Purva Phalguni

Purva Phalguni
Purva Phalguni is the eleventh planet among the 27 nakshatras in vedic astrology. It is governed by the zodiac leo or simha rashi. It is ruled by the planet Venus, and hence depicts an atmosphere of love, happiness, pleasure, and sensual delights. Considered to be a powerful nakshatra as this nakshatra is associated with fame and fortune and can open the bhagya or the fortune of the native. This nakshatra also has its twin nakshatra, referred as Uttaraphalguni. It is one of the three twin pairs of nakshatras in our constellation. Purva nakshatra is not only a creator but also a destructor, paving the way for a new creation.

The twin nakshatras are ruled by two Adityas: Bhaga and Aryama. Purva Phalguni is referred as "Bhagadavaita", the meaning of which is marital happiness and prosperity. This is its presiding deity. Thus, the natives of Purva Phalguni enjoy a happy married life, and they value relationships Aryama means a "dependable friend" and it represents the other twin, Uttara Phalguni.


Bed or swinging hammock: The symbol of Purva Nakshatra is a bed or a swinging hammock. The very symbol of this nakshatra depicts pleasure, rest and relaxation. While Purva Phaguni represents the head of the bed or the top, the Uttara Phalguni represents the legs of the bed or the bottom. This very symbol of the twin phalgunis imply that with Purva, the natives are in a relaxing mood, and with Uttara, the natives are in an action mood.
Fig tree: Another symbol is the fig tree, representing relationship, comfort, marriage, fun loving, pleasure seeking, social gathering, sex and bed pleasures.
Animal symbol: Female rat

Positive Characteristics of Natives Born with Purva Phalguni Nakshatra

They are intellectual in their nature and are intelligent
They are very loyal and honest
They are loving, affectionate, compassionate and helpful towards others
They value relationships with friends and family
Being loving and caring, they also enjoy good marital relations
They are very warm and cordial with others
They are inclined towards cleanliness and tidiness
Appearance wise, they are good looking and charming and speak well, thereby attract the opposite sex
Behavioural wise, the natives are known to be cultured, aristocratic and refined, creating a good impression in the society.
Usually they hate disputes as they are peace loving and hence stay away from such situations
And in case if they get involved in such conflict situations, they try to bring about amicable solution without arguing and this is indeed a positive trait that is liked by all.

Negative Characteristics of Natives Born with Purva Phalguni Nakshatra
Natives born with Purva Phalguni Nakshatra also are not without its negative traits. Some negative qualities are as follows:
They at times are vain and become narcissist for their good looks and appearance
Over confidence also lead to arrogance in their behaviour
At times, they become very reckless and make impulsive decisions
Sometime they spend extravagantly which lead them to fall into debts
They are characterized by many transient sexual relationships
They are easily saddened or depressed if they do not get what they want
There is no planning in their works and they are impatient

Careers Aspects of Natives Born with Purva Phalguni Nakshatra
Those born in the Purva Phalguni nakshatra have a strong aesthetic sense.
They love music and other forms of fine arts and do well in professions related to it.
They have childhood inclination towards creative works which they pursue as a profitable source of occupation. Hence, actors, singers, artists, musicians, models are some popular professions of the natives
They become popular for their works in arts and literature.
They do well in theatres , radio and television
Sex and marital therapists, wedding planners, photographers are other recommended professions
They can also do well in government service, as politicians, teachers or professors etc.

Compatibility and Incompatibility
Usually, with the good looks and behaviour, they attract romantic relationships. But to have a blissful marital life, the nakshatras should be compatible. The compatible nakshatras for Purva Phalguni nakstatra are Ashwini and Ardra. The incompatible nakshatra is Magha.

Family life
The family life of Purva phalguni natives is one of pleasure and happiness. The male natives will have a good wife and will have good children and their conjugal life will be a contented one. Usually, they have an arranged marriage. However, the female natives are slight snobbish in nature, which will not go well with others and may create conflicts in the family.

Padas or Quarters

First pada: The first pada falls on the Leo Navamsa. This is governed by the Sun. It represents the self. Will power, educating the minds, egoism, dignity are reflected here. Jupiter, Mars, Ketu, Sun provide favourable results when placed favourably.
Second pada: The second pada falls on the Virgo Navamsa. This is ruled by Mercury. Hard work, enterprising, trade, profits are reflected here. Mercury provides good results here when placed in a favourable position.

Third pada: This falls on the Libra Navamsa. It is ruled by Venus. Creativity, harmony, relaxation, refinement, travel, appreciation of beauty are highlighted here. Sun, with a strong placement of Venus, provide favourable results to the natives here.
Fourth pada: This falls on the Scorpio Navamsa and is ruled by Mars. Intense emotions, strong passions, family life, valour and self-reflection, complexities are focused here. However, with a well-placed Jupiter and Sun, the inner positive qualities can be achieved by the natives.


Poorva phalguni natives should worship the goddess Lakshmi. This will bring wealth in their lives.
Worshipping Lord Shiva is also helpful, especially his lingam.
Chanting the root mantra "Om Cham" 108 times is also recommended.
The native should wear light shade like yellow, pink, white, and pastel.



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