Krittika Nakshatra

Krittika Nakshatra is the third nakshatra out of the 27 nakshatras in vedic astrology. The presence of this celestial nakshatra is marked by a constellation of seven stars, also referred as Pleadius. The ruling deity of this Nakshatra is the God of Fire or Agni and the ruling planet is Sun. Hence, it is considered as a source of tremendous power and energy.

There are two segments of this constellation: one part is associated with Aries or Mesh Zodiac, ruled by planet Mars or Mangal and the other part is associated with Taurus or Vrishabha zodiac and ruled by planet Venus or Lord Shukra. Both these parts have their own significances. The natives born under the influence of Krittika Nakshatra, have thus, the brilliance and splendor, loudness and aggressiveness of Mars and the calmness and beauty of Venus, including being soft and loving.

Being in the enclosure of Agni or Sun God, it is believed that Krittika Nakshatra is a divine purifier, removing all the blemishes from the souls and the world. The 7 stars exhibit an arena of brilliance and brightness, hiding all the dark shades and making life appear beautiful. Basically, Krittika Nakshatra represents courage, awareness and purification.

Symbols of Krittika Nakshatra and their meanings

Symbol: The Razor
Krittika means ‘Cutters’, and is associated more with female power than male power. It is represented by a "The Razor", a cutting instrument, which symbolizes both construction and destruction of mental and emotional impulses.

Animal symbol: Female Sheep
The animal symbol of Krittika Nakshatra is the female sheep, which also has its deep meaning and significance. Sheep is usually the nervous kind of animal, which prefers to stay in herds. The sheep hardly ever fight for their mate. This nakshatra is similar to a female sheep in the sense that though it has the ability to nurture power, it does not know to express its power. Krittika being a female nakshatra requires outer energy to activate her power. Nature wise, she is peace loving.

Positive Characteristics of Natives Born Under Krittika Nakshatra

Natives born under Krittika Nakshatra are usually good looking in appearance, both males and females.
They are famous within their peer circle
Very dignified in their approach to others
Self-motivated, ambitious and goal oriented
They are confident and courageous
Peaceful in nature
Possess good leadership skills and takes pride in what they do
They are also materialistic because of the influence of venus
Honesty, straight-forwardness and their ability to earn trust and respect of people around are other positive traits of Krittika-born natives.
They also have a protective nature and to be of help to others.
Another positive quality is that they are extremely hard working

Negative Characteristics of Natives Born Under Krittika Nakshatra

Because of their straight-forward attitude and sharp tongue, they are sometimes disliked by others
Very unstable in nature
Take time to decide between good and bad, very aptly represented by the symbol, the razor
They are also stubborn in their nature
It is very difficult to please natives born with Krittika Nakshatra
They are impatient and not very keen to accept challenges
They set their expectations too high
Have a child-like nature with a nervous attitude, aptly represented by the animal symbol, the female sheep
They are not diplomatic in their nature and very clearly show their anger or dissatisfaction, which makes them subjects of criticism
They are not very keen to accept the changing needs of time

Career Options for Natives born under Krittika Nakshatra

Since they are goal oriented and have leadership skills, they can be good administrators, leaders, lawyers and advisors
Astrologers say that natives born with this Nakshatra are successful in their careers only when they move out of their homes
They excel in jobs pertaining to medicine, engineering and craftsmanship.
They can also be good artists, musicians, dancers, singers
Any professions related to cutting like as barbers, butchers & tailors, weapon makers, carpenters, fashion designers are also good for the natives
They can do well as spiritual teachers
Magicians, metaphysicians and astronomers are other careers for the natives.

Krittika Nakshatra Compatibility and Incompatibility

Symbolizing the female sheep, Krittika nakshatra is compatible with its male counterpart Pushya nakshatra. Chitra,  Dhanistha, Vishaka,  and Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatras are considered incompatible with Krittika nakshatra as these are symbolic to lions and tigers, which are hostile to sheep. Based on the similar principle, Swati and Hasta nakshatras, symbolized by male and female buffaloes are compatible with Krittika.


Padas or Quarters
First pada: The first pada of this nakshatra is the Sagittarius Navamsa, ruled by Jupiter. Generosity, moralistic, strength, power, will-power, stamina, dare-devil elements are present here. Sun, Ketu, Jupiter and Mars are very prominent in this pada.
Second pada: The second pada is the Capricorn Navamsa. This is governed by Saturn. Ethical values, spiritualism, caring elements are seen. The Moon and Saturn are exalted in this pada, including Mars. But the positioning of Mars is such that it allows the native to depend more on receiving nourishment than providing it.
Third pada:  Ruled by Saturn, this pada falls in the Aquarius Navamsa. Humanitarian, altruistic, learning elements are seen here. No planets are debilitated in Aquarius.
Fourth pada: This pada is governed by Jupiter and falls on the Pisces Navamsa. This pada encourages group work of all kinds in a joyous manner, depicting creative nature. All planets can provide good results here. Venus, Ketu, and Jupiter have the maximum prominence here. Mercury does not find prominence here.


The Krittika natives should worship Kartikeya for positive impact
Worshipping the Sun is also recommended
Chant the Gayatri mantra
Chant the root mantra "Om Im" and "Om Oo" 108 times, especially in the period of lunar transition of Krittika nakshatra to remove afflictions.
Wearing bright colors is also advisable.


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