Hand deals with the present scenario while the Left deals with the inherent characteristics, for a dominant Right handed person and vice versa.

What does the Life line represent?

The Life line represent the person life energy and vitality required to tackle things. It also reflects the major turning points of one’s life including transfers, physical injuries and catastrophic events. The trials, tribulations, failures and successes are also reflected by the markings on the line.

The stronger and more free flowing the line is, the more vigour we have to deal with the complexities of life. The numerous island, criss-cross, gaps signify landmark events which leave an indelible print on our mind and heart.

Interpreting the Life line:

Long and deep Line: This indicates tremendous vitality and good health of a well-rounded individual.
Shorter / Shallower Life line: Indicates a low drive or life energy required to handle life. In such a case, a person is rarely self-motivated and needs to be urged by external sources to forge ahead. It may also signify that other people are controlling one’s life.
Deep and Profound Line: Indicates a smooth, meaningful life journey.
Faint and indecipherable line: Low vitality and poor health.
Broken Life line: Such people have a tendency to jump from one challenge to next without pausing to reflect on the learnings of the last experience. They are usually impulsive and rash in nature. It may also indicate accidents, ill health or problems that cause major setback.
Chained Structure: Prone to health or emotional problems which might deviate you from the life path and take you in other direction.
Double Life Line: If there is a line running parallel or con-current to the main Life line, it symbolises energy from some external source or loved ones (a twin/ a soul mate / a strong mother) who impact their life energy and make the person super confident.
Merging of Life line and Fate Line: At times, it is seen that the Life Line replaces the Fate line. This stands for those people who are by nature extreme workaholic or single – minded in the pursuance of their career and ambition and give no importance to larger life goals.
A Messy Life Line- A disturbed Life line reflects too many obstacles and a stubborn and aggressive nature which does not bode well in life.
Interruption in Life line: If there is a break in Life line, it symbolises the turning of tide. So after each turn of good fortune, shall come a time for despair but hope that ‘this too shall pass’ persists.
A Fork at the beginning of the Life Line: Depending on the position, may mean different things. If two lines merge into one at the beginning of Life line, especially if one of those lines start from the Mount of moon, it stands for artistic energy and creativity. Women, who possess that are likely to marry into good fortune.
Generally any fork stands for a major change in life direction
No Life Line: It does not augur death / demise, rather a period of nervous energy, without resulting in anything positive.
Branched Line: Upward tilting branches indicate success and achievement while downward tilting braches indicate poor health, emotional disorders, financial setbacks etc. Similarly, lines or off-shoots which slope upwards show bouncing back ability from setbacks while the downward sloping ones show wasteful energy.
A Straight Life line: A much too straight Life line, too close to the thumb indicate a cautious nature and a life lived from the side-lines, without actually diving into its abyss. Such persons are usually very cautious in matters of heart.
Position of the Life Line: If it is too close to the thumb, it signals low energy while too rounded means immense life energy.
Gap in Life line: If there is a gap in the beginning between the Head and the Life line, it indicates a free-spirit and an innovative mind set. However, too much of it can make one insensitive in close relationships.

Apart from the shape and structure of the main Life line, the important markings have also got a prominent role to play. The Palmistry markings which are made up of breaks , chains, crosses, grilles, dots, islands, squares, stars , tassels, transverse lines, triangles, tridents, off-shoot lines all are indicative of major transformations, either positive or negative, depending on their position . They also cause an over-flow or sluggishness of life energy in those particular aspects.


A Rough Estimate of Time

If the average life span is expected to be around 80 years, the hand can be divided in two parts with the first half symbolising the first 40 years and the second half symbolising the next 40 years. Further dividing them into 20 year blocks one may assume childhood, early adulthood, youth, later half of youth, middle age, early old age, later half of old age and so on. Such bifurcation will give us a general idea of when a particular event shall take place in our life.

Please note that only a learned palmist can interpret correctly the nuances and fineness of the lines and draw accurate readings. Moreover, a Life line, read in isolation will never be able to provide much inference. It has to be read in accordance with the other lines to understand the overall context in which to interpret it.


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