Rohini Nakshatra

Rohini Nakshatra is the fourth nakshatra out of the 27 nakshatras occupying a prominent place of prominence in vedic astrology. Represented by the bright star Aldebaran (Alpha-Tauri), this nakshatra is within the constellation of Taurus. The meaning of Rohini is the "Reddish One", symbolizing the general characteristics of warmth, vigor and passion.

The ruling deity of Rohini is Brahma, the God of Creation. This makes the nature of a native born with Rohini nakshatra creative and materialistic. This nakshatra is also influenced by the planetary influence of the Moon and Venus, symbolizing the feminine qualities of receptivity and nourishment. Rohini is a female nakshatra. It is believed that natives born under Rohini nakshatra have strong family bonding and values and an inclination towards beauty, art and luxury.

Rohini nakshatra is considered as a productive birth star, encompassing the qualities of natural growth, sustenance and development. It is an auspicious nakshatra for fertility, and getting pregnant and also auspicious for starting new events, marriage, business, travel, purchasing property, moving to a new place and so on.

Symbol Meaning of Rohini Nakshatra

Two Oxen pulling an ox cart: The symbol of this nakshatra is two oxen pulling an ox cart. This symbol depicts business and commerce, fertility, and the capacity to carry goods or ideas. It also symbolizes that Rohini natives are connected to the earth, through farming, gardening, or construction. Rohini also symbolizes travel, making the native an explorer and also vehicles for transporting goods. Purchasing a car is auspicious during this nakshatra.
Male serpent, animal symbol: The animal symbol of Rohini Nakshatra is the male serpent, representing power, authority and also demolition, destruction, death.

Positive Characteristics of Natives born with Rohini Nakshatra

The natives are usually charming, attractive and good looking.
Nature wise, they are very calm and gentle and friendly.
They are true to their words and action and morally oriented.
The natives are socialites, love to mix around with others
The natives with Rohini nakshatra are good communicator and listener.
With a balanced mind, they have great inner strength, and can work hard to reach their goals
Well-educated, the natives remain financially strong
Very dutiful to the family
They are great art lovers and very creative and imaginative
They also have great affection towards nature and environment
They gain success in life with their ability of integrating creativity and imagination with action.
Other behavioral characteristics of Rohini natives are that they are sensitive and vulnerable
They are very soft spoken and hardly lose their temper

Negative Characteristics of Natives born with Rohini Nakshatra

The natives born with Rohini nakshatra are usually materialistic.
They are at times manipulative to get their work done, take advantage of situations and very critical of others
They are also possessive and overly sensitive which make others dislike them at times
Sometimes, they are also jealous of others
They are not good decision makers
The natives are also sexually or sensually indulgent
Lack of purpose and stability are other negative attributes of the natives influenced by Rohini Nakshatra

Career Aspects of Natives born with Rohini Nakshatra

Being influenced by moon, the native is successful in areas that encourage growth and beauty. They are physically fit to be good fitness trainers, gym trainers, body builders, all associated with beauty.
They are successful when they work in "growth" industries like as farming, agriculture, stock exchange, accounting, tourism, processing food, botanical industries, oil and petroleum industry etc.
Natives working in interior design, cosmetics, fashion domains are also successful as these are related to beauty.
Being artistic in nature, Rohini natives are also great artists, musicians, do well in entertainment industry
Jewellers, gemstone dealers, sex therapists, bankers are other professions associated with Rohini natives.

Rohini Nakshatra Compatibility and Incompatibility

The animal symbol of Rohini nakshatra being a male serpent, this nakshatra is very compatible with Mrigashira Nakshatra symbolized by the yoni of a female snake.
Ashwini and Bharani Nakshatras along with their female counterparts Revathi and Satabishsak Nakshatra are compatible with this Nakshatra.
This nakshatra is also neutral to male and female counterparts of tiger as it is represented by the 'yoni' of snake. It is also neutral Vishakha and Chitra nakshatras.
Uttara Aashada Nakshatra being represented by the 'yoni' of male mongoose is not compatible at all with Rohini nakshatra.
The remaining nakshatras are also incompatible with Rohini Nakshatra.

Padas of Rohini Nakshatra

First Pada: Ruled by Mars and is in Aries Navamsa. The natives are usually fickle minded and indecisive. They are impatient and want quick results in everything. Indulgence and extravagance are the focusing elements here. Only a well placed Sun or Mars do well in this pada.
Second Pada: The second Pada under Taurus Navamsa. It is ruled by Venus. This Pada exemplifies abundance. The natives are wealthy but are also extremely materialistic. Moon, Saturn, Mercury, and Venus are very strong if placed in this second pada of Rohini Nakshatra.
Third Pada: The third pada falls under Gemini Navamsa. It is ruled by mercury. The natives are highly intellectual, highly educated and quick learner. Arts, science and business are the focusing elements here. The natives are considered to be very flexible, light hearted and jovial. Mercury, Venus and Saturn give positive result in this Pada.
Fourth Pada: The fourth pada is cancer Navamsa. It is ruled by Moon. Home, material security are the focusing elements here. But, this is the worst pada in Rohini Nakshatra. The native becomes very possessive and narrow minded. If Moon and Jupiter are placed well, there can be positive results.

Ancient beliefs

In Sanskrit, Rohini represents a girl attaining puberty, making her capable to bear children. Rohini thus represents the human soul’s ability for creative manifestation.
It is also believed that Lord Krishna was born with Rohini Nakshtra. As Shri Krishna killed his uncle Kansa, there is a myth that a child born under the influence of Rohini Nakshatra is harmful for the maternal uncle.


Rohini natives should worship cows
Worshipping Lord Brahma is not advisable as per Vedic texts
Chanting the root mantra "Om Rm" and "Om Lrm" 108 times during the lunar transition of Rohini nakshatra reduces problems.
Wearing bright and pastel shades is also recommended.


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