Moon is recognized to be the mind in the Vedic astrology. Normally, the mind is known to be volatile in its nature. Moon is known to expand as well as contract in the space, while perceived from the earth. Like its nature, the mind is known for changing its own nature. In accordance with the Vedic astrology, the moon requires support from the other planets in order to procure a stabilized mind. According to astrology, an individual should be having other planets near the Moon in their horoscope with an eye to procuring effective and positive results. In case it sits alone in the birth chart of the individual without the presence of other planets on each side of the moon, the mind is sure to fluctuate, thereby resulting in Kemadruma yoga.

In case a planet, except the sun is positioned in the twelfth house from Moon, it results in the formation of the Anapha Yoga. Almost, 31 various combinations of this yoga can occur. The Sunapha yoga is known to be more of accumulating as well as possessing wealths if planets are positioned in the second house from the moon. Anapha yoga confers more stress on the enjoyment and expenditure owing to the positioning of the planets in the twelfth house from the Moon. Thus, in case a person is born under this yoga, he is sure to be famous, generous and healthy. He will be charming in looks. He is always found to be happy and love to enjoy his life. However, he will be a spender.

Formation of this yoga
This type of yoga is formed in case any benefic planet is present in the twelfth house, other than the Sun, Ketu, Rahu from the Chandra in the birth chart of the individual. For instance, in case Chandra is positioned in the Taurus sign and if Mars is present in the twelfth house from Taurus, which is known to be Aries, it results in the formation of this yoga. People who are religious in nature have this yoga in their birth chart. It is recognized to be an auspicious yoga for people.

Due to the presence of this yoga in the horoscope, the person can be liberal or even an individual ruler. He is sure to be appealing, well famed and sincere. Such people are known to be polite in nature. They have high self-esteem along with an immense passion for the dresses. They have a sense of pleasure. They do not suffer from any major disease and gain success in living a vigorous life. During the later phase of life, the person can face high rejection and there may be lucidness in the character of the native.

With the positioning of Mars in twelfth house from the moon, the native having this yoga in the birth chart is going to be self-controlled, influential, leading, dependable. During the time, the person with this yoga can get engaged in different obnoxious actions. If the person has mercury in the place, the native may turn into first class spokesman in the public. They are highly talented in order to make decisions. They are sure to procure immense skills in different social selections. If Jupiter is placed in the position, the native is going to be helpful and worthy. The presence of Jupiter makes the person candid and strict-minded.

Effects of this yoga
The presence of the venus turns the person to be a deceitful and honorable person. They are considered to be a sweet talker of women. The positioning of Saturn is sure to make the person to node and regret to perversity. In case Moon id is formed under this yoga, the person is sure to be of high self-respect. They have well-formed organs and great behaviors. This type of individuals have a polite voice and they are highly attractive in terms of the looks. They are known to be fanatical in the poetry. He is known to be highly popular and an amazing speaker.

This type of yoga is caused as planets other than Rahu, Ketu or Sun is placed in the twelfth house from Moon. This yoga is believed to provide. Owing to this, in case an individual has this yoga in the birth chart, he may turn into extravagant. Such people are also found to be kind-hearted. They are known to be attractive, popular and honest. They are friendly, passionate, smart and stand in limelight. They have a great status. They are sure to lead a wealthy and prosperous life. Happiness is recognized to be the key point of the yoga. They love to buy new dresses. They will not suffer from any type of incurable diseases. During the later stage of life, people having this type of yoga may turn out to be sober and serious.

In case Mars is positioned in the 12th house from Moon, the native is sure to have Anapha yoga in the birth chart. They are recognized to be good orators. They are known to have powerful and governing character. These natives are found to be charitable. The presence of Jupiter in the position makes the person strict-minded.

If the planets of the lord of the twelfth house and planets that are positioned in the twelfth house are good and strong, there are chances that the person may pay a visit to different foreign places. The hospitalization expenses will be much less. However, during the condition, it is a prerequisite for analyzing the condition of the sixth house. The expense of a person is going to be less and a person will try to enhance the savings. If a person has this yoga in the birth chart, the hidden foes will not be capable of doing any harm.

However, if the conditions of the planets of the twelfth house are not favorable, he will not be capable of getting any profit from the foreign visits. He needs to be careful from the secret enemies. THere will be a rise in the expense. In case all the benefic planets are placed in the twelfth house, the person will not receive any malefic effects.


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