Shani Mahadasha and your Lagna

Shani Mahadasha and Lagna
Saturn or Shani Mahadasha is one of the most dreaded phases in a person’s birthchart as the planet is known to provide malefic results during the period. It is said that Shani Mahadasha brings with it a period of misfortune, ill-luck, sorrow and poverty to the native. But, is this always true? Actually, in the world of Vedic Astrology, the influence of any Mahadasha of any planet depends on the positioning of the zodiac sign in the horoscope chart along with the positioning of the lagna of the native during the dasha. The same applies for Shani Mahadasha as well. Hence, there can be either positive or negative result or mix results during a Shani Mahadasha depending on Lagna.

Shani Mahadasha and Lagna
Let us know more of these for each Lagna or Ascendant.

Shani Mahadasha for Aries Ascendant or Mesh Lagna
The planet Saturn is the lord of the 10th house with a person born under Aries or Mesh Lagna. The 10th house rules career, profession, and job, and it is said that Shani Mahadasha is malefic for Aries Ascendant. Some negative impacts for the native are as follows:
Problem in job and career
Loss of money and wealth due to issues in your profession
Loss of ancestral properties
Loss in business
Luck fails you on most occasions
Problem in education and profession of your children
Newly married women have problems in conceiving
Legal cases
Might suffer from accidents, cuts, wounds and burns
Mental tensions
Weak Nervous system

However, Saturn can take the native to the zenith or tremendous success in career and profession when it is in an exalted position in Libra or in its own sign in Capricorn or Aquarius. Support from father and elderly people is indicated.

Saturn Mahadasha for Taurus Ascendant or Vrishabh Lagna
For Taurus Ascendants, Shani Mahadasha is very beneficial and is considered to be the Rajyog period for the native. Some of the benefits noticed by the native during this period are:
Spectacular achievement in job and career
High social status
Increase in money and wealth
Increase in name and fame
More connection with people of high rank and social status
Tremendous improvement in business
A very good period for politicians
Kids will do well in education and profession
Family members too gain fame and wealth

Saturn Mahadasha for Gemini Ascendant or Mithun Lagna
Again for Gemini Ascendants, Shani Mahadasha is beneficial. Here, Saturn is the lord of the 8th house (rules over your death) and 9th house (rules over your luck and fortune). Hence, it is an auspicious planet for the natives with Mithun Lagna. Some, beneficial impacts are:
Success in life
Happiness in family
Lot of money and wealth
Progress in career and profession
Spiritual development

Saturn Mahadasha for Cancer Ascendant or Kark Lagna
If the native belongs to Cancer Ascendant or Kark Lagna, then Saturn is not a beneficial planet. Here, Saturn is the lord of the 7th and 8th house in your birth chart and hence can be dangerous. Some malefic effects are:
Life becomes miserable
Financial losses
Health problems
Problems in business and with business partners
Marital disputes
Physical and mental strain
Delay in marriage etc.

However, Saturn can bring positive impact during the Mahadasha if it is positioned in favorable places in Capricorn, Libra, or Aquarius.

Saturn Mahadasha for Leo Ascendant or Sinha Lagna

Here, Saturn is the lord of 6th house (diseases, debts and enemies) and 7th house (organizes your marital life) for the native with Leo ascendant or Sinha Lagna. Hence, it is malefic to the native and Shani Mahadasha can bring in positive results only when it is in its own sign or exalted in Libra. Some negative results are as follows:
Health problems
Huge loans
Disturbances in matrimonial life
Problems with your kids etc.

Saturn Mahadasha for Virgo Ascendant or Kanya Lagna
Satun Mahadahsa brings in auspicious results for those born with Virgo rising sign or Kanya Lagna. Here, Saturn is the lord of the 5th house, a trine. Some positive outcomes are:
Rules over your brain power
You are endowed with knowledge, intelligence
You are blessed with intelligent children
Higher education
Growth in career
More success and happiness

Saturn Mahadasha for Libra Ascendant or Tula Lagna
Saturn Mahadasha is favorable if you belong to Tula Lagna or Libra ascendant. Shani rules over the 4th and 5th house and brings about a Raj yoga phase for you. Positive results include:
Gain in property, house and vehicles
Happiness from family, especially from children and mother
Higher education
Connection with rich, influential people
Social status etc.

Saturn Mahadasha for Scorpio Ascendant or Vrishchik Lagna
If you are born under the Scorpio rising sign or Vrishchik Lagna, Shani is the lord of the 3rd house and 4th house and not considered beneficial for you. However, according to Vedic astrology, Shani Mahadasha will bring positive result as a lord of 4th house, the reason being an evil planet can be beneficial when it owns a Kendra. So, when it comes to positive outcomes, the native will notice wellbeing of the family, material success, happiness from friends, success in academics and general success etc. However, when it is in the 3rd house, the negative impacts are:
Slow progress
Transfer or retirement in job
Suffers from accidents or wounds
Compromising many issues in life without attaining anything etc.

Saturn Mahadasha for Sagittarius Ascendant or Dhanush Lagna
If you are born with Dhanush Lagna, the planet Shani is considered as a malefic planet. Bad results include:
Financial losses
Loss of immovable property
Disputes from brothers
Bones related problems
Chronic disease
Children issues
Loss of opportunities etc.

Saturn Mahadasha for Capricorn Ascendant or Makar Lagna
Shani Mahadasha is beneficial if you are born with Capricorn Ascendant or Makar Lagna. Here, Shani is the lord of the 1st house and 2nd house and hence your health, wealth, money and family affairs are all taken care of during the Mahadasha. Positive results include:
Comfort in lifestyle
Owing house and property
Improvement in savings
High social status
Gain in knowledge
Contacts with influential people etc.

Saturn Mahadasha for Aquarius Ascendant or Kumbha Lagna
Shani Mahadasha proves to be beneficial for natives born with Capricorn ascendant or Kumbh Lagna. Shani is the lord of Lagna and 12th house. Your positive outcomes during the Mahadasha will be:
Good health
Gain in knowledge
Increase in money and wealth
Achieving high social status
Foreign travels and spiritual gains are also indicated etc.

Saturn Mahadasha for Pisces Ascendant or Meen Lagna
If the person belongs to Pisces ascendant or Meen Lagna, Shani Mahadasha will not be beneficial as here, Shani is the lord of 11th and 12th house. When, Shani is in the 12th house, the native will be affected in many ways like as financial losses, uwanted travels, bad habits, legal issues, cheating from family and friends, children issues etc. However, if the planet is in its own sign in the 11th house, there will be favorable impact like as immense source of income, money and knowledge, gain in social status and reputation etc.

Some Remedial Measures during Shani Mahadasha

Visiting Shani Temple and reciting Hanuman Chalisha and Shani Chalisha every Saturday
Performing Rudra Homam
Donating food and clothes to poor and physically handicapped people on Saturdays
Performing Kalabhairava Homam at home etc.


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