How to make ketu positive

Ketu is recognized to be a malefic and shadow planet. The presence of this planet in the horoscope of a person can make his life miserable. It is said that Swarbhanu Asura took some of the Amrita during Samudra Manthan by deceit. Though Lord Vishnu chopped off his head, owing to the immortality, he never died. The tail part of the Asura came to be known as Ketu. It can lead to a bunch of problems both in the professional and personal life of an individual



Here are the remedies, you can opt for owing to the presence of Ketu in the birth chart of the individual:

Presence of Ketu in the first house 

In order to make Ketu positive, you should be feeding Gur or jaggery to the monkeys. Saffron should be applied as Tilak. In case the native finds that the children are in trouble, he should make donations of the white and black blanket to the temple.

Presence of Ketu in the 2nd house 

If the native makes a regular visit to the temples, and bows head, Ketu present in the second house in the individual is sure to give good results. One should maintain good character to get rid of Ketu. He should be applying tilak with saffron or turmeric.

Ketu in the 3rd house

In case Ketu is present in the third house of a person, the person should make sure to wear gold. He should be applying tilak with the aid of saffron. He should make an offering of jaggery or rice that is flowing in water in order to remove the malefic effect of this planet.

Ketu in the 4th house

If Ketu is present in the 4th house of the horoscope of a person, the native should make offerings of yellow things that are in the flowing water. He should be wearing silver in order to procure peace of mind. Keeping a dog is a great way to get rid of Ketu.

Ketu in the 5th house

In case Ketu is present in the horoscope of a person, he should be donating sugar and milk. The remedies of Jupiter are also going to be beneficial in this regard.

Ketu in the 6th house

To get rid of the malefic effects of Ketu, the native can keep a dog. A rod of gold should be heated and dipped into the milk after which the milk should be consumed. It plays an effective role in the restoration of mental peace, enhancing longevity. It is also a good remedy for the sons. The person should be wearing a ring, made of gold in the finger of the left hand.
Ketu in the 7th house

If Ketu is present in the 7th house of an individual, he should be using saffron as the Tilak. He should refrain from making any sort of false promises or abusive languages. He should not take pride in anything. In case the person is facing serious issues, he can make use of the remedies of Jupiter.

Ketu in the 8th house

If the native has Ketu in the 8th house of his birth chart, he should be keeping a dog as a pet. He can also apply tilak with the aid of saffron. He should be wearing pieces of jewelry made of gold in the wear. He should be worshipping Lord Shiva. He should make sure to make donations of the blanket of white and black color to get rid of the malefic effects of Ketu.

Ketu in the 9th house

According to Vedic astrology, if an individual has Ketu in the 9th house of the birth chart, he should be keeping a dog. The person can wear gold jewelry in the ear. Establishing a piece of gold of rectangular shape at any place in the house is considered to be an effective remedy for Ketu. The person should show respect to elders and especially, father-in-law in order to nullify the harmful effects of Ketu.

Ketu in the 10th house

The remedies of Jupiter and Moon is considered to be an effective remedy for Ketu. The native should be avoiding adultery during the time. He should be keeping a dog. This is a prerequisite after the age of forty-eight years in order to reduce the malefic effects of Rahu. The person should be keeping a silver pot, filled with honey at home to nullify its effects.

Ketu in the 11th house

Wearing an emerald or onyx is known to be a really effective remedy in order to get rid of Ketu. According to astrologers, if a person keeps a black dog at home, he can get away from the harmful effects of Ketu.

Ketu in the 12th house

In case a person is having Ketu in their 12th house, a dog should be kept. He should make sure to maintain a good character. Worshipping Lord Ganesha is helpful in getting rid of the malefic effects of Ketu.

Other remedies

In order to make Ketu positive, the native can wear cats eye. It is however recommended to consult a learned astrologer prior to wearing cats eye. He should stay away from the rumors and make the best use of his own mind in order to make decisions. He should be distributing and donating spiritual books. He should respect and seek the blessings of grandparents. Making the maternal grandparents happy is a great option to make Ketu positive. The person should refrain from hitting dogs and take good care of them. If a person is suffering owing to the harmful effects of Ketu, he should be keeping fasting on Thursday. He should refrain from intaking any salt during the fasting for getting good results.


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