Jupiter mahadasha

Jupiter Mahadasha: Positive and Negative Impact of Jupiter Mahadasha and Remedial Measures
The planet Jupiter, the largest planet on the solar system, also known as “Guru” or “Brihaspati” is considered to be one of the most extremely benefited planets and plays a significant role in Indian astrology. It is said that a person born with a strong Jupiter lives a life of happiness, prosperity and success with true wisdom and positive strength. Luck and fortune are always associated with the planet. Jupiter takes about about 12 years to circle the zodiac and it remains with one sign atleast a year. Jupiter rules both Pisces and Sagittarius, and the Ninth and Twelfth Houses.

Jupiter Mahadasha: A Brief Idea

Every planet has its own Mahadashas, affecting the person concerned in different ways at different times. The effects of any planet are based on their placement, conditions, phases and aspects in horoscopes and these differ from person to person. Astrologers say that when a person enters the Jupiter Mahadasha, it means you are coming under the influence of the “Vimshottari Jupiter Mahadasha”, also known as Guru Mahadasha, and this extends for a period of 16 years. When we talk about Jupiter Mahadasha, it implies a period of one of the most beneficial Mahadashas in one’s life. Or in simple terminology, you enter a (Maha = great and Dasha = state) great state in your life.

Positive Impact of Jupiter Mahadasha

Usually, the Jupiter Mahadasha always has a positive impact in one’s life, right from financial gains, lots of wealth, rise in social status, rise in power, increase in wisdom, inclination towards spirituality and so on. The positive impact of the Mahadasha is possible only when the planet Jupiter is well-placed in the person’s birth chart. If the person is exalted or placed in his own house or in friendly sign in 1st, 5th, 7th, 9th, or 11th house, the person under this Mahadasha will experience all the positive things in life.

Let us find out below the positive results of the Jupiter Mahadasha during its appearance in a person’s life.

If you are in position of authority or power, you can be more powerful during the 16 year period of Jupiter Mahadasha
There will be no obstacles in your business and your business will flourish
A student having the presence of Guru Mahadasha will definitely excel in his academics
Your status in the society rises
You get honors, rewards and recognition in your work or any activity of yours
This is the time when the person develops an interest in spirituality and has peace of mind.
Jupiter Mahadasha is the best period for religious functions and all kinds of auspicious occasions like marriage, pilgrimage, yajnas
This is also the best period for purchasing property, setting up a new house, buying cars
There is happiness and joy all around, especially at home, among all family members. There is improvement in all sorts of relations.
A person in Jupiter Mahadasha also gets connected with rich and prosperous people and also remain close to pious people and religious pursuits
The person achieves true knowledge and emerges wiser and intelligent
The person reaches great professional heights
People under the influence of this Mahadasha will attain respect and admiration from the surroundings and move towards a strong and dominant position.

Negative Impact of Jupiter Mahadasha

However, Jupiter Mahadasha also has its negative impact on the person as it brings with it financial crisis, health problems or defamation. Although, this Mahadasha is supposed to be the best phase in one’s life, you never know when Jupiter takes a negative turn and brings about a negative or bad planetary influence on the person. This is usually a rare situation but it happens when If Jupiter is ill placed or debilitated in the person’s birth chart.

Let us know here the negative impact of the Jupiter Mahadasha:

Sometimes, the person gets connected with people who will misguide him
His faith in spirituality and God reduces
Whatever he has accumulated over the years in terms of money and property and wealth will get lost
His savings reduce
The person will suffer from health problems like as obesity, diabetes, asthma, back pain, liver problems etc. and usually most of the diseases occur on account of his regular food intake
No senior or elderly person will bless him
For no fault of his, he might be defamed
The person might face problems related to banking, finance and insurance
His life is full of worries and tensions
There is sudden loss of social status and position
Death in the family
Lack of concentration and confidence
Overall, there will be misfortune or bad luck in the person’s life and so on.

How can you find out whether you are in a positive Jupiter Mahadasha?

Astrologer tries to locate the following in a person’s hand to find out whether he is in a positive Jupiter Mahadasha or not:
A line which goes upwards from the lifeline of your hand or
The Jupiter mount is slightly raised or
The Jupiter finger is straight and not bent sideways

How can you find out whether you are in a negative Jupiter Mahadasha?

If the Jupiter mount on your hand is flat
If you see crosses on the Jupiter mount
If the tip of the Jupiter finger is leaning towards the Saturn finger
All these are bad signs and point towards a negative Jupiter Mahadasha

Remedies for a Negative Jupiter Mahadasha

Though it is always better to get professional astrological consultation for effective remedies, however, a person under the influence of negative Jupiter Mahadasha can do the following as a remedial measure:

You can donate gram/chana dal, sugar, ghee, yellow cloth, yellow flowers, yellow sapphire, gold, turmeric, books, yellow fruits

You can do fasting on Thursdays

You can do rudra-abhishek

Wearing 5 rudraaksh is also helpful

Taking care of a cow

To be in the guidance of a Guru

All these can help in reducing the negative impact of the Jupiter Mahadasha.


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