Ashlesha Nakshatra

Ashlesha nakshatra is the ninth nakshatra in our constellation of 27 nakshatras in Hindu astrology. Its lord is Mercury or Budh and the presiding deity is the naga or Ahi or serpent of knowledge and wisdom. It is believed that Lord Rama’s brothers Lakshman and Shatrughna were born under this Nakshatra. Its sign is Cancer, hence influenced by the moon. Ashlesha nakshatra comprises 6 stars and the constellation is also referred as hydra.

Ashlesha Nakshatra is called "the entwine" or the "clinging star of the Naga" which implies a desire ‘’to embrace’’ or ‘’entangle’’ the object upon which it pays its attention.

Coiled serpent: In astrology, the symbol of this nakshatra is a coiled serpent. The serpent represents the Kundalini energy, which is the true essence of Aslesha. Once this energy gets activated, it can bring about great mystical powers and can rejuvenate the mind and body through meditation. It is a sharp nakshatra. The coiled serpent symbol also signifies that natives have confused emotions and inborn insecurities such that that they can attack you to protect themselves, no matter how close you are to them.
Male cat: Male cat is the animal symbol of this nakshatra

General characteristics
Some characteristics exemplified by Ashlesha are the power of intuition, insight and sexuality and also poison and deception. The nakshatra represents hereditary characteristics, related to past lives and genetic heritage. Natives are suspicious and mysterious but have the ability to sense danger and become protective towards family and friends. Most Ashlesha male natives have a stout body with snake eyes and usually display a rude appearance. Even the Ashlesha female natives are not good looking.

Being ruled by the Sarpas or the serpents, the general impression of this nakshatra is someone who is poisonous and vile, dangerous and dark. Although this is true to a certain extent, yet the natives have a choice to accept two opposing traits, one which is totally bad and sinful and the other, which is highly spiritual, good and enlightening. So, the serpent in Ashlesha nakshatra represents the two nodes: Rahu, the north node or the head leading to attachment and poison while Ketu, the south node or the tail, representing enlightenment and liberation.

Positive Characteristics of Natives born with Ashlesha Nakshatra
Ashlesha people are philosophical and thoughtful with an intelligent and independent mind.
Though they are not necessarily good looking, yet they have a sensual and seductive nature, which attract people to them.
They have very good leadership skills
They are diplomatic and cordial
They are versatile and clever and can accomplish much when motivated
They usually earn well
They have great energy to do things that interest them
They can make good profits in business being influenced by good mercury.

Negative Characteristics of Natives born with Ashlesha Nakshatra
They are emotionally turbulent people, constantly living in worries and fear
They also suffer from loneliness and mental instability
They are hot tempered
They do not follow good food habits
Ashlesha natives cannot tolerate when they are humiliated
Though they are wise and clever, they often use their knowledge for doing bad deeds
They are very stingy, calculative and manipulative
They can be involved in litigation
They are possessive in nature
They are secretive and reclusive
They are ungrateful

Career Aspects of Natives Born With Ashlesha Nakshatra
Since, Ashlesha native are of suspicious nature, they do well as spies and investigators.
Professions related to medicines, drugs, homeopathy etc. are also recommended for the natives
With good leadership skills, they can be in politics but usually they become greedy politicians
Natives also do jobs in industries handling poison or hazardous materials, petroleum industry, pharmaceutical industry, tobacco industry
Some notorious jobs for people born in this nakshatra are drug dealers, prostitutes, pimps, junkies, robbers etc.
With the Mercury lordship, natives of this Nakshatra are more likely to be successful in business than in profession.

Family life/Compatibility
Mostly, the male native is the eldest member of his family with many responsibilities on his shoulder. His wife will not be able to understand his words, his feelings and moods. The female native turns out to be a very good housewife, with efficient household management quality. There might be chances that some of her in-laws may try to create a rift between her and her husband.

Compatibility and Incompatibility
Ashlesha Nakshatra is compatible with Punarvasu nakshatra in the 4th pada only and also with Pushya nakshatra.
Ashlesha Nakshatra is incompatible with Rohini. Even Mrigasira, Punarvasu 1st to 3rd quarters, Magha, Poorva Phalguni, Poorvashada, Vishakha, Uttarashada, Shravana and Revati nakshatras are incompatible with Ashlesha.

First pada: The first pada falls in Sagittarius navamsa, and is ruled by Jupiter. Hard work in life, enemy dealing, disease side of the Nakshatra are seen here.
Second pada: The second pada falls in Capricorn navamsa, and is governed by Saturn. The ambitious side of the native, his quality to deal with people, tricky and deceit side of the native are focussed in this pada of the Nakshatra.
Third pada: The third pada falls in Aquarius navamsa, and is ruled by Saturn. The occult side of the native, scheming and plotting, secrets are the main elements here.
Fourth pada: The fourth pada falls in Pisces navamsa, and is governed by Jupiter. All kinds of illusion are seen in this pada. The native is constantly in a tug of war between choosing good or bad. The true nature of the native is hidden. Natives get weak in this pada.

It is advisable to worship the Snake God
Performing serpent rituals like Sarpa Homa on Naga Panchami is helpful
Feeding milk to snakes is also advisable
Natives should chant the root mantra "Om Kham" and "Om Gam" 108 times for better results
Wearing dark colors like red or black is also recommended.





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