Fame Line

Fame Line

There are hundreds of stories lying untold in the palms of our hands. Each line, each groove, each etching holds the key to thousands of mysteries waiting to unfold. The inner working of our personality, our character, health and money indications all lie hidden in the various line and mounts and markers of our palm which if unravelled with precision, can show us the light towards future prediction.

Fame Line, also known as the Sun Line / Line of Apollo is the sister line to the Fate Line. This line is the indicator of glory and wealth. It acts as the much need booster for the fate line and in some palms, where fate line remains missing, the Fame Lines still secures success and popularity. However even with the presence of a strong fate line without commensurate Fame Line, success and recognition remain elusive.
Which is the Fame Line?

Fame Line originates at the base of the palm, from the Mount of Moon and ends at the Mount of Sun/ Apollo, at the base of Apollo / Ring finger. Therefore, it is frequently referred to as Sun Line / Line of Apollo. Fame Line signifies the person shall garner a lot of name, fame and popularity for himself. In palms, where fate lines remain non-existent, a deep, unbroken, and uncut fame line shall render him power to take charge of his destiny.

In simplistic terms, it should mean that a prominent Fame line translates to a lot of popularity and social status. However, there are a lot many aspects to its interpretations, which shall now be discussed.
Symbolic Interpretation of different Marks on Fame Line

Star on Fame Line: Indicates a lot of vibrant energy and fame after a period of time which shall continue posthumously too.

Islands on Fame Line: Indicates a period of darkness and ignominy.

Scissors on Fame Line: Obstacles in the path of acquiring fame and distinction.

Dots: Indicates enemies who are jealous of the fame and popularity.

Flag or Trident: Indicates the person shall lay claim to International fame and popularity.
What is the significance of Fame Line?

Presence of a dominant Fame Line indicates the person is inclines towards art and creativity which shall make him stand apart from the crowd and garner name and fame for himself with his creative pursuits.
Fame Line do not show itself till the half way mark is reached. Such people acquire name, fame and popularity for themselves in the latter half of their lives ad much deserved recognition for their hard work.
A Clear, unbroken fame line from the start to the end indicates heaps of fame, wealth and prosperity.
The absence of Fame line indicates that success and popularity shall remain elusive even with talent and hard work.
Too short a Fame Line means the person shall live an ordinary, anonymous life with simple pleasures for most of his life and success if it does come, shall happen late in life or be extremely transient.
If it is clear and highly visible, the person tends to incline towards art and creativity.
A broken Sun/ Apollo Line indicates pitfalls in career path.
An intermittently broken Sun Line indicates interruption and enemies who might prove to be an impediment in the way to success.
An undulating, wavy Fame Line means the person has low self –confidence and is not daunting enough to accept challenges hence remains devoid of success and fame.
A parallel Sun Line indicates the person shall gain fame in dual career / field of interest.

Significance of fame Line based on its Position of Origin:
Starts at the base of Palm and travels up to Mount of Moon: Extremely auspicious with a happy marital and conjugal life and extremely favourable prospect of incurring wealth.
Starts at the Base of Hand and travels mid-way till centre of the Palm: Initial fame and popularity an early age that shall dwindle with time. Especially true for actors/ actresses who make it big in youth but fail to hold on to their popularity by the onset of middle age or people who lose their enthusiasm to keep asserting themselves beyond middle age.
Starts at the Base of Palm and ends at Head Line: Indicates good fortune at an early age and prospect of accruing a lot of fame before 35.
Starts at the Head Line: Such people shall achieve their success by dint of their mental acumen. They are extremely intelligent and savvy and are highly social who gain maximum mileage through their public relation skills.
Starts from the Centre of Hand: Late- starts in the game of popularity and such people usually earn their reputation by dint of their hard work and dedication from mid-life onwards.
Starts from Heart Line: Indicates strong inclination towards arts and aesthetics and such people also tend to shine late in life in their forties. Renowned artists, sculptors, writers and directors fall in this category.
Starts from the Mount of Upper Mars: If the Sun Line starts between the Head Line and the Heart Line and ends at the Mounts of Moon, it indicates a down to earth and humble personality who achieves his success on account of the goodwill he generates.
Starts from the Fate Line: This points out to the prospect of stupendous success and remarkable name, fame and popularity on account of talent, hard work, and dedication.
Starts from the Life Line: The clear indication is that the person is extremely gifted and enjoys a high academic status amongst his peers. They have literary acumen and excel as writers.
Sun Line from the Mount of Moon: If the Fame Line starts at the bottom from the base of the palm on the little finger side and travels all the way up then it indicates tremendous name, fame and success, especially in association or collaboration with others. Prevalent amongst musicians, writers and people from the entertainments sector.


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