Vishakha Nakshatra

Know More About Vishakha Nakshatra
Vishakha Nakshatra is the sixteenth nakshatra out of the 27 nakshatras in vedic astrology. It resides in the arena, starting from Tula or Libra zodiac sign to Vrischika or Scorpio zodiac. The ruling planet of this nakshatra in Jupiter and there are two presiding deities: Lord Indra, who is the God of Transformation and Lord Agni, who is the God of Fire. Thus, the natives born with people born Vishakha nakshatra are known be very passionate and brave like an energetic warrior.

The nakshatra is comprised of four stars Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Iota Librae. These stars in the night sky form a "forked branch". Vishakha nakshatra is known as a nakshatra of purpose as it leads the natives to focus on something. Fiery fire also gives the natives leadership qualities.

The translated meaning of this nakshatra is "The Forked One", "Two Branched", "Enter the heavens" and "Radha". The "forked branch" or the "two branched" represent the situation in which Vishakha natives find themselves at crossroads. But at the same time, this also implies that they have a single-point focus and with determination and patience, they attain success in life.


The nakshatra is symbolized by big tree with lots of spreading branches that give protection to those who stay underneath. It is also represented by a potter’s wheel. A decorated gate that is used for marriage ceremonies is also depicted by this nakshatra.
The animal symbol of this nakshatra is a male tiger, making the natives very courageous

Positive Characteristics of Natives Born With Vishakha Nakshatra

Vishakha Naskhatra natives have a very appealing personality and can easily attract others, both males and females.
They are supremely intelligent and they also respect those who are intelligent and spiritual
They are clever and enterprising in nature
They are always determined to do something in life and hence remain focused and accomplish many things
They are usually self-satisfied
They are kind, compassionate towards the needy
They are good in communications skills and impress others with their persuasive speech
The natives of Vishakha Nakshatra are believed to be strong and courageous and have a practical vision towards life
They are truly spiritual

Negative Characteristics of Natives Born With Vishakha Nakshatra
Some of the negative characteristics are:
They are overly talkative
At times, they have a very negative approach towards life
Some can become militants
They are quarrelsome and also create conflicts between people
They become jealous of other’s success
Always they are in the habit of finding faults of others and critical of others
They are involved in infidelity
They are too ambitious and at times manipulate others to meet their own needs
They have dominating and aggressive character
They get easily offensive and become argumentative
They do not remain satisfied by their accomplishments


They are successful in life through their own efforts and become powerful achievers with great leadership qualities.
They can do well as military leaders, ambassador, dictator, leader, and conqueror
With their good communication skills and being politically inclined, they can be good politicians, communicators, public speakers
Being intelligent, they can be researchers, scientists, writers, lawyers.
The female natives are considered to be creative and are inclined towards poetry and other creative arenas.
Mathematically skilled, the natives can be good mathematicians too.
They attain respectable and high positions in their professional lives

Family Life of Male and Female Natives
The male native born with Vishakha Nakshatra is believed to spend his life without getting much support from his father and mother. Most of the time, the native will be forced to live without his mother’s love, which can be due to many reasons, including death. Though, the native will love, respect and admire his father, there will be situations when there will be differences between the two, which will not be solved at times. Usually, the native will have a hard life in his childhood and whatever he will achieve in life is all through his own efforts. The females will also have a similar life, with no parental support.

The male native will have a happy married life and will be attached to his wife and children. But, he might come across situations when he will be involved in extramarital affair or get addicted to alcohol. But, even then, he will manage to keep his family happy.

The female native will receive all love and affection from her husband and in-laws. She will be a devoted wife and will maintain a very happy and healthy relation with her in-laws.

Compatibility and Incompatibility
Since the natives born with Vishakha nakshatras do not get much love from their parental side, they have to be careful in choosing their partners. The nakshatras compatible to Vishakha Nakshatra Ashwini, Swati, and Bharani. The incompatible nakshatras are Ardra and Purva Phalguni.


First Pada: The first pada falls in the Aries Navamsa. It is ruled by Mars. Energetic, ambitious, relationships, goals are focused here.
Second Pada: The second pada falls in the Taurus Navamsa. It is governed by Venus. Durability, endurance, success, strong material ambitions are the main elements here.
Third Pada: The third pada falls in the Gemini Navamsa. This is ruled by Mercury. Single-mindedness, achieving goals, communication, religion, philosophy are focused here.
Fourth Pada: The fourth pada falls in the Cancer Navamsa. It is ruled by the Moon. Emotional turmoil, high insight, executive ability, conviction, strong will power are the main elements here.


It is recommended by astrologers to worship the 8 Vasus, Hari Hara (half Shiva, half Vishnu) by the Vishakha natives.
The native should practice kundalini/raja yoga for favorable results
Chanting the root mantra "Om Yam" and "Om Ram" 108 times is also helpful


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