Mars in 12 Houses By Indranil Ray

Mars in 12 Houses

By Indranil Ray

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The Mars is a significator of brothers, courage, and husband in case of females, desires, and practical nature, independence, and anger, freedom of views, accidents, wounds and operations. Menstrual blood loss in case of ladies etc.

Mars in 1st house: It depicts braveness, rash temper, and freedom of views, respected, rich, powerful, ambitious, aggressive and defensive. Fond of opposite sex. Mars in fall or Cancer in lagna indicates little physical sufferings. It may give headaches and blood related problem. Exalted Mars or in own signs give the native healthy and strong body. Redness on the face. Royal favour and reputation and longevity. If associated with malefic or enemy planet, short life, and less children. He might have biliousness and eye diseases.


Mars in 2nd house: Over generous, extravagant, but earns through hard work, harsh speech, of amiable nature. Avoid haste. Nature will help to overcome the obstacles. Energetic worker. Self earned wealth, money by legacy or marriage. Give and Take method will lead him to success. Desire for sudden gain from speculation and adultery will lose wealth. If lord of 2nd house is malefic or placed in 6,8,12 houses, marriage can be delayed or denied. Mars in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces indicates easy recovery from sickness. If in own or Fiery sign, death of wife and second marriage. If in Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn causes separation, favourable for doctors and lawyers, success to astrologers predicting unfavourable results. First child aborted or fail to survive. Afflicted Mars indicates losses, expenditure, troubles and worries about finances.


Mars in 3rd house: Idealistic spirit, independent view, egoism. Will gain wealth, brave, energetic, rash actions, intelligent, determined, executive ability and learned. Danger of accident during journey. Kind gets royal favour, good health, reputed and gentle. Lean body. If Mars is exalted, one is fortunate. If debilitated or in enemy's sign, one experiences discontent, friendless and without family life. Afflicted Mars develops suicidal nature. Mars develops adultery to the wife. She may be saved if well aspected. Mars and Ketu make one prostitute. Fraud with brothers, feels guilty. If Malefic aspects or conjoins, the brother dies. If Mars is afflicted in 3rd house, it indicates broken education. Danger of using energy, intellect toward wrong directions. It makes one, rebellious nature against authority. Accident during travelling also indicates. If associated with Rahu, escapes his wife, has relations with other women. Mars in Scorpio will give very little wealth.

Mars in 4th house: Mars associated with benefic shows desire for conveyance, strife with brothers and relatives. Stays in a foreign land in scarcity. Mother suffers from bilious fever. Increase in number of enemies. It may make loss of wealth. Troubles through friends and conveyance. In female chart, it indicates long ailments, debility, and painful labour. Want of intelligence, losses by theft, fire or accident at residence. Good aspects give much energy and activity. The matters of 4th house may favour the native. But normally not a happy position. One will be unfortunate at his/her birth place. Domestic quarrels and misunderstanding with family members. Acidity and indigestion may cause a set back to health, loss of property etc. through speculation or otherwise. If afflicted by Saturn, native shows violence, suicidal tendencies. If Mars is not so strong, difficulties at close of life. Victory in war, cruel and in debt. If a benefic conjoins, dwelling in other house. Sound health, homeless, poverty. If exalted or in own sign, conjoined a benefic or friendly sign, the native is blessed with conveyance, home, and long living mother. Mars in debilitated sign or associated with malefic or 8th house lord indicates early death of mother. Mars is significator of land, dwelling houses, and agriculture. Also it is known as destroyer. Afflicted Mars by Saturn or Ketu will cause mental distress, suicide or sudden death by accident or fire.

Mars in 5th house: Avoid excessive impulsiveness and changeability in feelings of love and the use of sexual force. Risk, unfortunate attraction towards opposite sex. For this may result in physical, financial and social loss. The first child will meet with accident, or abortion and if afflicted grief through children. Loss by speculation, occupation of pleasures etc.It Mars is in own or exalted sign, the native is blessed with physically weak son. No pleasures or gain from friends. Perverted, bold, sensual, rich, danger through children. Mars if in enemy sign debilitated / conjoins or aspected by malefics, may cause death of son, reserved, ill tempered, injury to right foot by accident. Death/separation of father. Gets wealth, reputation and children. Mentally sick. But if Mars is conjoined with 6th lord, native is ferocious. Adoption, mindful of discord with own people, liver complaints and wife is in distress. If Mars, Jupiter and Venus are in affliction, it indicates irrational infatuation. Pleasure through games and sports. In women's chart Mars indicates difficult child birth. Excessive feelings. If Mars is exalted, in own sign or benefic aspect, one gain through speculations, lottery and races. Strong Mars makes one officer, who accepts bribes and is trapped. Rahu posited in lagna and Mars in 5th house indicates melodious throat and get fame. Travels, good for doctors and lawyers. Two wives are indicated.

