Marriage Line on Hand

Marriage Line on Hand

Birth, death and marriage are the three cornerstones of our life and since our birth, apart from the inevitability of death, if there is one topic that draws maximum thought and attention, it is the topic of marriage. The speculation as to not only when it will happen, but with whom and to what outcome n , whether one shall find happiness or gloom in that sacred institution is a matter of intense discussion and scrutiny.

Marriages are made in heaven and consummated on earth and between this heaven and earth lies the innate urge of human beings to know about the depth and nuances of the future. Palmistry, the ancient science of deciphering the lines of the hand, which might throw light and predict the course of the future, has an interesting take on this subject.

Thought the Head line, Heart line and Life line are the major lines warranting attention in this field, there are numerous other mounts and faint lines, which are of grave consequence to the rightly informed Palmist. Though Palmistry never claims to be an accurate science yet it is an undeniable truth that in the hands of a learned palmist, the readings can be considerably accurate.


Where is the Marriage Line Placed?

The Marriage line or Relationship Line is situated right below the little finger, on the side of our palm, just above the heart line. Though not very prominent, in most cases, the same can be seen quite clearly. The most prominent of the lines is used for analysing the marriage pattern of the individual. It is not only the Marriage line but the various forks, chains, islands and numbers of the lines which reveal different facets of the relationship pattern of a human being.


Significance of the line of Marriage
The frequency of the lines are in direct proportion to the number of serious relationships or marriages, one would have in the course of one’s lifetime. The lines of marriage do not only indicate about the outcome of marriage but tell a lot about the person’s one nature and attitude towards love and marital union and also about the spouse’s health and general outlook towards life.


Age of Marriage

If the lines are too closely drawn towards the Heart Line, the person is indicated to marry at an early age and late in life, if it is towards the little finger.


Children / Offsprings from Marriage

In case there are faint line/ s reaching toward the Marriage line but not crossing it, they stand for children which shall ensue from that marriage. The number of such lines is said to indicate the number of offs-springs, one is likely to have.


Different Interpretations of the Marriage Lines based on various parameters

If the Marriage Line has an upward Curvature: This indicates a happy marriage in which love shall rule. In some cases, it may also mean that the person shall outlive his / her partner.
If the Marriage Line has a downward Curvature: This indicates an unhappy relationship or not so fortunate marriage in which there will be more problems than joy. It could also signify that the partner’s demise shall precede yours.
A Long and Straight Marriage Line: Indicates a happy and stable relationship.
A Short Marriage Lin : Indicates lack of love and passion in the Marriage. Also a remote chance of falling in love and probability of getting married, late in life.
Faint Marriage Lines: Relationships which do not culminate in marriage and can be termed as passing flings.
Intersecting the Heart Line: This means love and marriage thoughts do not reconcile in your life.
A long Marriage line which reaches till the Mount of Sun below Ring Finger: Indicates that the spouse shall be rich or shall amass a lot of riches, post marriage.
Multiple short Marriage lines: Tendency towards falling for one-sided love.
Criss-Cross of Lines: Conflicts shall ensue on account of irresponsible attitude in love.
Split End or Fork at the end: The marriage has all the probability of ending in divorce or separation.
Fork at the Beginning: Indicates a long drawn engagement period.
A split or a fork with another line extending: Signifies a re-marriage / re-igniting of relationship with an ex-partner.
Two line Merging: Delay or problem in love and marriage.
Vertical Lines above Marriage Line: a high sexual drive.
Gaps/ Islands in Marriage line: Forbidden romance, incest or sexually taboo relationships are predicted. May also indicate frequent conflicts, quarrels and grave disagreements with the spousal partner.
Fragmented Marriage Line: Disputes and disagreements shall make the marital relations distinctly unpleasant and may even lead to temporary separation / isolation, if not in total divorce.
No Marriage Line: Low Sexual drive or inclination towards celibacy.
Dual/ Multiple Marriage Lines: It may indicate more than one profoundly intense relationship or more than one marriage, the veracity of which can be determined only by the depth and prominence of the line. The chances of being married more than once, only happens if there are two equally prominent lines of varying length in the palm.
Deep cross, blemish or mole on the marriage Line: Is not an auspicious indication and may signify misfortunate marriage, a scandal or even a divorce.
Wavy Marriage Line: Too many ups and downs show abnormal sexual streaks and a marriage which is likely to break up in the Middle Age.
Overlapping Lines: If the lines go overboard each other, it signifies a less than ideal marriage or relationship in which either you or your partner is not able to come up to the expectations.
Chained structure in Marriage Line: Indicates marriage to a miscreant or a person of devious tendency which shall be the cause for misfortune in your marriage.
Short lines running parallel to Marriage line: Indicates stubbornness in character, frail physical health and a discordant marital relation.


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