Jupiter mahadasha and your Ascendant

Impact of Jupiter Mahadasha for Various Ascendants or Lagna

Jupiter Mahadasha is believed to be bring with it positivity and prosperity in a person’s life as Jupiter is the extremely beneficial planet in astrology. A person under the influence of Jupiter Mahadasha is bestowed with all success, happiness, luck, inner strength, peace and prosperity. However, according to Vedic astrology experts, not all are fortunate enough to be bestowed with only positivity during Jupiter Mahadasha. The positive impact depends on the place of the person’s Jupiter in the horoscope chart and according to ascendant or Lagna.

Jupiter Mahadasha and Ascendants

Ascendant is the degree on the Easter horizon at the individual’s time, date and place of birth. The sign is located in the first house of your birth chart, also known as the rising sign or Lagna. The results of Jupiter Mahadasha vary depending on the ascendant.

Jupiter Mahadasha for Aries Ascendant or Mesh Lagna

For people born in Aries Ascendant or Mesha Lagna, Jupiter vimsottari dasa give favorable results. So the person in Jupiter Mahadasha with Mesh Lagna will experience outstanding achievements in life, reach success, attain name, fame, wealth, will be blessed with children, get involved in spiritual and welfare works. The person will achieve a respectable position in society, his or her financial position will improve, will have a good family life, along with achieving ancestral properties. Such positive results will be seen in Jupiter Mahadasha for Aries Ascendants.

Jupiter Mahadasha for Taurus Ascendant or Vrishabh Lagna

The period of Jupiter Vimshottari will not be a favorable unless the planet Jupiter is positioned in an auspicious house. With Taurus Ascendant or Vrishabh Lagna, Jupiter is the lord of 8th house and 11th house and hence not beneficial to the native. Though position in society or job will remain stable, it will be lower than expected. Financial condition will not be satisfactory. There will be problem in professional achievement, promotions and employee benefits. There will be unnecessary travels, expenses etc.

Jupiter Mahadasha for Gemini Ascendant or Mithun Lagna

With Gemini ascendant or Mithun Lagna, the planet Jupiter is the lord of the 7th house and 10th house.  As a lord of both the Kendras, Jupiter dasha will give mostly disappointing results on Gemini.

Jupiter Mahadasha for Cancer Ascendant or Kark Lagna

The Jupiter Mahadasha for the person born with Cancer ascendant or Kark Lagna has mixed results. Here, the planet is the lord of the 6th house (which is a house of disease and debt) and 9th house (which is house of luck and higher learning). So, Jupiter Mahadasha will bring about fate and fortune, name and fame, long journeys, higher studies and interest in philosophical views. But at the same time, the native can suffer from losses, may get into debts, and even get into accidents.

Jupiter Mahadasha for Leo Ascendant or Sinha Lagna

With Leo Ascendant or Sinha Lagna, the Jupiter Mahadasha is favorable for the native, with minor setbacks. Here, the planet is the lord of the 5th and 8th house. As a lord of 5th house, the person will have positive results like as happiness, prosperity, children, improvement in lifestyle, higher education, recognition of skill and talent, strengthening of financial position and travelling to overseas destination. However, the native might suffer from health issues or children’s behavior will cause stress or there will be issues with spouse and in-laws.

Jupiter Mahadasha for Virgo Ascendant or Kanya Lagna

Jupiter Mahadasha is not a favorable one for person born with Virgo Ascendant or Kanya Lagna. Here, Jupiter is in the 4th and 7th house. Some negative results during this period are disturbance in marital life, losing position and working under a junior or inferior person, losing career opportunities, weak financial position, and so on. However, due to negative impact, the native will be more inclined towards spirituality, God, philosophical ideas, guru in search of solace and relief.

Jupiter Mahadasha for Libra Ascendant or Tula Lagna

For persons with Libra Ascendant or Tula Lagna, Jupiter Mahadasha will not be favorable as the planet is the lord of 3rd and 6th house, which are house of diseases, debts and enemy. There will be problems like discord in marital life, divorces, insult, health problems etc. However, it can bring positive result during Jupiter’s positioning in its own and exalted sign. Some positive results will be good health, happiness, losing enemies, small travels, and increase in spiritual development.

Jupiter Mahadasha for Scorpio Ascendant or Vrishchik Lagna

Jupiter Vimsottari Mahadasha is quite favorable for the Scorpio ascendant or Vrishchik Lagna. Here, the planet is the lord of the 2nd house and 5th house, the house of knowledge, higher education and versatility. You will attain professional success, there will be regular or constant income, marriage, growth in business, wealth, prosperity. This period is particularly more beneficial for astrologers. There is inclination towards occult science and spirituality.

Jupiter Mahadasha for Sagittarius Ascendant or Lagna

Here, Jupiter is the lord of the 4th house. The native has a beneficial Jupiter Mahadasha. You will do well in your profession, you will be recognized for your talent, knowledge and skill, there will be inclination towards spiritualism and devotional thinking, good health, wealth, peace and prosperity, maternal happiness etc. The only hitch is that the native might be defamed for some issues related to kids. Overall the period is good for the native.

Jupiter Mahadasha for Capricorn Ascendant or Makar Lagna

Here, Jupiter is the lord of the 3rd house and 12th house. The person born with Capricorn ascendant or Makar Lagna does not face a beneficial period during Jupiter Mahadasha. There will setbacks in education, loss of wealth, financial loss, health problem, enemies etc. You will be of help to many people but not for yourself.

Jupiter Mahadasha for Aquarius Ascendant or Kumbha Lagna

Here, Jupiter is the lord of the 2nd and 11th house for the person born with Aquarius ascendant or Kumbha Lagna. The period is favorable for the native during Jupiter Mahadasha. The person will become rich and prosperous, and when Jupiter is positioned in its own and exalted position, the results will be all the more better.

Jupiter Mahadasha for Pisces Ascendant or Meen Lagna

The Guru Mahadasha is an excellent period for the native with Pisces Ascendant or Meen Lagna. Here, Jupiter is the lord of the 10th house and the ascendant. The native will have a good professional career, have success in business, good earning opportunities. For students, this will be the best Mahadasha. However, there might be certain setbacks if the planet is not well placed and the person might face disturbances in personal life or be irritated in work.


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