Career Path in the Lines of your Hand

Career Path in the Lines of your Hand

Each one of us who are striving in our lives to persevere and pursue a goal, wish to be successful in our respective career. But no two people are alike in their temperament, inclination, aptitude, skill set and approach towards life. There are certain people who excel in leading while scores of other people do better when they follow orders. There are people who by nature are risk-takers and do brilliantly well as entrepreneurs and business men while others are vary and sceptical and would prefer the reassurance of a monthly salary.

So, how does one decide and determine wherein lies one’s aptitude?

Shape of the Hands

The first clue to the choice of a right career for you lies in the shape of the hands. If the shape of your palm is square, you are better suited for a practical field which requires little or no creativity but a lot of hard work and dedication.
If you have an oblong palm, you will fare well in creative and artistic fields, such as writer, artist, photographer etc.

Air Hands: Square Palms and Long Fingers.

Such people excel in communication and analytical fields such as media broadcasting, teacher, P.R sector etc.
Earth Hands: Wide and Square Palm, Rough Fingers.

Such people do better in routine, outdoor jobs since they are extremely hard-working and love the rhythm of repetitive jobs.
Fire Hands: Broad and Unblemished.

Outgoing, intuitive and quick decision making is your forte. A variety of Career options open up for you in which you need to be enterprising, persuasive and dynamic.
Water Hands: Long Palms, Long Fingers.

A love for aesthetics is the predominant characteristic. Such people excel in the field of beauty, art, fashion theatre, acting etc.

The Shape of your Fingers
Casimir Stanislas d’ Arpentigny, a French Army officer first documented the difference in hands between people of varied career contrast. He became the first palmist to record the significance of the shape of fingers in determining a person’s career choice.
Long Fingers

Indicate a detailed and meticulous mind which would fare better in Accounting and Bank jobs.
Short Fingers

Such people do better in manual, repetitive jobs like engineering, carpentry, drilling and so on.
Straight and Strong Little Finger

Also known as Mercury Finger, a strong and straight little fingers augurs well in finance and business related matters. Such people have the requisite financial acumen and shrewdness needed to excel in business.
Strong Index finger

Also known as Jupiter finger, a strong Index finger increases the chance of success manifold. Such people are by nature confident, ambitious and self-driven, so they exert themselves more. If this finger is longer than ring finger means the person has the ability to lead.
Wide Thumb Angle
This one indicates success and leadership skills. No job is too daunting and no challenge too risky to overcome for such people.
Space between Fingers

Such people who have a lot of space between their fingers, do well in armed forces or as professional teachers, pilots and trainers. They are physically far more resilient and do better in structured jobs.

Mounts of the Hand

Saturn and Jupiter play the most important role in defining our career choices.
Mount of Jupiter
If the Mount of Jupiter ( just below Index finger) is more pronounced than others or there is a cross on the Mount, then such people do better in academic line and make brilliant professors, doctors, civil servants, lawyers, accountants, research scholars etc. Such people are excellent in motivating and inspiring others.
Mount of Saturn
If the Mount of Saturn is higher than other planets, such people have to plod and struggle for their success. More than educations what holds them in good stead in their practical sense which prods them to do well in the field of entrepreneurship.
Mount of Mercury
If this Mount if the most pronounced that means the person is business minded and will do better in the field of commerce and business, rather than a regular 9 to 5 job. Such people are also creative in talent and may flourish in the field of art and media.
Lines of the Hand
The Fate Line/ Career Line / Saturn Line is the determinant of our career choice in our hands. For all the good luck it bestows on its native, the Fate Line is also termed as the ‘Luck Line’.
It generally moves from the base of the palm and travels to the base of the Middle Finger, towards the Mount of Saturn. It indicates landmark changes which affect a person’s career choice, promotion chances or Job Transition.
Starts from Mount of Moon and ends at Mount of Saturn: The person thrives in career where he might need support of other people such as celebrity artist or politician. Such people quickly rise to the top of popularity and fame.
Wavy Fate Line: Unstable career on account of fast changing thoughts of the person.
Fate Line ending in Ladder: The person shall rise to the pinnacle of fame and success by dint of own efforts.
Breaks in the Fate Line: Indicates difficulties in landing with the correct career choices.
Branches from the Fate Line: A positive sign indicating chances of promotion or accruing immense wealth. If the branches extend towards Mount of Jupiter, the person shall gain wealth on account of his communication and analytical skills and if it branches towards the Mount of Mercury, it shall come from business or commercial venture.
Cross bars: Indicates obstruction from friends, families or outsiders in the path of career progress.
Ending at the Head Line: A Fantastic Career start which is cut short by the age of 35 on account of loss of interest or an error in decision-making.

The above mentioned factors are by no means an exhaustive list. There are various other nuances and aspects that are undertaken by a reliable palmist before venturing out an opinion on your preferred choice of Career path such as your date of birth and star alignment in natal chart. A little help and guidance from a learned Palmist may go a long way in ensuring you success and prosperity in the soonest possible time and with little waste f effort.





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