Swati Nakshatra

Importance of Swati Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology
Swati Nakshatra is the fifteenth nakshatra out of the 27 nakshatras in vedic astrology. The nakshartra, represented by the single star Arcturus or Alpha-Bootis in the night sky, the constellation of which is known as Bottis, lies entirely within Libra or Tula sign. The ruling planet of Swati is Rahu and its presiding deity is Vayu, the God of Wind.

Both of these have a tremendous impact on the nature of the natives born with Swati Nakshatra. As influenced by Vayu, the nakshatra is characterized by freedom and restlessness and at the same time strength and gentleness. So, the natives are strong and gentle but at the same time become restless to achieve something. Similarly, under the influence of the shadow planet Rahu, the natives remain self-restrained and to themselves with immense knowledge within them. The importance of Swati nakshatra is balance and natives born under this nakshatra take their time to act. However, it is one of the most auspicious nakshatras in astrology. A lot of rich and prosperous men and women are known to born with Swati nakshatra.

The translated meaning of this nakshatra is "Independent one." The Sanskrit meaning of Swati nakshatra is "very beneficent".


Sprout or young plant: It is represented by a plant that is blowing in the wind, which implies flexibility, restlessness, uneasiness, freedom and agility, the attributes of the wind. The deeper meaning of this represents how the sprout or the young plant tries to survive the strong winds and keeps itself alive.
Coral: It is also represented by coral, depicting the strong intuitive and psychic properties
Male Buffalo: Male buffalo is the animal symbol of this nakhatra

Positive Characteristics of Natives Born with Swati Nakshatra

Though they have a restless attitude, yet they possess a firm composure of mind and strength within.
They become powerful personalities and known to be wise individuals, with strong wisdom and knowledge.
They prefer to remain independent and do not like to stay in any confinements.
They are very well-behaved, with an appealing and strong personality, making them powerful and dominant
They are known to be witty too.
Being honest and men of principals and strict morals, they do not get carried away by others’ wealth and possessions. Infact, the natives are bestowed with lot of wealth and fame.
Swati natives are also kind and helpful to those who need, and in return, receive love from the society.
These people are inclined towards spiritualism, divinity and pious areas.

Negative Characteristics of Natives Born with Swati Nakshatra

One of the biggest drawbacks of Swati natives is that they have a habit to wait for a long time to see the outcome of something they have executed or planned, and this at times work against them because the plan or the result does not get materialize.
They do not have the ability to know their limitations and this leads to loss of money, status and reputation.
Because being influenced by wind or air, the natives also are restless and very indecisive, they are not able to put or transform their ideas to practical work or execution
When they get money, they spend a lot and become a spendthrift
They are temperamental and also critical
They get easily influenced by others
They prefer to remain quiet, which make them reclusive and secretive, which is not liked by many
They do not have much interest in family life
They are stubborn in nature
They never like to share their wealth or possessions with anyone else.
They hate when being criticized
They can go to any extent to take revenge if people are not good to them

Career Aspects of Natives Born with Swati Nakshatra

The Swati natives are sincere and hardworking and put in lot of efforts in the works they love to do or they are determined to do.
Their career path starts after the age of 25 years, 30 to 60 years of age being their golden period
They prefer to remain independent and hence they do well in their own business and trade or as independent entrepreneurs
Presiding deity being Vayu, the natives can be good singers, musicians, especially those who play wind instruments or the organ.
They can be in powerful positions like as diplomats, politicians, union leaders, ambassador, lawyers
Jobs that require flexibility like as yoga instructors, jobs in sports are also popular among the natives

Family Life
The male natives born under Swati Nakshatra most likely do not enjoy a happy conjugal life. For the society, they look like a happy and compatibility couple as they do not discuss their marriage problems with others

The female natives have to compromise a lot on her values because of compulsions in her family life. The female native gets love and affection from her children.

Compatibility and Incompatibility
Usually, the Swati Nakshatra natives do not enjoy a happy married life and hence they need to choose their partners very carefully. Purnavasu, Chitra and Hasta nakshatras are compatible to Swati Nakshatra. The nakshatras not compatible are Rohini and Bharani.


First Pada: It falls on the Sagittarius Navamsa and is governed by Jupiter. Inquisitiveness, restlessness, communication, learning, travelling are reflected here.
Second Pada: The second pada falls on the Capricorn Navamsa. This pada is ruled by Saturn. Materialism, fragility, material growth, stability, personal comforts, business are highlighted here. This quarter is the most grounded among the four padas.
Third Pada: It falls on the Aquarius Navamsa and is ruled by Saturn. Intellectual, creativity, learning, cooperation, goals are focused here.
Fourth Pada: This pada falls on the Pisces Navamsa. It is ruled by Jupiter. Adaptability, flexibility, hardwork, sociability, ingenuity are reflected here.

Praying to Maa Saraswati, the goddess of learning is recommended.
Chanting the root mantra "Om Lam", "Om Am", "Om Ksham" and "Om Aam" 108 times is helpful.
The natives should wear varied, light, and pastel colors for favorable results.



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