Chitra Nakshatra

Chitra Nakshatra is the fourteenth nakshatra out of all the 27 nakshatras in Vedic astrology. It lies within the virgo (kanya) and Libra (Tula) zodiac signs. It is ruled by Mars and its presiding deity is Twashtar or Viswakarma, who is revered as the celestial architect of the universe. Hence, the natives born with Chitra Nakshatra are known to posses innate and inherent qualities of being creative and at the same time they are good advisors whose opinions and ideas are accepted.

Being influenced by Virgo, a Chitra native tries to search for answers from imaginations and illusions. On the other hand, being influenced by Libra, the native relates more to the form and appearance of things. The nakshatra embodies fantasies, imaginations, beauty, and creativity, which make everything look bright, beautiful and attractive. The Chitra nakshatra has a wonderful association with work and craftsmanship of supreme quality which make it one of the most dynamic nakshatras in the universe.

The literal or the translated meaning of Chitra is "Brilliant" or "Distinguished"


Pearl or a bright jewel: This nakshatra is represented by a bright jewel or pearl. The symbol depicts the shining light that is present all within us or the spirit within us to do something bright and glorious. This has a deeper meaning too. Just as a jewel or gemstone is formed under extreme heat and pressure, so also to progress in life in the universe, hardwork, labor, are required before achieving the results of success. It signifies the importance of heat, pressure and force, the necessary elements of creation.
Female tiger: The animal symbol of this nakshatra is the female tiger.

Positive Characteristics of Natives Born Under Chitra Nakshatra

Natives born under the influence of Chitra Nakshatra have some inherent positive qualities such as follows:

Chitra natives are blessed with a divine power naturally
They are highly intelligent and learned
They are peace loving in nature
They provide great advices on the basis of intuition
They are sympathetic and kind towards the needy
Being blessed by Vishwakarma, the natives are very artistic and creative
They are attractive in appearance with a dignified personality
The natives appear much younger than their actual age.
They make great lovers, always well dressed and well groomed
They are born leaders who can make an impact on life
They are spiritual

Negative Characteristics of Natives Born Under Chitra Nakshatra
Some of the negative characteristics of natives born under Chitra Nakshatra are as follows:
They are very emotional and sentimental which make them easily vulnerable
Though they are not selfish, they usually do not bother about others
They have lots of enemies around them and have to remain cautious all the time. The reason being they do not like to be subdue by others
At times, they are considered to be rude, quarrelsome and also stingy
It is believed that since Mars rules over this nakshatra, Chitra born natives remain insensitive to the feelings of other.
They get easily bored
They are self centered
They do not focus enough on saving money

Career Aspects of Natives Born Under Chitra Nakshatra
The native born with Chitra Nakshatra are gifted with natural power of intuition. This makes them good astrologers.
Infact, they are suitable for any jobs that require forecasting or any predictions over a longer period.
They do well in their lives when they go out of their place of birth or in foreign countries
Vishwakarma, being the presiding deity, the natives are great in art, sculpture, design, print making, interior design, painting, photography, music, writing
They can be good architects and jewelers
They can do well when they join armed forces
Police detectives, lawyers, judges, priests, herbalists are other professions of the natives
Till the age of 32, their lives are not comfortable. However, their golden period is between 33 years and 54 years.
One positive feature of Chitra born natives is that they get help and reward in their career from unexpected quarters and the best part is that they do not have to put in much efforts for the reward

Family Life

It is believed that the male native has a great love for his parents and siblings. However, he remains suspicious of their activities.
The natives do not enjoy much love, affection and benefits from their father.
Usually, the father of the Chitra native leads a separated life and the native also stays away from his father and the house where he is born
The native’s attachment is more towards his mother and he is benefitted from his maternal side.
The natives enjoy a satisfactory married life with good wives and children
However, like in all households, there will be occasional ups and downs and friction in marital life
The male natives have to shoulder a lot of responsibilities but are also subject to criticism throughout their lives.
The female native, however, do not enjoy a very happy married life as there is a strong chance of her spouse's death, divorce or separation or complete absence of pleasure from her husband.
There are chances of her remaining childless.
However, many of the natives’ problems can be solved by resorting to astrological remedies

Compatibility and Incompatibility

Chitra nakshatra, symbolized by the female tiger is most compatible to Vishaka nakshatra, symbolized by the male tiger.
Chitra nakshatra is incompatible to Mrigashira and Dhanista nakshatras.
Since a tiger is not so friendly with cow, both Uttara Phalguni and Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatras are incompatible.
On the other hand, buffaloes having affinity with tiger, both Swati and Hasta nakshatras are compatible to Chitra.


First Pada: The first pada falls in the Leo Navamsa. It is ruled by the Sun. Understanding the inner self, personal glamor, practicalities, self expression, secrets, selfishness are reflected here.
Second Pada: The second pada falls in the Virgo Navamsa. It is governed by Mercury. Learning discrimination, self-discipline, ambitions, maternity, duality, discipline are focused here.
Third Pada: The third pada falls in the Libra Navamsa. It is ruled by Venus. Music, arts, exotic sciences, unnecessary expenses, relationships, love are seen in this pada.
Fourth Pada: The fourth pada falls in the Scorpio Navamsa. It is ruled by Mars. Excess energy, ambitions, flimsy goals, secrecy, mysterious and magical qualities are the main elements here.


Worshipping female Goddesses who ride the tiger like as Maa Durga, Maa Jagdamba and Maa Bhavani is very helpful for the natives
Chanting the root mantra "Om Tam" and "Om Tham" 108 times is helpful
The natives should wear bright, attractive and varied colors


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