Agni Marut Yoga

Agni Marut Yoga

Yoga refers to that planetary position and their associated effect on a native when one planet, sign or house comes in contact with another of the same kind or different kind through placement, aspect or conjunction.

Agni Marut Yoga or the Mars – Saturn Yoga (Yama Yoga / Unmad Yoga/ Marana Yoga / Maharatha Yoga) is one of the potentially most dangerous Yoga wherein Mars which is the patron of power, prestige, virility and speed comes in collision in any house or placed with mutual aspects with its hostile planet Saturn, thus unleashing a trail of destruction behind. Their coming together is like fire and air coming in close contact which makes the situation highly combustible. . These two inimical planets meet in a Rashi which itself is a hostile home for them, that is Kanya Rashi. Kanya Rashi is a lone women rowing a yacht and carrying fire and a long knife in each of her hand, a woman who is not to be suppressed.

Both these planets are known for their malefic qualities and their joint placement in the same place makes the situation even more combustible.


How did the Agni- Marut Yoga gets its name?
The particular Yoga derived its name from the characteristics of the planets involved. Mars has Agni (fire) element and Saturn has Vayu (air). The contradiction become eminent in the light of the fact that a strong gust of air could either magnify the proportion of the fire manifold or it could completely douse it and sublimate its existence.

The tendency of this Yoga is precarious and unpredictable with the outcome weighing equally on both sides. Another name of this Yoga is Marana Yoga.

Interpretation of the Agni- Marut Yoga

Saturn and Maras are patrons for the evil houses and their placement in the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th house is generally said to generate bad results but not in when it is placed in Upanachayas House , which is the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th houses, where the same Yoga generates positive results.
This Yoga is frequently found in the chart of great military commanders and sports people who excel in their achievements. People are endowed with valour, courage and determination in this phase but at the same time can be extremely cold, ruthless and insensitive on the battlefield, being the mark of a true warrior. For these very qualities, it is also termed as Maharatha Yoga.
It is a typical Avayayoga with Mars and Saturn being avowed enemies of each other. Saturn therefore is intensely malefic in this phase but the final outcome depends on the lordships of both planets.
Saturn-Mars combination generally lead to an explosion but that is more when both are equally strong and opposed to each other


Malefic Significance of the Agni Marut Yoga – So formidable is this Yoga, that it is frequently termed as ‘Yama Yoga’ / ‘Unmad Yoga’
When both these inimical planets come together in Kanya, a hostile Rashi, a planetary war of sorts takes place where the Saturn vanquishes Mars. Saturn, the eternal foe unleashes a wave of terror on Mars, the defendant force indicating the ambush of men at war in the hands of enemy. Both Saturn and Kanya Rashi are not favourable for Mars which in turn flees, but not before leaving behind a catastrophic trail of destruction. Example – Terrorist attack, war, internal strife, riot, bomb scares, sabotage, attacks on army barracks etc.
The second indication could be natural calamity where Earth and Nature unleashes destruction, for example – earthquake, cyclone, volcanic eruption, epidemics and accidents caused by trains, vehicles or aircrafts. Flipping through the pages of history, we shall find enough instances of natural calamity that has occurred in this Agni Marut Yoga.
Kanya Rashi being a feminine power, the role of women in this catastrophe and destruction cannot be ruled out. ( Rajiv Gandhi’s brutal assassination at the hands of a female suicide bomberin the year 1992 and the gruesome death of Phoolan Devi in 2001, being case in pointers; where the same Yoga was in full force)
This combination becomes more lethal if it occurs in the 8th house of the natal chart, which indicates short life of the native. However the lordship of benefic houses could mitigate the negative influences.
Moon also has an important role to play. If the position of Moon is poor/ weak, the native might go insane or mentally deranged in this phase, therefore the term ‘Unmada Yoga’.

Benefic Significance of the Agni Marut Yoga: However, not all influences of this Yoga are bad. If the native himself is a violent and aggressive natured man, then good results can be yielded after a turbulent series of events.
Incidents of valour and excellent achievements have also occurred in this phase which is favourable for adventures and risk-taking endeavours. The rush of adrenalin in this phase has brought many laurels and proud moments for individuals and for the country.( India registered its first win in 1952 under the captaincy of Vijay Hazare in Madras Test against England under the influence of this Yoga)

Remedy to settle this Yoga

It is believed that praying to Lord Hanuman who is the combination of the power and virility of Mars and the patience of Saturn can offer some relief from the negative effect of this Yoga.




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