Mrigashīrsha Nakshatra

All you need to know about Mrigashīrsha Nakshatra

Out of the 27 nakshatras in the constellation, Mrigashirsha is the fifth nakshatra. Mrigashirsha nakshatra has 4 stars and is referred as the Orion constellation as well. It falls under the zodiac signs of Taurus or Vrishabha rashi (forming the first two quarters) and Gemini or Mithun rashi (forming the other two quarters). This constellation is visible all across the globe and is one of the most clearly visible constellations in the night sky. It is a Nakshatra of Mars and is ruled by the moon.


It consists of two Sanskrit words: "Mriga" which means animal/beast and śira which means head. The word “Mriga” also means forest, garden, a quest to find and a hunter, which signifies a leading force or guide. At times, it is also referred as the searching star. Hence, it is found that the Mrigashirsha-born natives show tendencies of search and quest.

Other names

The other names for this nakshatra are  Chandra or Udupa, which means moon, Arghayani, which mean "commencement of the year", and Saumya, which means "benevolent".

Mrigashirsha Nakshatra Symbols

Antelope’s head: The symbol of this nakshatra is the head of an antelope as the constellation looks like this in the night sky.
Female serpent: The animal symbol of this nakshatra is the female serpent, depicting the sensual seductive nature of the native born with Mrigashirsha Nakshatra.

Positive characteristics of natives born with Mrigashirsha nakshatra

People born under the influence of this nakshatra are very intelligent.
They love to seek knowledge, keen to learn and observe, rightly represented by the other name of this nakshata, the searching star.
In the society, they earn a good name for themselves, and are respected and loved by all.
They have good administration skills
Appearance wise, they have sharp features and are good looking
They are very clear in what they want to do, very goal-oriented and work towards it.
You will hardly find any natives born with this nakshatra to change their jobs or profession as they are focused towards their goal.
They are risk takers and perform their tasks with great enthusiasm, passion and courage
They are truthful, have great strength and strong determination.
They have strong mental abilities and good communication skills.
These natives love to travel
The natives of Mrigashirsha nakshatra love their families and very affectionate to their loved ones.
They enjoy a lot of wealth in their lives.

Negative characteristics of natives born with Mrigashirsha nakshatra

On the negative side, the natives display duplicity traits
Nervousness, restlessness, and fickleness are other negative characteristics.
They can be sometimes argumentative.
At times, they display a superficial nature.
They are known to be good managers or administrators but sometimes they become impatient which may lead them to take wrong decisions and making mistakes.
Though with their good looks, they can attract the opposite sex without any problem, but there might be chances of them being provoked by the other sex easily. This can lead them to infidelity in the relationship too

Career Options for Mrigashirsha Nakshatra Born People

Mrigashirsha nakshatra natives have career options in various fields. They usually do very well in their career or profession when given the freedom to choose the path they want to take in their professional life.
They are good at creative and artistic works, and hence they can be good musicians, writers, singers, artisans, poets, painter, romantic novelists, fashion designers etc.
They can be successful dealers in earth products, gemstones.
Since they love to travel, they can be great explorers, travelers, navigators, map workers, landscapers etc.
Since they love to seek knowledge, teachers, astrologers, psychics are good career options for them.
Being seekers by nature, they can also be good invenstigators.
They are good in communication skills and hence they can be good commentators, salespersons, and advertisers.
Other varied professions include veterinarians, gardeners, farmers, real estate developers, forestry workers etc.

Mrigashirsha Nakshatra Compatibility and Incompatibility
Compatibility factors are very essential to consider among nakshatras to relationships in our lives. Mrigashirsha nakshatra people are restless and they to need to calm down, hence those nakshatras that cool these natives down are compatible nakshatras and these are Ardra , Pushya.

Mrigashirsha Nakshatra Padas

First Pada: The first pada falls in the Leo Navamsa, governed by the Sun. The focus is on being creative and artistic.
Second Pada: The second quarter is the Virgo Navamsa, governed by the Mercury. Strong mental capabilities and good communication skills are seen. The native has humorous traits. But he or she can be satirical and calculative.
Third Pada: The third pada falls in the Libra Navamsa. It is ruled by Venus. The focus here is to explore the mentally stimulating aspect of a relationship. This pada is more elusive.
Fourth Pada: Mrigashira Nakshatra’s fourth pada falls in the Scorpio Navamsa. This is ruled by Mars. The native is intellectual here but also superficial. This pada shows most of the negative traits of Mrigashira.


Mrigasira natives should worship to Parvati
Worshipping the Moon is also helpful.
Chanting the root mantra "Om Em" 108 times is recommended. This is more fruitful when chanted during the lunar transition of this nakshatra to remove problems.
Wearing bright colors is also advisable.


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