Sun mahadasha

Sun, is the most powerful orb of fire in the celestial hemisphere, occupying the supreme place of pride in the solar system amidst all other planets, emitting light and fire in the surrounding. It is the most potent source of energy which provides life and nourishment to all living beings but its intense heat within a close radius has the power to incinerate and perish anyone, who dare venture within its radius. It is the centre of universe and whoever is under its governing influence re-asserts his importance and claims his place in the centre stage of all activities. Immense scope in public administration, management or education opens up under its shadow and success in public life is guaranteed.
Sun Mahadasha, ranging for a period of 6 years is marked by a period of revolutionary transformation and can haul a person to dizzying height of success within a brief span of time. The ‘Sun Mahadasha’ immediately supersedes the period of Venus Mahadasha and the two couldn’t be any more different than each other.

What are the signature characteristics of the Sun Mahadasha ?

It has immense beneficence for those who have sun placed in 1,3,5,9,10,11th house of their planetary chart and works most favourably for those born under the influence of the Fire Zodiac signs, such as Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, who gain immense name, fame and riches under its beneficent influence. Those having Earth and Airy signs are less favourably disposed and those born under the Water sign seem not to be affected by this planetary movement, significantly.
Something so fierce yet so benevolent is to be revered and approached with due caution. Its positivity spreads light, hope and joy but hell hath no fury than the sun when challenged and it can cast its malevolent spell over those who are under its fiercest influence by making them aggressive and arrogant and dictatorial.
The natural fallout of those who are under its usual 6 years of spell is that they enjoy a lot of eminence, respect and authority in the society but find themselves alienated and estranged from their own kith and kin on account of their over-confidence and domineering attitude.
Wealth, affluence , riches, social standing automatically comes through in such a scenario but along with it lurks the fear of the unknown, apprehension, distrust , insecurity of losing everything through plunder, fire , accident, loot and health scare. Unprecedented financial gains is the usual norm in this period accompanied by mental unrest and anxiety.
Such people who enjoy its patronage rise up to elevated stature in the administration and power circles of the government and ruling parties but also suffer from insubordination from the people reporting to them, who perceive them to be too autocratic in their approach towards work.
Though the professional life and business would bloom and flourish, the personal life will be is cast in turmoil and distress causing lot of mental agony and unrest. Physical ailment and health scares may also deeply plague such an individual, unless proper caution and care is exercised.
In such period of mental gloom, an inclination towards spiritual awakening is a natural progression.

What are the Best Ways to tackle Sun Mahadasha under guided Astrology:

Paying obeisance to the Sun God at the wee hours of the early morning, known as ‘Brahm Mahurat’ is known to appease the Sun God.

Invocation of the Sun God by reciting the ‘Surya Dwadashnam Stotra’ or ‘ Surya Kawach Stotra’  or ‘ Aditya Hriday Stotra’

To carry ruby in a gold ring on one’s person is also said to placate the Sun God.

Donating gold or ruby, if affordable within one’s means or jaggery, brass, wheat to Brahmins on Sundays is highly recommended in many such cases.

How are different Sub-periods affected under Sun Mahadasha?

Sun Mahadasha – Sun Antardasha combination: Sun as the antardasha of Sun Mahadasha promises social standing / power / affluence / riches / triumph in any endeavour, beyond imagination but also brings with it a lot of mental unrest and wavering brought about by the dizzying cast of this spell.

Sun Mahadasha – Moon Antardasha: The Sun and the Moon share a very genial and compatible relation where one is fire and aggression while the other is calm and collected. The period is auspicious to gain social repute, success and affluence but anxiety, the fear of theft / loot, clashes with the higher authority and subsequent imprisonment/ punitive consequences in this period cannot be ruled out.

Sun Mahadasha - Mars Antardasha: The coming together of these two powerful planets in the astrological chart signifies an extremely auspicious period of wealth, success and potency. Good events will conspire to yield favourable outcome in the person’s family life but the lack of entail peace and chance of frequent conflicts and clashes shall plague the bearer.

Sun Mahadasha – Rahu Antardasha: These two planets are not on the best of terms and the same is reflected in the person’s astrological chart. The period is beset with adverse impact on the affected’s life curve and may lead to persistent failure, huge financial losses and mental distress. The wrath of friends turn foes is a distinct possibility and may also face disrepute and public humiliation. Everything is however not lost since this difficult period is of transient nature and will soon give way to light and hope.

Sun Mahadasha – Jupiter Antardasha: Jupiter, the planetary Guru and the bearer of absolute wisdom and true knowledge, alone has the power to bring semblance of sanity to the maniacal urge for power and authoritarian streak of the Sun. Together, they yield the most favourable turn of events where power is tempered by wisdom and the result is eminence, respect and social goodwill. Wealth and affluence shall be there but so shall be the inclination towards spiritual realization..

Sun Mahadasha – Saturn Antardasha: The fusion of two titans. One who is said to be beneficent, the other which has a reputation for being maleficent is bound to be a period of hardship, struggle and mental distress, which however would yield money, success and power in the ultimate run but at a steep cost to health, close relations and mental peace.

Sun Mahadasha – Mercury Antardasha: The soft, yielding Mercury is a good ante force to the fiery Sun and the outcome is mostly favourable with wealth, success and eminence pouring in and favourable events happening at the home front majorly. The chances of mental distress and uneasiness shall remain as the path to gain prominence shall be littered with obstacles. A spiritual wakening might occur in the person, in his quest to find an answer to his mental unrest.

Sun Mahadsaha- Ketu Antardasha: Again, not the best of planets to collude where one is maleficent and the other aggressive and hot. The path will be riddled with problems and the person will lack the calm disposition required to handle the intensity of his emotion sin this roller-coaster ride. Career, finance, health and reputation shall suffer in this time period and the only saving grace shall be the company of few good friends and faith of loved ones.

Sun Mahadasha-Venus Antardasha: This again is a well-balanced combination where the soft and yielding Venus comes under the authoritarian and egoistic influence of the Sun and the result is a period of riches, luxury and affluence which would entail an extravagant spending spree but also some health disorders.


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