Mental Health Indicators in Palmistry

Mental Health Indicators in Palmistry

Palmistry is such a wide and comprehensive subject that there is scarcely a topic which is left untouched or which cannot be interpreted by a truly informed palmist. Mental Health is an inexhaustible topic and though touching upon each and every aspect of it is practically impossible, yet we would try to analyse the lines of Life and Head to study the key which can unlock and unravel the mysteries of the mind, though making any such judgement on the basis of only reading the lines of the hand is a futile exercise since extreme stress can push off the ledge, the most sanest of people.

Obvious Indicators of potential Health Problem:

Hand and finger size is abnormally large.
Either Jupiter (Ring) or Saturn (Middle) fingers or Saturn (Middle) and Apollo (Index) fingers are of equal length.
One of the fingers may be abnormally short.
Fingers may be twisted or gnarled which cannot be attributed to arthritis or trauma.
Hands or fingers are extremely rigid and inflexible.
Thumb is either short or deformed or placed high on the hand.
Weak or Absent Head Lines
Chained, broken or islanded Head Lines.
A Simian line on a poorly shaped Hand.
Drooping Head Line with the Saturn finger bending towards the Apollo finger, shows suicidal tendencies and such person may need immediate help.

The major Lines of the Hand which indicate mental illness:

The line which reveals the maximum mental health indications is the Line of Head. It is the beacon of mental concentration, the ability to exert self-control, reveals the kind of mental strength a person possesses. The Human mind has a remarkable role to play in shaping the human destiny. No matter how well-oiled the human machinery may be, everything falls apart if the mind is not able to sync and co-ordinate the faculties properly. The mind cannot function optimally unless and until the brain in in perfect working order and the person possess his ability to concentrate and apply his rational faculities. The kind of mental acumen one can apply will largely determine his future, equips him with necessary self confidence and builds character and influences his behaviour with others.

It is in the nuances of the Head line that the mind best reveal itself and its inner workings. In the same way any abnormality also discloses itself which may be caused due to the impairment of the brain and extending from it affects the Central and Peripheral Nervous System. The Head Line is also known as the Wisdom line and reveals the psychological makeup of a person and his intellectual workings.
Break and Chains in the Head Line: Represents mental ill health and confusion, a sort of disconnection from reality.
Wavy Head Line: Represents a mentally unstable person who is extremely restless and suffers from hyper-activity disorder.
Broken Head Line: Indicates inconsistency in thought pattern and prone to nervousness and mental exhaustion. Also point out to disappointments suffered in life.
Chained Head Line: This indicates an individual who is battling personal conflicts and prone to melancholy, depression and has a problem setting positive goals.
Branched Downwards: Indicates signs of struggle within oneself and an inclination towards depression, sorrow, distress and disappointments in life.
Absent: Though a rare occurrence, yet may indicate detachment from reality, a kind of schizophrenic personality, a mental imbalance.
Double Head Line: Split personality, prone to Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde phenomenon, where one aspect may be quite vindictive, morose or negative.
Faint Line: Poor Memory or absent memory on account of amnesia, Alzheimer or the likes.
Islands: Talks about mental tensions and probable memory loss.
Dots: Suffer from persistent headaches.
Drooping Head Line : Psychotic problems indicated.


2. Apart from that mental health abnormalities also manifest themselves in the Health Line, if it is present. This is rather a tricky line. The absence of it may actually be a positive indication stating no major health complication. The presence if it especially if it is weak, long or wavy may indicate trouble in paradise.

The Health Line starts from the Mount of Mercury just below the little finger to the Mount of Mars situated between the Head and the Heart Line. It is usually present in the dominant hand.

Triangle on the Health Line: This is a definite indicator of mental health issues. If along with this the Head Line is broken or wavy it is a sure shot indication of a severe psychological problem.
Long Health Line dissecting Head Line: It indicates stress and general brain fatigue, especially at later stages of life. Such a person may need rest and perhaps the aid of meditation or medication to calm his mind.
Between the Head and the Heart Line : If the Health line ends between the two major lines, then the brain may be affected by lesions which are a abnormal tissues growth caused by dementia, trauma or infection.
Extending to the Bracelet Line: The person is likely to suffer from some kind of health complication or the other and chances are there that it may be mental caused by excessive stress and fatigue.

Apart from these two Major Lines and their effect on Mental Health, there are other minor indicators which point out to the mental state of an individual.

Tassels: where lines get split up in multiple branches indicate dissipation of energy which take toll on the mental and emotional state of a person.
Islands: Always associated with stress and anxiety related triggers.
Chains: Instability and an inability to take sound decisions in the perfect frame of mind.
Grilles: Criss-crossing lines which form the structure of a grill indicate insecurity, confusion and anxiety.
Dots: Indicate depression or major illness depending on its colour, position and intensity.
Downward Branches: Indicates a fall into negative rut of life.

It is important to note that lines or bad signs on the hands are subject to change depending upon the thinking process and the external circumstances of the person but it is a slow and gradual process and takes time. The good part is that these lines may prove to be a wakeup call to be more alert and conscious of our health and take pre-emptive measures to restore balance and sanity.





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