Mars in 6th house: Many enemies but victory over them. Loss of wealth to be recovered. Famous, afflicted health, active, energetic and overdo the things. Disputes and quarrels. Difficulties through servants, employees or subordinates. Avoid rush, simplicity and short tempered. Exalted Mars gives wealth and friends. Afflicted or in debilitated sign makes one lean.

Mars in 7th house: In female charts indicates robust and prominent breast. If strong indicates young wife. It depicts passionate, sexy, intelligent, masculine and forceful character.

Afflicted Mars indicates improper acts and much passion. The male will be under control of his wife. Early love affairs and union. Also indicates quarrels, discord, temperamental differences with wife or husband. Little gain from wealth, journey, home and wife. Also may cause separation, violent death for husband. If Mars is in the enemies or detriment signs, death of wife is certain. If Mars is in exalted or own signs, the above results are modified as good. Separates from first love whereas second love will last till death of either partner. Mars in 7th house in malefic sign or conjoin it, wife has much physical trouble. For adultery, native leave his wife and stay with other women. If associated with Saturn or aspected by it, one is homo /unnatural sex. If with Ketu, one seeks pleasure with other men or women. If aspected by benefics, reverse results.


Mars in 8th house: Not a good position on the whole. It indicates violent or sudden death. Mars alone is not a killer. Note the sign where it has been posited. If Mars is aspected beneficially by Venus or Saturn, the love ideal, established to be true but stained by marital desires. Increase in property through partner / legacies/ inheritance. It increases vitality in the senses. Also indicates excessive partners.

Mars in 9th house: Desire for many sided action, impulse in religion/philosophy. Kindness and freedom of opinion. Powerful in thinking. Cannot tolerate any opposition. Interferes with others where injustice is found. Foreign travels but opposition and violence. Self reliant, concentrate on one feature. The people are great intellectuals, sometimes impulsive. Active, success in law, industrious. industrious, innovative and sell expansion. Wealthy, reputed, lovable, trouble to father, fond of learning, illegal tendencies, troubles from poison and fire. Troubles in voyage. Litigations through disputes. If Mars is associated with benefics, in own sign or exalted, it acts as Raja yoga.


Mars in 10th house: Gain and promotion through business, profession, bravery and industrial tasks. Gain from father and legacy. Forceful, liberal views, learned, loved and admired by others. Love for work, honour. Self made, enjoyment lover, influential. If in enemy house, bold, lives away from birth place, living with low person. Danger to father. Unworthy sons. If this Mars is associated with lords of 9th and 10th houses causes it causes Raj yoga. If afflicted, one is radical in nature, sorrow, riches and happiness, fulfillment of needs. A few real friends. Affliction by Saturn or Ketu causes business failure and difficult employment, and skeptical.


Mars in 11th house: Such persons are of excellent qualities. Courageous, riches and happiness. . Fulfillment of desires and hopes. A few real friends. Social and winning mentality over enemies. Disagreement with acquaintances. Avoid extravagances. The native is unbeatable. Grief through children. Talented and lucky. Verbal, sexy, wealthy, learned and honest. Easily excited. Gets wealth in 24th year. Gains from travels, fire or arms, Engineering professions. If well aspected indicates well relations with friends and gain through them. Love for truth. If afflicted, unfaithful friends and loss through them. If afflicted by Saturn or Mercury, breach of friendship. By Jupiter or Sun indicates difficulty through wrong advice. By Venus/Moon, over lavishness with friends.


Mars in 12th house: Mars is 12th house in not so good but mysterious. In child hood Mars in 12th house keeps the native in trouble. The native is intense, philosophical thinking. Avoid bad mood and remain cheerful. But however, there is danger to injury, scandal, loss or reputation, or troubles through misplaced affections, lack of frankness may cause troubles, liability to imprisonment. The native suffers loss of wealth, thieves, weapons and enemies. Base and depraved by own actions. Desire to extort other's wealth. Left eye troubles and operation. Restless mind, multitude to others. Impolite and aggressive towards family members. Reveal in secret information. Travels in foreign land. Sexy, fond of opposite sex.Native may have pleasures of beds causing loss in finances & reputation. Indicates cuts, wounds and operation also. If Mars is well posited, wound marks are for short duration. If ill aspected they remain for long time and death of uncle. The native is furious, jealous in relations. Throat and ear troubles, disgrace and cruel, unhappy and problems into eyes. Secret enemies, accident prone and impulsive. If afflicted, with malefics, one is unsuccessful. Mars if conjoins/aspects by enemy planet causes injures, going to hospital, loss of wealth, death of mother, troubles to brothers, scarcity and stupidity is indicated.


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