Akhanda Samrajya yoga

Akhanda Samrajya yoga contributes to being a highly fortunate and rare yoga which is formed with the placement of Jupiter in the fifth or eleventh house in the birth chart of an individual. In case the lord of the second, eleventh and ninth houses are strong and they are positioned in the quadrants from the Moon, this yoga is caused. Hence, it is a rare yoga, formed in the birth chart of an individual as a wide array of conditions and rules are applied in order to form the yoga. The fifth house of the horoscope of an individual signifies children, higher education and speculation. The eleventh house, on the other hand, denotes success in the undertakings. The ninth house signifies spirituality and luck. The second house of the horoscope of the individual is known to represent shares, stocks, and investments. This indicates that as all these houses are present in the birth chart of the individual, thereby leading to the formation of Akhand Samrajya yoga, he is sure to be happy, prosperous and wealthy. This yoga indicates rulership and brings immense opportunities and luck in the life of the person.

Formation of the yoga

In the Vedic astrology, twelve signs are present which are divided into three unique groups where each group has four signs. The three groups are referred to as Dvisvabhava or common, fixed or Sthira, movable or Chara. The Akhanda Samrajya yoga is caused in case people who are born with a fixed sign rise from the birth ascendant or Lagna. The Aquarius, Scorpio, and Taurus are recognized to be the four immovable or fixed signs. This yoga can occur for the fixed signs that arise in the Lagna as it is temporary that Jupiter, the best of the three good planets own the eleventh or fifth house which is counted from the Lagna. Jupiter for the Taurus Lagna is known to be the owner of the eleventh house. For the Leo Lagna, it is the owner of the fifth house. For the Scorpio Lagna, Jupiter is the owner of the fifth and second house. For the Aquarius Lagna, the owners are known to be an eleventh and second house.

This yoga is formed as the Jupiter, the natural, good and strong planet that owns the eleventh, fifth and second house from the Lagna is related to the Moon and Lagna and at the same time, the owner of the eleventh, tenth, and second house occupies the Kendra position from the natal moon and Lagna. Thus, there are some pre-requisites for the formation of this yoga.


In accordance with the sidereal astrology, a fixed sign should be rising in the Lagna.

Jupiter should be the owner of the eleventh or fifth house.

During the same time, the owner of the eleventh, tenth, and second house should be positioned in the Kendra from the Natal Moon and the Lagna.

A planet is known to associate with Lagna by the placement of Lagna or aspecting the Lagna completely. The association is possible by the establishment of aspect and aspect relationship with the owner of the Lagna or by the conjoining with the owner of Lagna. During the time of birth of the individual, in case, the dispositor of Natal Moon and Jupiter which is the owner of the Lagna conjoins in the center, more specifically in the tenth house, the individual is sure to have immense luck. Thus, you can procure a wide array of amazing things in life. Owing to the situation that arises for the Scorpio Lagna which is occupied by Jupiter, Mars, and strong Moon which is placed in the tenth house in the Leo sign, a powerful Akhanda is sure to rise in the birth chart of the individual.

Benefits of the yoga

If an individual has Akhanda Samrajya yoga in the horoscope, the person is sure to procure a fruitful and prosperous life. He is sure to gain success in life in more than 75 years. Due to the presence of this yoga in the birth chart of the individual, he can rule on a vast undivided kingdom for a longer duration of time. This yoga is known for nullifying the different adverse effects of several ava yogas owing to different associations and combinations of evil planets which are obtained during the birth of the individual.

This yoga is formed in the purest form and the planets that cause the yoga are known to remain unvested and unafflicted with the maximum Shadbala. This type of yoga provides amazing results of the powerful Raja yoga. Planets which is vested with the moderate strength, and result in the formation of Akhanda Samrajya yoga confer amazing favors to the person. The individual is sure to procure immense wealth owing to the presence of this yoga in the birth chart. They are going to prosper in life as they have this yoga in the horoscope. They have the scope to be politically powerful and hold a very high position or rank.

Sita, the wife of Lord Rama was born under the impact of strong yoga in the horoscope of the individual. The yoga which was formed owing to the positioning of afflicted and weak planets does not provide any favorable results. If the Aquarius individuals are born with the positioning of Moon and Rahu in the fourth house, placement of Saturn in the sixth house, the combination of Ketu, Jupiter and Venus in the tenth house whereas Mars, Mercury, and Sun are placed in the twelfth house, the person is going to have favorable Akhana Samrahya yoga, Amla yoga, and Gaja Kesari yoga. However, the person will not be capable of procuring the positive results of the yoga.

The natal moon that participates in the formation of the yoga is not very strong and is afflicted heavily due to the mutual exchange of the signs between the lord of 6th house and lord of the ascendant, neither the lord of ascendant nor the good planet that aspect the ascendant as occupied by the Moon. Evil Dainya yoga is formed owing to the exchange of signs by the Saturn and all the good yogas are destroyed by the Moon.



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