Anuradha Nakshatra

Anuradha Nakshatra

Anuradha nakshatra is the seventeenth nakshtra out of the 27 nakshatras in vedic astrology. In the night sky, this nakshara is visible as a straight line comprising three stars. The presiding deity of this nakshatra is "Mitra", the meaning of which is the divine friend. Also, it is one of the 12 names of the Sun Lord. That is why, natives born with this nakshatra have all the good traits of the Sun lord and like a true "mitra", they also depict qualities of good friendship. Its ruling planet is the Saturn and it lies in the arena of zodiac sign Scorpio. People born under this nakshatra promote humanity through cooperation and can become great leaders. But, they should keep a watch over their frustration levels and melancholy in their lives.

The translated meaning of this nakshtra is a small spark, a tiny flash of lightening or success. It is also translated into "After Radha" or "Another Radha".

Lotus flower: Anuradha nakshatra is represented by the lotus flower. This representation has a deeper meaning. Like as the lotus flower blooms amidst muddy water, so also, the natives born with Anuradha nakshatra has the patience, perseverance and the capability to overcome all trials and difficulties and ultimately blossom in life.
Female deer or hare: The animal symbol of this nakshatra is a female deer or hare

Positive Characteristics of the Natives born with Anuradha Nakshatra
Some of the positive characteristics of natives born with Anuradha Nakshatra are as follows:
The natives are fun-loving, spirited people, who are well-liked by others.
They are wise and great seekers of ancient knowledge
They enjoy being in the company of others, and hence enjoy social life a lot
They remain focused in their goals and objectives in life
They are known to make great friends and at the same time maintain a loyal and balance friendship all throughout their lives
They have superb organizational skills
They are attractive in appearance and are also very sensual and loving
They have an inherent quality to work with numbers
Later on in their lives, they become very spiritual
They are very hardworking and have a "never give up" attitude towards life
They remain very optimistic even in crisis

Negative Characteristics of the Natives born with Anuradha Nakshatra
Negative characteristics of the natives are as follows:
Though they are very loving and caring and promote balance in a relationship, they lead a melancholy life
They are very emotional persons and have great remorse within themselves
At times, they become untruthful and dishonest
Sometimes they are badly influenced by others and follow their bad advice for which they have to suffer later
They are also rebellious in nature and have anger issues
They can also be jealous at times, which reveal their aggressive side as well.
They get settled in life late and become very successful but success does not come to them easily. They really have to slog a lot.

Career aspects of the Natives born with Anuradha Nakshatra
The natives born with this nakshatra are successful in their lives, earn name and fame, especially through friendships and collaborations.
They are more successful in foreign lands, when they are away from their homes
Infact, even for education, the natives born in Anuradha Nakshatra keep shifting from one region to another
The natives have great business management skills and can be good businessmen
They also love to travel and do well in jobs related to the travel industry
They can be good conference planners, dentists, criminal lawyers and mining engineers
Actors and musicians are other popular professions of this nakshatra
Since they are good in numbers, they can be good mathematicians too

Family life
The males born with Anuradha Nakshatra cannot enjoy any benefits from his paternal side. Infact, he does not get any benefit from his father and occasional frictions between son and father are seen. Even from the mother’s side, there is not much of love and affection for the native, which may be one reason for the native to remain melancholic. And, this is also one of the main reasons why the native settles down away from home. However, the native’s married life will be a complete satisfactory and blissful life. He will get a very good housewife. He will become a great father, taking great care of his children, and his children will become more famous than him

The female native born with Anuradha nakshatra will be a very devoted and religious wife. She will not only be a good wife, but also a good mother, whom everyone can look upon as a "role model" as a mother. She will also be devoted her in-laws a lot, which will make her spouse all the more attached to her.

Anuradha Nakshatra Compatibility and Incompatibility
There might be apparent dissimilarities between Anuradha nakshatra and Vishakha nakshatra, yet in vedic astrology, this nakshatra is most compatible to Vishaka nakshatra.
It is also compatible to Jyeshta nakshatra, the reason being, it represents its masculine counterpart.
Bharani Nakshatra is the most non-compatible to Anuradha Nakshatra.
It is also incompatible to Ashwini and Purva Bhadrapada, symbolized by the animal symbols, horse and lion, respectively.

First Pada: The first pada falls on the Leo Navamsa. This pada is ruled by the Sun. Understanding the inner self, meeting career goals, positive self-expression are focused here. The natives in this pada get intense energy from Mars, Sun, Ketu, and Jupiter.
Second Pada: The second pada falls on the Virgo Navamsa. This is governed by Mercury. Constant learning, discipline, discrimination, organization and group activity are the main focusing elements here. Rahu and Mercury are strong in this pada.
Third Pada: The third pada falls on the Libra Navamsa. This is governed by Venus. The focus is on music, arts and the occult. Planets Saturn and Venus are powerful in this pada.
Fourth Pada: The fourth pada falls on the Scorpio Navamsa. This is ruled by Mars. There is lot of energy available in this pada to reach the goals. Emotional and passionate nature of the native is also reflected here. Ketu, Sun and Jupiter are in favorable positions here.

Worshiping the Sun Lord is very helpful
Worshiping the 12 Adityas, particularly Mitra is also recommended
Chanting the root mantra "Om Am" and "Om Im" 108 times is advised by astrologers
The natives are advised to wear light colors


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