Mars in Vedic Astrology, Horoscope

Mars in Vedic Astrology, Horoscope

By Indranil Ray

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An old woman used to observe fast on every Tuesday. Her son was named Mangaliya. Mangal deity in disguise of a Brahmin came. He told that he is hungry. He would prepare his food. But the woman would plaster the ground with cow-dung. The woman said, it is not possible as it is a Tuesday. She does not plaster cow-dung on this day. The Brahmin said, "Let your son lie upside down, I shall cook on his back." After some thought, the woman agreed to this. She called her son. The disguised Brahmin lit the furnace on his back and cooked food. After cooking, the Brahmin asked the woman to call her son. The woman, in grief, said why he cut jokes. After cooking on his back, he would have died. The Brahmin insisted her to call the son. When insisted, the woman called the son. The Brahmin said, "Old woman, your fast is successful. With kindness, your mind is also full of devotion and faith. May you be ever happy." The deity (Mangal) in disguise disappeared.

In Vedic astrology Mars is known as Mangal, Angaraka and Kuja. These names in Sanskrit mean, "auspicious, burning coal, and the fair one". Mars is a natural malefic planet. Mars' day is Tuesday. He reaches full maturity at age 28. Mars is identified with the Kartikeya, the God of War. He stays 1 1/2 months in each Rasi taking 18 months to complete the cycle. Mars is known as the protector of dharma. Mars goes retrograde, generally after each, 2 years times

Mars is considered as the signifier of masculinity and energy. It represents the physical as well as mental strength for every person. People with strong and well placed Mars in their horoscopes usually take most of their decisions using their brain and logic. Such people usually do not give up to any kind of pressure.

                                                Mars usually signifies the fields requiring courage, mental and physical effort. People in police force, military and para-military forces, fire fighters, sportsmen dealing in the sports which require great physical effort and energy like football, tennis, boxing, martial arts and other such sports. Mechanics, doctors like surgeons and dentists are also come from Mars. It also signifies the gangsters. Mars also signifies younger brothers.

Temperament of Mars is violent, angry and rash. Element governed by Mars is a dry and Fire. It is considered as a male planet. Primary quality of Mars is Tamo Guna or Dull. Caste of the Mars is Kshatriya or Warrior. Directional strength and weakness of Mars is in the 10th & 4th house respectively. Mars rules the natural zodiac 1st and 8th. Determent or weak sign of Mars is Libra. Mars's natural friends are Sun, Moon and Jupiter. Mars's natural enemy is Mercury. Mars is neutral with Venus and Saturn. Mars's Vimshottari Dasha period 7 years. Body part governed by Mars is the Chest. Direction ruled by Mars is south .Season governed by Mars is summer season. A color ruled by Mars is blood red. His gem is Red Coral. Food and flavors governed by Mars is bitter taste. Geometrical shape governed by Mars is hourglass. Numbers as per Numerology governed by Mars is 9.Those that adds up to nine, are governed by it. Negative key words for Mars are arrogant, aggressive, selfish and impulsive.

                                                It is a direct signifier of the blood in the body. It gains maximum strength in Capricorn which is its sign of exaltation and is ruled by Saturn. The 280 Capricorn is his fully exaltation or deep exaltation point. It is also considered very strong in Aries and Scorpio which are its own signs. People having a strong and unafflicted Mars in their horoscope are full of physical energy and courage. Such people have a great fighting spirit. They are usually fast in acting. They believe in actions more than the words. They usually do not give up to failures. They usually have well defined muscular bodies. People strongly influenced by Mars are usually very bold. They are usually very good at taking initiatives. Lawyers & speakers especially usually come from Mars. Most of the war heroes are often blessed by a strong and well placed Mars in their horoscope.

                                               Weakness of Mars either due to placement or due to afflictions from negative planets in a horoscope can bring about great physical as well as mental problems. Mars becomes weak in some signs and it is the weakest in Cancer which is its sign of debilitation and is a watery sign ruled by the Moon. Deep debilitation point for Mars is 28th degree of Cancer. It can also become weak due to its placement in certain specific houses in a horoscope. Serious weakness or afflictions to Mars can bring many problems for the native on the physical as well as mental level. A weak or afflicted Mars makes the native lack in physical strength as well as mental strength. Serious afflictions to Mars from strong negative planets in a horoscope can make the native suffer from diseases. This can affect blood thus causing the native to suffer from blood diseases, skin allergies. This may cause due to excessive heat in the blood. Accidents and wounds which may bring some serious physical concerns. The native may lose some part of his body and may have one or more operations performed upon him. An afflicted Mars usually makes the native suffer from headaches or migraines, general weakness in body, lack of decision making power, getting angry quickly or quick mood swings.

Mars Diseases: It causes eczema, rashes, disorders of the blood and bile, cuts, wounds, electric shocks, gunshots, knife wounds, burns, bruises, anger, hatred, psychic disturbances, poverty, infections, smallpox, plague, tuberculosis, thirst, piles, ulcers, fevers, poisoning, surgical operations, and diseases of the stomach, liver, lungs, nose, and ears.

Copper and Coral can also be associated with Mars. It is also the Karak planet for courage, anger and violence acts

It is powerful in Pisces and Aquarius, Mrighashira, Dhanishtha, and Chitra and its nakshatras. Mars placed in 3rd, 6th, 10th or 11th house is considered beneficial. The 0 to 12 degrees in Aries its MoolTrikona place (sukh [happy] sthana).


For female Mars is the husband. Manglik dosha Vedic astrology has considered Mars as an Ascendant and its placement in 4th , 7th , 8th and 12th house as inauspicious(placement of 2nd ,is suggested by south Indian astrologers for Manglik also ). Mars is a killer of the married life in these houses. Mangal Dosha may be canceled if Mars is debilitated or combust, or the boy and girl both are 'Manglik' etc.


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