Saturn in different houses

Saturn in 12 Houses
By Indranil Ray
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Almost every Shastra talks about the power, strength and malefic nature of Saturn. It is also evident that when Saturn blesses a person, he receives immense wealth. However, when Saturn does not favor a person, he may lose his wealth. Effects of Saturn are different for every person. Saturn’s results depend on Yogas, Sade Sati, Maha Dasha and Antar Dasha.
Saturn in the 1st house: It delays marriage. It gives bad relationship with siblings if there is any .Specially it gives no younger siblings. However, if Saturn is in a good sign and degree, it can give a solid career with its 10th aspect. People with Saturn, in the 1st house get an older spouse as Saturn’s full aspect is on the 7th house of marriage. Saturn shows older people. The ascendant represents the body and personality. The native can feel like an old person. Saturn here also makes the native disciplined and hard worker. From the 1st house Saturn aspects the 3rd house. That means, there may not be younger siblings. If there are siblings, relationship with them, might become distant. Engineering, mechanical career, construction & production or coal/oil business can be their occupation. When Saturn is in Ascendant, it provides physical pain and monetary losses also.
Saturn in the 2nd house: Saturn separates the native from their family at an early age. It creates obstacles. The native may be punished by the authority. It gives restrain to be successful financially. At the same time it limits the relationship with the mother. It   gives delay to get wealth till the age of 34. There would be good relationship with uncle and grandparents. Saturn from the 2nd, aspects the 4th house of mother, calmness, early days and land. The mother could be quite strict in her approach. Saturn from the 2nd house also aspects the 8th house. So Saturn gives long life to the native. It gives family assets after marriage.  There would be a serious relationship with in-laws. However there would be interest in occult, astrology also .Native may go into jewelry business. S/He may also into mining business or oil business since Saturn represents oil. From the 2nd house, Saturn aspects the 11th house of gains, hopes, friendly circle, elder brother and sister. Saturn's aspect on its 11th house, can provide, lot of gains to the native during his Mahadasha. There would be lot of support and gains through the government and authority.
Saturn in the 3rd house: This is a very good position for Saturn. It makes the native very creative. It gives an influence for love. It also persuade in long writing .It makes the native travel for business. Saturn in the 3rd will not let the native be in a job or service situation. They have their own business and be their own boss. Saturn may also restrict relationship with the father. It is more if it aspects Sun in the same house. Saturn gives worldly success after the age of 32.Usually if the Moon is in the 12th house or in aspect to Saturn. It gives separated relationship with siblings, close neighbors and friends. Saturn disgusts team work. From the 3rd house Saturn aspects the 5th house of children, originality, cinema, drama, arts and basic education. If Saturn is well placed then it can provide steadiness in this mater. Usually Saturn delays the education of a person. From the 3rd house, Saturn aspects the 12th house, this can block thoughts, spiritual conformist, occult and foreign journeys to later in life. 
Saturn in the 4th house: It gives lots of family problems .Saturn usually delays wealth till the age of 35. In the 4th house, Saturn provides structure and disciplined in the home. There might be great stress while growing up with lack of encourage. Home might have a strict environment. Mother would be channel of such composition. From the 4th house Saturn aspects the 6th house which is the house of enemies, obstacles and diseases. Saturn can provide great protection and delay. Illnesses to the native may happen unless it’s debilitated. There would be problems with bones, skeleton and joints. Saturn also provides victory over enemies due to its aspect on upachaya house (3, 6, 10, 11 houses). Saturn also aspects the 10th house. So it may be hard working and disciplined in their nature. Saturn's aspect on the ascendant provides discipline. However career might be delayed. Saturn's aspect upon the native's personality. This can make the native tall, older, mature and quite dull in life.
Saturn in the 5th house: This position delays both kids and marriage until early 40’s, or deny. Creativity is blocked since Saturn is sitting instead of aspecting the 5th house. If Saturn is in a good sign then all the things related to Saturn may not be so delayed. If Saturn’s association takes place with Venus or Mercury then it can show good amount of creativity. Saturn's 3rd aspect is on the 7th house. This is why Saturn delays the marriage. Saturn aspects the 11th house of gains. This placement can bring speculative gains, gains through business, media and betting during Saturn's Mahadasha. If Saturn’s placement is not in a good sign then it can create lot of problems receiving those gains. Saturn in the 5th house also aspects the 2nd house of family, family history, wealth and speech. Family environment might be dark. The native shy about speaking, because 2nd house shows our speech.
Saturn in the 6th house: This is a favorable position for Saturn. The 6th house grows positive with time. Here, Saturn will destroy all enemies, gives support from the superior. Lawyers usually have Saturn in the 6th , 7th  and 9th house. This position also gives long life. Saturn in the 6th makes one organized. It may concord with small animals, debts, diseases, medical profession, caretaker, divorce lawyer or police force. However, it may cause joint pains and bone problems if Saturn is debilitated. Saturn from the 6th house aspects the 8th. So the native may get longevity, family assets and occult. Saturn naturally gives exactly the same thing as 2nd house aspect, however a bit different. Saturn here gives lot of assets after marriage. May be through enemies, loans and debts. It may also help people like a doctor or something like that. Saturn's aspect on the 12th house shows journey to foreign lands regarding debts or disease or for medical profession or working for a multinational corporation. Basically Saturn shows someone who is a worker rather than a business owner. Saturn from the 6th house also aspects the 3rd house. So there could be support from siblings, older relatives, during Saturn dasha. Saturn in 6th may encourage writing books, magazine, media or sales regarding the profession.
