Ardra Nakshatra

Ardra Nakshatra is the sixth nakshatra in the nakshatra constellation. Comprising a single star "Betelgeuse" in the Orion constellation, this star is a visual treat in the night sky, appearing as a bright, red giant. This star is supposed to be the brightest of all stars.

Ardra Nakshatra lies within Gemini completely and is ruled by Rahu. Hence, the native with Ardra Nakshatra is influenced by both Mercury and Rahu combination. This is a combination of intelligence and passionate feelings as Mercury’s most evident characteristic is intellectual thinking, while Rahu, the shadow planet’s most evident characteristic is insatiable desire, making the person very impulsive. Rahu’s presence in this nakshatra leads to many negative and harsh phases in the life of the native, comprising instabilities, hurdles, and miseries. The deity of this Nakshatra is ‘Rudra’ or Shiva, the God who is a destroyer as well as a creator. The name of the natives born with Ardra Nakshatra begins with syllables Ku, Kam, Ja, Cha, Gha, Da, Na, Jha

The Sanskrit meaning of this nakshatra is moist, green or fresh, thereby implying the characteristic of endowing the earth with life.

Female Dog: The nakshatra’s animal symbol is a female dog, which implies violence. Rudra being the deity of this nakshatra, Ardra Nakshatra is also referred as a "Teekshen Nakshatra", meaning it can compel a native towards destructive acts.
Tear drop: The nakshtra is represented in the night sky as a tear drop. Hence its symbol is a tear drop, which is also water, going by the meaning of the nakshatra as the moist one

Positive Characteristics of Natives Born with Ardra Nakshatra
Natives born under the influence of Ardra Nakshatra undergo many ups and downs in life but they deal with them positively. There are positive traits which make them strong and mentally stable. Some of the positive characteristics are as follows:
The natives born with Ardra Nakshatra are intelligent and have good memory, being influenced by Mercury.
They have a curious mind, innovative and are always willing to seek knowledge
They are usually quick in what they do
They are ready to work hard and fond of physical labor
They are successful in their professional lives because of their hard labor
Truthful and compassionate by nature, they have this wonderful quality of giving up their bad habits or traits
They are good in communication skills
They also have the quality of getting good support from authorities or government when required
The natives usually have intuitive perception
With a good sense of humor, the natives can easily attract people in a social gathering

Negative Characteristics of Natives Born with Ardra Nakshatra
Being influenced by Rahu, the natives born with Ardra nakshatra suffers from negative and destructive phases in their lives, which also get manifested in their behavior and character. Some of the negative characteristics are as follows:
Natives are considered to be arrogant
They are materialistic and into excessive indulgences
They abuse when in power
Reckless and impolite in their behavior
They are also ungrateful and cause pain to others at times
They are at times stubborn
Very critical of others’ actions and are also complaining in nature
Most of the time they are truthful but at times due to certain circumstances, they tend to be dishonest and untruthful
Natives also suffer from poor financial planning

General characteristics
The natives of Ardra Nakshatra are sometimes found to be filled with some kind of sadness, aptly represented by the symbol tear drop. They usually display a character which is a blend of both negative and positive qualities as mentioned above. The natives are soft and kind-hearted with a tough composure exterior. This combination makes them impatient and fickle minded. While they can be very soft while dealing with others, they can also be very harsh.

Career aspects of Ardra Characteristics

Since the natives have the capacity to acquire deep knowledge, they can be teachers and writers
Known to be compassionate towards those who are in pain, they do well in social services, humanitarian services and can be good in politics too
Being good in communication skills, they are good in sales
Other suitable professions include employment in transport, shipping, communication departments or industries.
The planetary influence on this nakshatra makes the natives change their line of work.
They are capable to undertake many works at a time.
It is believed that the native can earn his livelihood only when he stays away from home and family.
The ten-year period from 32 to 42 years of his life is considered to the golden period for him.

Compatibility and Incompatibility
Compatibility and incompatibility of nakshatras are very important factors to consider while deciding marriage relationships. Ardra Nakshatra’s compatible nakshatras are Aswini, Bharini and Krittika. Poorva phalguni and Magha are the incompatible ones.

Padas of Ardra Nakshatra
First Pada: The first pada falls in Sagittarius Navamsa, and it is governed by Jupiter. Curiosity, desire to explore, relaxation, prone to material excesses are seen here. Conditions are not good and it is the beginning of the storm.

Second Pada: The second quarter falls in the Capricorn Navamsa, and is ruled by Saturn. All types of material ambitions, frustrations, misfortues, problems are depicted here. The negative traits of this Nakshatra become visible during the second pada.

Third Pada: It falls in the Aquarius Navamsa, ruled by Saturn. It signifies a scientific, electrical and result-oriented nature. The storm in this quarter has reached its peak, and hence inspiration and intense mental activities are seen in this pada.

Fourth Pada: It falls in the Pisces Navamsa and is governed by Jupiter. Sensitivity, compassion, helping nature of the native are seen in this pada. The storm is almost over and now there is an atmosphere of growing peace, and the results are usually moving towards positivity.


Natives born with Ardra nakshatra should worship Lord Shiva
Chanting the root mantra "Om Aeem" 108 times is also helpful, especially during the lunar transition of this nakshatra to remove problems.
Astrologers advice wearing colors like red, green, metallic, silver, black and dark grey colors


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