Manglik (Mangal) Dosha
Manglik (Mangal) Dosha
In Astrology, being Mangalik is considered as a Dosh (Fault). In the birth chart Mars is located in the specific houses. Since Mars is considered the planet of war, Mangal dosha creates highly unfavorable circumstances for marriage. In the married life of such persons, tensions, discomfort, unhappiness and separations are very much expected. Most of such people experience disharmony in family life.
How does it occur?
Mangal Dosha is an astrological combination that occurs if Mars or Mangal is in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house of the horoscope. A person born in the presence of this condition is termed a manglik.
What happens in case of Mangalik?
Mars in the 1st house seriously affects the spouse in a given marriage. Both the partners shall enter into conflicts often leading to physical assault and violence in most families.
Mars in the 2nd house brings a lot of troubles to the person’s family life. Both the personal as well as the professional life of a person gets serious disturbances.
Mars in the 4th house results in adverse results in professional life. Often the person will have to shift between jobs. The final outcome shall not be satisfactory. The person shall also experience financial problems.
Mars in the 7th house makes a person highly irritable and ill-tempered. His high energy, shall result in aggressive behavior. There are a lot of fights in the family and between the life partners.
Mars in the 8th house means the person shall be very much lazy. He will be careless and reckless with regard to handling finance and assets and in most cases shall end up losing the parental property.
Mars in the 12th house indicates the persons will have a lot of enemies. There will be several mental problems in the person. The individual might face a lot of financial losses.
We need to know, Mangalik Dasha from the Lagna and the Moon. The Mangalik Dosha becomes effective if it is for both Lagna and the Moon. Manglik dosha if present can't be removed. But, generally Manglik dosha gets cancelled in most horoscopes due to various combinations present. If it is deeply afflicted then effective remedies can be done. However such Manglik person has high self esteem, which often turns into egos. It can pose problems when it comes to going along with others. Since such people aren’t convenient enough to synchronize with their partners (business or life).It’s suggested to find them manglik partners.
Remedies to overcome the ill effects of Mangalik Dosha:
1) It is often believed that the two negatives become a positive. They say that both the Mangalik get married and nullify the effect.
2) To marry a banana tree with milk or a peepal tree. If female, she can also marry a Gold or silver Lord Vishnu idol. Kumbha Vivaah and the Ashwatha Vivaah can be applied for both.
3) The fasting on every Tuesday is considered to be a very effective solution. During the fasting, the Mangalik are supposed to not eat the toor daal.
4) Chanting Navagraha Mantra already known as the Mangal Mantra can help decrease the Mangalik pressure of the Grahas. Chanting the Gayatri Mantra 108 times a day can be very effective with prior to Mangalik dosha.
5) Help in Performing poojas and bhaktis in temples. The reduction of the Mangalik Dosha can be helped by visiting various Navagraha temples.
6) Things like the sword and knife are offered placate the planet Mars. In order to pacify the high negative effect of the planet Mars, we can offer foods like lenthil daal, wheat bread and red stones.
7) Astrologers often advise to wear a red coral stone in a gold ring on the ring finger of the right hand. To keep an orange coloured lord Ganesh idol in the worshipping room and worship it daily with offerings.
8) To get married after the age of 28.The intensity of the dosha can come down if the person under Mangalik Dosha gets married after the age of 28.
9) Feed the birds with sweet.
10) To keep an ivory or elephant teeth at home.
11) To start donating red clothes to the workers who work with the sharp iron items.
12) People believe that a Poojas in the special Mangal Nath temple in Ujjain will reduce the Mangalik Dosha.
These remedies will help you tackle the negative Mangalik Dosha in every possible way.
By Indranil Ray
WhatsApp: 91-9433031757
In Astrology, being Mangalik is considered as a Dosh (Fault). In the birth chart Mars is located in the specific houses. Since Mars is considered the planet of war, Mangal dosha creates highly unfavorable circumstances for marriage. In the married life of such persons, tensions, discomfort, unhappiness and separations are very much expected. Most of such people experience disharmony in family life.
How does it occur?
Mangal Dosha is an astrological combination that occurs if Mars or Mangal is in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house of the horoscope. A person born in the presence of this condition is termed a manglik.
What happens in case of Mangalik?
Mars in the 1st house seriously affects the spouse in a given marriage. Both the partners shall enter into conflicts often leading to physical assault and violence in most families.
Mars in the 2nd house brings a lot of troubles to the person’s family life. Both the personal as well as the professional life of a person gets serious disturbances.
Mars in the 4th house results in adverse results in professional life. Often the person will have to shift between jobs. The final outcome shall not be satisfactory. The person shall also experience financial problems.
Mars in the 7th house makes a person highly irritable and ill-tempered. His high energy, shall result in aggressive behavior. There are a lot of fights in the family and between the life partners.
Mars in the 8th house means the person shall be very much lazy. He will be careless and reckless with regard to handling finance and assets and in most cases shall end up losing the parental property.
Mars in the 12th house indicates the persons will have a lot of enemies. There will be several mental problems in the person. The individual might face a lot of financial losses.
We need to know, Mangalik Dasha from the Lagna and the Moon. The Mangalik Dosha becomes effective if it is for both Lagna and the Moon. Manglik dosha if present can't be removed. But, generally Manglik dosha gets cancelled in most horoscopes due to various combinations present. If it is deeply afflicted then effective remedies can be done. However such Manglik person has high self esteem, which often turns into egos. It can pose problems when it comes to going along with others. Since such people aren’t convenient enough to synchronize with their partners (business or life).It’s suggested to find them manglik partners.
Remedies to overcome the ill effects of Mangalik Dosha:
1) It is often believed that the two negatives become a positive. They say that both the Mangalik get married and nullify the effect.
2) To marry a banana tree with milk or a peepal tree. If female, she can also marry a Gold or silver Lord Vishnu idol. Kumbha Vivaah and the Ashwatha Vivaah can be applied for both.
3) The fasting on every Tuesday is considered to be a very effective solution. During the fasting, the Mangalik are supposed to not eat the toor daal.
4) Chanting Navagraha Mantra already known as the Mangal Mantra can help decrease the Mangalik pressure of the Grahas. Chanting the Gayatri Mantra 108 times a day can be very effective with prior to Mangalik dosha.
5) Help in Performing poojas and bhaktis in temples. The reduction of the Mangalik Dosha can be helped by visiting various Navagraha temples.
6) Things like the sword and knife are offered placate the planet Mars. In order to pacify the high negative effect of the planet Mars, we can offer foods like lenthil daal, wheat bread and red stones.
7) Astrologers often advise to wear a red coral stone in a gold ring on the ring finger of the right hand. To keep an orange coloured lord Ganesh idol in the worshipping room and worship it daily with offerings.
8) To get married after the age of 28.The intensity of the dosha can come down if the person under Mangalik Dosha gets married after the age of 28.
9) Feed the birds with sweet.
10) To keep an ivory or elephant teeth at home.
11) To start donating red clothes to the workers who work with the sharp iron items.
12) People believe that a Poojas in the special Mangal Nath temple in Ujjain will reduce the Mangalik Dosha.
These remedies will help you tackle the negative Mangalik Dosha in every possible way.
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