Saturn in the 7th house: This is a good  position for Saturn since it’s exalted in the sign of Libra which is the 7th in natural zodiac. This position is for a businessman, a politician, and a real estate developer. Saturn in the 7th house usually delays the marriage unless it's in its own sign, or retrograde. Saturn brings a mature and older partner. Such people have successful marriage. The native should always marry late. It brings a lot of good things in life but with the delay. From the 7th house Saturn aspects the 9th .There is a great deal of duty towards father, gurus, teachers. The native is quite disciplined towards learning. He is interested about religion and graduate studies and philosophy. There is a serious approach to religion. Saturn also aspects the ascendant, so there is a great interest in market place and business. This placement makes the native very much business like person. There would be great benefits through the spouse. Saturn from the 7th house aspects the 4th house of mother, home and comfort. The mother makes deal with her children in order to teach them. Mother herself could be a business woman and a very organized person.
Saturn in the 8th house:  This placement can be good and bad depending upon the sign that Saturn dwells. Saturn in the 8th house gives a very long life. It makes one prone to black magic, curse and bad luck. This is a good position for people in the oil or petroleum business. Any business that has to do with digging deep may be the career. Like mining, drilling oil, surgeon, mystic, and magician. Saturn delays the sudden ups and down in the person's life. Here is more of steadiness in marriage life and family assets. From the 8th, Saturn aspects the 10th .Saturn shows things hidden under ground. In oil fields, oil engineer, mining, medical and emergency responders or occultist may be the profession. From the 8th house Saturn aspects the 2nd house. So there could be concealed family secrets regarding uncle or grandparents, or other .The native could be separated from the family. From the 8th house Saturn aspects the 5th house of children, creativity and academic education. Saturn can delay the education of the native, children or give lot of responsibility regarding children.
Saturn in the 9th house: It gives the ability to argue in front of a mass, like a lawyer. This position restricts a friend circle. Saturn gives lots of gains in its Dasha because it is aspecting the 11th house. In this house it gives the interest to following the law, religious text, respecting elders, gurus, and father. But father might be separated from the native.  Saturn also delays religious pilgrimage. It will also bring delays in masters or PhD. From the 9th house Saturn aspects the 11th house of gains, and large circle. If Saturn is well placed by signs then there could be wonderful gains through business and professional during Saturn's Mahadasha. Saturn from the 9th house, aspects the 3rd house. It may take interest in writing, religion, spirituality and philosophical elements. The lawyer / judge may be seen from that. Saturn from the 9th house also aspects the 6th. There would be hardly any enemies in the native's life. If there are, they would be due to their belief system. Saturn can also delay of any diseases or debts. It reduces the obstacles upon the native's life.
Saturn in the 10th  house: Saturn gives good results in 10th if it is not debilitated. This brings a solid career, metal industry and oil. But it all varies upon other planets. 10th house is Saturn's natural house where Saturn feels comfortable. There would be slow but steady rise. It can show working with government / administrator, lawyer or being a public servant. Native may go to the foreign country. Saturn aspects the 12th  house of foreign lands form the 10th .This can also mean that the native can be a police officer in a jail, doctor in a hospital or a spiritual guru. Saturn also aspects the 4th house from the 10th .That means there is a professional organization in the home. Home environment is like work, or real estate agent or commercial builder. From the 10th house, Saturn aspects the 7th house of marriage. This aspect can delay the marriage due to career and professional life. The spouse of the native would also be very career oriented. The native can meet their spouse at the work place.
Saturn in the 11th house: In the 11th house Saturn gives gains if placed in a friendly sign and star. Saturn is stronger in the sign of Aquarius than Libra. Saturn is at home of its original sign, the 11th. This native will have a property, liquid money and good status in life. And moreover Saturn is with Moon and Venus in this house then there will be far better. If Saturn is in an enemy sign or debilitated then there would be far less gains. Gains through illegal means which can make native into jail. Here Saturn provides high level friendships and gains through friends. From the 11th house Saturn aspects the ascendant. It makes the native's life for the better. If there is a malefic planet in the ascendant, it can also give few health problems and accidents especially if Mars is in the ascendant. Saturn's aspect on the ascendant may make the native feel old. The native would gain through children, speculative business, sports and betting. Saturn insures long life due to its 10th aspect on the 8th.
Saturn in the 12th house: Saturn gives malefic results in the 12th house. Saturn is not so good in this house. It brings lots of depression. It may bring loss of property and family wealth. This native also obtains a lot of wealth and savings. Saturn in the 12th house who is the significator of the 12th house gives very spiritual inclination to the native. However, 12th house is also foreign lands, multinational company and foreign trade. The native can do foreign trade of goods like iron, oil and coal. Work as an ambassador for the government. Incline towards spiritual purist. The native can also be a supervisor or police officer in a jail or this type of place. Saturn's aspect on the 2nd house gives marvelous gains through foreign lands, unknown recourses and being an executive at a corporation. Saturn's aspect on the 6th house gives victory over enemies, debts and disease. But during its Mahadasha, it will give intestine and join problems like hernia and arthritis etc. Saturn also aspects the 9th house from the 12th .This can give opportunity to go and study in foreign lands and culture. The native can also be separated from the father for educational purposes.


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